/dlg/ - Duel Links General

Duel Links General #224

Feet Edition

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Latest News
>A selection box that contains staples from old boxes is out now. Better open your wallet if you want anything good out of it.
>Zane is roaming Duel World (GX) until the 16th
>Little Yugi will be added to the gate in the next few days
>Lots of skills are changing in the 24th of January. Check the ingame list for specifics
>Woodland Sprite/Bamboo OTK will likely be nerfed before the KC cup
>Expect a PvP Tag Duel event late January

Useful (Duel) Links
>Sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc. (Partially outdated but it's the best we've got.)

Future content (No release date but it's in the files)
>Syrus, DINO DNA, Sartorius, Yubel, Solomon, and Tristan have the most data and are likely the closest to coming
drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8mP_fxnqSU3NDVQ (Voice lines contain proof of new summoning mechanics)

Android emulators (or just use the Steam version)

A few tips for new players
>You can change the resolution of the Steam version with DuelLinksConfiguration.exe in the game folder
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>When sending Vagabonds, always choose the 1 card challenge because it gives the most XP.
>Decide on what deck you want to build before spending gems.
>Level up Mai, Keith, Alexis and Odion first to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua, Metalmorph, Spell Shield Type 8 and Curse of Anubis respectively.

Other urls found in this thread:



post storm neos decks NOW

Way to start a thread OP.

The time has come, and so have I

I love cucking meta fags with silent magician fuck your enemy controll shit

Don't give up user


t. silver

Zane finally dropped the 3rd chimeratech so I'm finally done with this shitty event

*Teleports behind you*

I fell like I got screwed with this new pack

>1 electro
>1 gozuki
>2 dark horus
>1 kuriboh my 4th
>2 xing zhen got 4 now also
>2 destruckton
>1 red eyes zombie
>1 order to charge, my 4th

why did you open it if you got a decent collection? fucks sake

It could have been way worse like mine ;_;

the motherfucker has only given me one so far.

>mfw lvl 57 duelists are easier than 51 and 45

Not sure if good or bad, i need 40 of those comeback victories.

>Have of them
>Still not firm as the EARTH skill
Fucking Bastian I swear

>vagabond using bamboo

I want galloping gaia

>tfw not a stagelet anymore
>tfw still need a couple characters at 40 but you have all the good drops/skills from gates
What do



what deck should i use if i want people to know i believe in the heart of the cards?

Give me laser dragons already

Dangerous machine type 6

Keep farming at the gate, if you have all the skills just means more gems.


>tfw 2 Laser Dragons and Cybernetic Fusion Support, but only one Zwei and no Repair Plants
I thought maybe this'd be fun to mess around with once I located some decent supporting cards, but if I can't even get the half decent drops there's no hope

>Prismatic UR
>shit list

>not picking a prismatic magician girl

>language (audio)
>in-game text
Looks like you're on the wrong option.

oh shit OG blue eyes

Well they are all shit
What a surprise

No it's the good one the menu just hides it, you ironically have way more options available for the game text.

shit ur list, as expected

>full page of wins up to plat 5 with HF beatdown
time 2 get gatekept by bamboo

What exactly were you expecting? Box UR inside?

>garna is shit
>riryoku is shit
>embodiment of apophis is shit
>relinquished is shit
>kaibaman is shit
How's the game treating you you metacucks? Have you tried using your brain to make a custom deck?

I got you dude, Storm Neos is the people's champion
2x Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight
2x Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin
1x Neo-Spacian Hommingbird
3x Cross Porter
2x Elemental Hero Neos
2x Miracle Contact
2x Contact Out
2x Enemy Controller
1x Impenetrable Attack
3x Beginning of Heaven and Earth
Extra Deck:
Elemental Hero Storm Neos
Elemental Hero Aqua Neos
Elemental Hero Neos Knight
Skill: Last Gamble
Optional Skills: Restart

What is gift of the martyr and no the magic card works because its face down

>2x Gaia

Fuck. How can I get my hands on that? I have the rest needed.

all those butthurt fags and i'm here happy i can get a prismatic OG blue-eyes

I did, I will get the OG later
I expect a different list since SR have Union attack and Wetlands

fuck you
im leaving

Different list from what? Ranked? Because these lists are different from ranked. These are similar to the GX gift tickets which also had Union Attack

Don't you guys think Last Gamble is too good?

Same. With arkana becoming popular I'm glad I can snag a Prismatic OG DM to go with my Prismatic chink Dark Magician

The only card worth getting with prismatic UR ticket

Same, now I have 3 different Blue Eyes art.

yeah I love keep rolling those 1s!

DMG is literally best girl and 100% kino
Faggots not welcome.

>discard 2 cards
>pay almost all your life points
>roll a 1
fuck no

>underestimating -6 cards

*discards dark worlds*

Give me a reason not to

That's not how Dark World works.


>Dark Magician with different art, Dark Magician Girl because or a second Ryryoku for Cerberus farming?

Because there are 4 star beaters with better attack

blue eyes

delete this

What do I spend my tickets on? Damn it.


I have 3. I don't need him to be prismatic.

cards you can't farm wetlands, alt arts etc

she's bland as fuck, and she's LITERALLY a meme waifu

there are countless hotter monsters in the game/show she's just the most well known because of DM

mainstream recognition is her only strength, having DMG as your waifu would be like having fucking pamela anderson or beyonce as your waifu the only thing special about her is the number of faggots who are fooling themselves and others into thinking there's anything special about her

dubfag nostalgiakids only like her because they haven't seen the show in years and they want to latch onto one of the few things they actually remember

if you post shit like "DMG is best girl" you're a twitch emote spamming abridged series watching redditor who needs to commit suicide

>assblasted waifutoddler thinks we like flat chested dubmagician girl and not perky sexy Japanese DMG
Stop posting anytime.

lmao look at this weeb get triggered over a waifu

Did you read the card?

Chazz pls stop

The Chazz doesn't care about DMG.

First of all there's a reason why she is the most popular girl and it has nothing to do with being mainsteam, get your hate out of here.

And how the fuck do you even ironically use whores like pamela anderson or beyonce in any reasoning? I think you're the one trying to come up with something hateful about a girl loved by everyone and this is why you come out as rude, uneducated and mostly wrong.

Fuck this shit, only 2 days left and the fucker just won't givemehis cards.

shut the fuck up faggot there's nothing special about her in the jap version either

i just started a couple months ago
considering using my UR ticket on relinquished since i don't see opportunities to get more of him
but the deck recipies i see for it use 3 of him, is there still a way to get him that i'm just missing? is it even worth building a deck with 3?

Just get whatever you want, they are constantly giving us tickets.

what's the reason then?

yeah DMG isn't a whore like them because she isn't real but she's still generic as fuck

literal vanilla starter waifu

it's like saying pikachu is your favorite pokemon

>considering using my UR ticket on relinquished since i don't see opportunities to get more of him
You can grind for cards like Blue Eyes, Dark Magician / Dark Magician Girl, and Relinquished at the Gate.

You’re just a bootyblasted contrarian faggot who thinks popular means bad.
Stop posting anytime.

>can't criticise something if it's popular and/or popularity is a part of the dialogue

Rate my dragon deck

>literal vanilla starter waifu
Listen you little shit there has been tons of potential waifus before she even came out. There is no complex reason, she came out on top because she is the best, simple as that.

But you just want to hate her because you're probably one of those
>i don't like it because everyone like it

You are welcome to criticise, you are not welcome to decide what others should and should not like you authoritarian waste.


it's a unique IP you dumbass.

what the fuck am I looking at user...

Doesn’t matter, fortunately it was a blanket statement rather than a targeted one.

Waifufags begone

>activates Xin zhen hu
>failed, You lose
what the fuck happened

>you authoritarian waste.
Despite speaking as if you had a clue, you're sadly straight-up lying. Interesting to see how by just posting twice, I can immediately get someone to show how retarded they are.

You'll probably continue to chimp-out, but at least re-read the last few posts.

oh i didnt know he was a gate reward
nevermind then

I've seen this post about 400 times.

And no one seems to realize the AI isn't smart enough to use it, so him running bamboo shit isn't even a big deal.

>damage control
>reddit spacing

You can just run regular Gaia.

I dont think it would affect much considering its mostly just going to be dumped to the graveyard.

>No Blue Eyes
What's the point?

>he doesn't know shit about formatting or writing

>Bamboo Vagabond
>Start with 1k LP
Excellent Dueling.

I need a good control deck. Anyone got a list?

>There are people who actually wasted their prismatic ticket on a card other than Neos

>Vagabond mill 13 cards of his deck
>Summon Sprite as his lack action of the duel