Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1612: Mimorin Scandal Edition

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JP: HonoRin Nakadashi Match/UR Nico Scouting
EN: NozoRin Chafes

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Other urls found in this thread:

Umi is love

Umi is love.

For Mari


You could have at least used a different pic for the OP.

Umi is loving a wrestler


What is worse idea:
throwing 30lg on pana 1st step and getting 1 s seal
or throwing 30lg to rank up?

Pick your favorite raibu


How long do we have to wait for a drawing of this?

The first NicoPana child.

Umi's daughters are so cute

Kotopana's child looks retarded with that hair.

Love gem for rank up is by far the worst.

At least doing the step-up scout will give you Blue Tickets and some seals.

Mako and Kiko.

Youko, Hanako, and Karin all look cute.

How many of seiyuus are raging lesbos who signed not to come out cuz sales would plummet
Its a bullshit they're all straight, entertainment industry always hides lot of gays

b-but it's 500% exp and I'm a lplet under 150 rank...

yeah, she should have long hair with Pana's bangs

>How many of seiyuus are raging lesbos
Zero of course.
All people are straight by default

honomaki is cute and cool!!

Ignore the troll, I'm gonna end up spending like 80 gems for those songs. You also get seals from reward box that will end up as BTs.

So does this mean Umi merch will be for sale at cheap prices?

How long until we have porn of this?

>Okakada doing umi while doing the rainmaker pose
>Umi getting railed and doing that eye roll face

Probably zero because the japanese entertainment industry is not little israel

Dia is a miracle of the universe!

song of the day

more like Seamaker


I love my goddess!

Please don't shitpost with Dia.

Kenny is a cutie

Nanjo and Kussun
Ainya, Shuka and maybe Aiai

Was shitposting with Dia part of your plan?

There no way Ainya doesn't ride different cocks every week.
Nanjo and Kussun are just very good friends.
Shuka and Aiai being gay doesn't make any sense

Honomaki kids are adorable.

I love Dia!

It’s just bait.

>kotori and nico hybrid

Wrestling Umi UR when?

EliNico's 1st daughter.

I love Kankan!

>T1 score almost at 1 million

2nd KotoHono child is the perfect waifu- I mean, raibu.

>Ainya riding me
>wake up
Life's hell, lads.

>he isn't already safe for T1

t. nu-whale

What did Mimori do?

Pissed off flips for being horny

She found happiness.

Dating a pro wrestler.

Made her dreams come true.

Succeed in life and as a woman

Don't care. It's better for you.

I spent well over $250 last year and I'm only good for T2 with a decent combo in one attribute because it's an all UR/SSR team with 3x sk3 URs with charms and 4 slot SSRs with veils, plus a skill 3 healer with a heal SIS. A little center skill minmaxing would make it safe for T2 with a less decent combo. Idolizing URs and going past skill level 4 for them, getting more URs, and skill leveling any remaining SSRs is the only way forward at that point. It takes a long time just to accumulate SIS and skill points, even if you're lucky with cards as a freefag or dolphin.

This is a whale's game for sure

>not gay

So when will angry otakus put up Umi merch for sale at really low prices?

I was actually close to T1 when it was at 970k but that was my absolute maximum. I'm not really complainining because my team is flops only.

It already started

Give it a few days for things to start popping up on Mandarake. YAJ might already have some stuff.

Reminder that Umidah saved SIF EN

If you're around rank 150 you shouldn't be higher than that. The game is balanced that way. Have fun in T1 when you've been playing long enough to be rank 200.

Klab could really increase SIS drop rates and make skill leveling easier though


Kiss Umi.

Calm down, Okada.


Can we get a discounted scouting for Umi as well?

March 15

>Decent combo

There's your problem. FC's or near FC's are basically requirements for score tiering. I've T1'ed multiple events with a worse team rarity-wise. Also, optimize with your center skill. Too many people get so caught up with having scorer UR's that they don't realize that just smart teambuilding can carry you some way.

haha wrestlers

>Umifags are cucks

Decent combo = missed one note a few off from the end

>optimize your center
I check both team builders and the gains are extremely marginal until I luck out with more maki/nico/eli or nico/eli/nozomi scorers at which point they're slightly less marginal

Skill leveling and good SIS are guaranteed, eventually. Scouting luck isn't. People forget this when they say "just magically get a 9/6 lol you only need one XD".

>get 2 China dress lily white bonuses this morning
>Fuck up the FC both times

>cucked out of SIF poll
>cucked out of real life

That actually sad. I genuinely wonder how much emotional energy one must invest in a waifu purity fantasy involving a VA that when the VA starts dating someone, they go full autist and start misbehaving or raging in full view of the world. At least her real fans are happy for her

I suppose the saving grace in all this is that creeps like them will never breed

Caress Umi

Shut the fuck up fuucuck


I already feel better. Thanks user. Have a soft, huggable Umi


But she's a dime a dozen idol

>rolling for hags

The LL memes are too real.

Don't reply to me you piece of shit tripfag.

Now way I can clear 120 times snow halation.

Kiss Umi

Flop step scouts are rare af

>support klabs stupidly expensive scouts
>not just saving for birthdays and the occasional limited aqours step-ups for better luck with team building
I have to hit All the second years, Nico, and Maki every year to have a chance, and go really heavy on Honk's. It's a good thing I like honk.

>William Shatner
>Kazuchika Okada
>Miyata Toshiya
Feels good to be ELITE

Anyone doing nakayoshi?

Feels good to be cucked, I would say

Umi is a slut when she used to be pure.


umi is the favorite you name when you don't really like love live or don't want anyone to know you're super into it, so you pick a conservative looking girl so people think you have taste and aren't just a raging waifufag

>oh yes umi i admire her for being such a strong and sensible women haha, if i had a daughter i'd want her to be like umi
>they must never know about how much I love you, hanayo...

I'm not cucked. Umi is still my wife and Goddess. Mimo just gave the Goddess voice when she needed it

I'm up for it but I'm a miclet so I won't host.

Smart Umifriend.

Was looking for matches earlier, post room

Stay salty panafat.

You may think she's your wife, but she is everyone's wife.

Nico and Pana!