/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2625

Please come back edition

>Recent News
Kirin and dong weapon 4*'s
Qilin and Huanglong Changes - 1/10 - Gold Bar droprate increased for Host but will be removed from MVP Chest.

>NewbieFest 01/10-01/25
Daily single gacha ticket starts 01/11
1.5 RP and EXP for Ranks 100 and below(Non-HL)
1/2 AP and BP
1/2 Free and Extra Quest
All Elemental Trials are open during the period

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January:
12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You
1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses)
1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

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Post Vira

Noa is a boy, Rackam...

Host ubhl.

Host anubis!!!

let's just stay here for fucks sake

Give me a way to post raid code without the two biggest leeches joining and I'll do it at reset.

Ship's are called with female pronouns
Noa created the Grandcypher, and isn't the ship itself

But he's talking about the ship!


which senran do you bless us with?

why does that autist keep using that ferry op

Why do you do the things you do /gbfg/.

I declare this thread the one true thread!

>two biggest leeches
Who? Dante and?

>giving my daily host to discord trannies and attention whores
Yeah, no.

Imagine not only being banned from a chinese phone game for burgers but also being BANNED from a shitposting discord for being a retard.




Hibari, Katsuragi or Asuka

Because I love you

Because being annoying on a japanese mobage for attention is the only way I can feel good about myself.

Post fundoshi!

Mirai is the only option.
Gun proficiency.

Because Vira is pretty

Who it should be: Asuka
Who it would be: Yumi

JK 3/6 DK, gao, sage

see how easy it is to stick to a non-cancerous thread when you just don't blindly follow the leddit shitter making the shit ferry ops, it's 404'd already

imagine being this obsessed about some literal who that you have to post his drawing every time

Homura or Leo

A 12/10 beauty.

So how did Holsety manage to get banned from a discord that lets degenerates from every walk of life go rampant?

What is the better grab, the longdong spear or the fist?

>just a kirin
>not a u baha hl

imagine being such a baby you leave the discord and private your twitter and gbf profile.

The green haired one that makes my dick rock solid like no one else.

thanks guys

How can (I), a member of the gbfg council carry (You) the host if some other nigger joins and dies in 3 seconds?

I wont because I lack fragments

you sure love him a lot, user. why don't you confess your feelings to him? no need to display such a pathetic attitude.

He got blocked by the trannies and then screamed at the mods to make the trannies unblock him

I spent the entire time panicking and not knowing anything, I'm surprised I didn't die. I can host another privately if you'd like.

where is mizako?

Homura, Mirai, or Hibari. Yumi is a good choice too.

Siegfried = Percival > Vane >>>>shit >> Lancelot

Vane > Siegfried > Lancelot > Percival

i didnt even know den was an artist when he WAS in the gbfg discord

so who would he show his pictures to to the point where someone ended up being a leaking faggot about it other than another cowfag member?

Shit taste
Siegman > Lanlan > Vane > Percival

Leo or Yuyaki

Discord is a mistake

They are reddit, frankly.




>overslept and entire day

Did you sleep for 24 hours?

>Korwa is unusable in Ubaha
>Wow she sux now
>Backwater Lad is unusable in Ubaha
>wow he's so sugoi kakouwee

Really makes you think.

Wuv wuv

It's nothing but a tranny hugbox, and still they have to bring their shit out here too.

just farm extra 10k pendants nerd
if you're an oldfag with shop nuggets done then get fucked LMAO

He overslept a lot

I took a nap after lunch with 5 baihus left to clear it

>Backwater Lad is unusable in Ubaha
Says no-one?

>been leeching Proto Bahamut since magfest started
>still no selfie drop
I can't take this anymore. I even had to buy soul berries with the moons I got during new years.

Host it here, we'll clear it this time together!

1. Seig, CORE
2. Percy. hes very good, but fire is drowning in A+ pussy why should i put him in my front row?
3. Vane, i still need to level mine
4. Lol, cmon now

Wait what, I thought I had to host the raid to get the summon.

Post id

Bring Vane down a little and you're right. Siegfried and Percival have at least a little character besides being gay for each other.

What are your favorite quests?


but you gotta admit, its a pain babysitting his enmity after every turn

Hey cutie want some stickers?

what did he mean by this?

> This cutie got Ayer before I did

Every single magna + hard raid, TE, AH, and the papers quest.

I guess it's time to do Arcarum!

I want you to stop posting such trash girls holy shit

Click his skill 1 once at the start of the fight.
During AoE phase, use counterstance.
Apart from that, use his 1 again when the buff runs out.
Key is not to over enmity since it's a longer fight and not always easy to get enough heals if you click skill 1 too many times.

Kirin, almost dead

Am I crazy or do Arcarum Hard enemies ALSO have Elemental Resistance?

this one?

It's fine, I don't want to risk someone else coming in to leech wasting everyone's time again. Thanks to everyone that tried though, it was close.

Someone said gbf-wiki had the inherent passive bonuses for character types: attack, def, bal, and spec, but all I can find is the cosmos bonuses to these types.

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking under on here. Does anyone know?

Back to discord you trannies go.

Legend, slotted right in there.

Just GZ broskifampaitachi

idk i just sarasa all of the things

Remember to support the english community


my shirt is clean and i have no cat ears, jokes on you

Yes, she's an instant boner.

Why are you calling the newfag a tranny?

You had plenty of time to nuke it, thanks for not doing so!

Why the FUCK does SRosamia fucking DAB in her victory animation? Did Walder teach it to her in their cross fate?

is cheers for good work!

At what rank did you uncap your first eternal, /gbfg/?

105 here.

he has a closet tranny fetish

Give me a month and I'll let you know.

i legit dropped that mobage when i failed to get her with that truckload of crystals they gave out

116. Working on my 2nd one now