/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

Very intelligent german girl with attractive lower extremities edition


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Playing Siege well with only 60 frames per second is actually impossible

Yeah it's not awful but I see a lot of people putting it up on top when it's just okay.

I'm improving!

What should I buy to get started?

complete edition

Here's a quick rundown


i want to sniff caveira's spicy butt.

If Mute were put into the game now, his jammers would be hand-thrown and instantly activated, and he'd be much better off for it

Bros im really afraid what ubi might do to Mira since pro-player tryhards seem to pick her all the time for defense.


Can I use that as an excuse?

i want mira to shit on my chest


I'm degrading. My friend is now doing better than me and he's trash at everything but fighting games.

When are we going to get a Legendary uniform for a Shield op?

When they're removed from the game.

>those huge titties

When it's done

>He can't deal with Blitz and Monty
Fucking coppers

Fuze technically is a shield op right? My Montagne has that cool knight helm which I think is good enough. I want a skin for Bandit that makes him even more 80's looking. Like the one castle got for that Farcry thing.

There's a difference between a shield op and an op with a shield

ah yes, the shitter train of thought.

ok ok damn. SORRY!

>get matched against a 4 stack
>2 plats and gold shitter and a bronze or whatever the fuck that is
>they have a clan tag
>my whole team is gold
>only my friend and i are premade in it
>i have to carry the game to 3 - 3 first and then get the 5 - 3
Jesus christ, this game sometimes and the matchmaking is so garbage

>got a hold of C8 recoil using holo
>try using acog
>need to relearn everything

Is it even worth it? I was snapping out those flick heatshots with the holo, but what would get me is trying to kill targets in dark rooms behind cover, which is where acog helps.

>when your team runs ahead of your shield and doesn't check corners

if you learn to control recoil with ACOG, you dont need to learn to control with holo.
if you really want to put effort into getting gud with buck its worth it since hes by far the best soft breacher in the game and the only one that can go for floorbang plays.

>start doing good
>two actual kids join
>One says an intro to a video
>they both just scream and teamkill

>M45 exists solely because Thermite was a Marine
>it's absolute dogshit

I don't get it. Why even bother?


I had that happen once. They were like "EVERYONE GO RECRUIT WITH SHIELD LOL!" me and another guy said no and chose "real" ops. They tk'd use as soon as the round started while screeching into the mic. Of course they died seconds later to a peeking Cav and Jager.

>little kids calling each other squeakers and tking each other

>join a game
>super loud, Wii Remote quality microphone "KICK THIS NIGGA"
>kicked before I even load in

>One says an intro to a video



I just joined another match, he did it again.

Does Frost need a buff?

i want to give IQ's toes a healthy whiff!

Considering that she has the highest winrate despite a tiny playerbase?

no, only waifufags think their waifu needs any sort of buff

I play twitch with the marksman rifle
am i making a mistake


It's pretty fun IMO


use the F2

it's one of the best guns in the game

DMRs can never be as good as ARs. they're not even really fun to use considering you can't shoot barricades open. it's extra bad with twitch's DMR because it's arbitrarily got a 10-round magazine when all the other DMRs have 20

>one of

>DMRs can never be as good as ARs
Unless the AR is shit like BB's

I feel the same, user.

Alright, I'll grab the f2 for serious siegeing then, don't want to pick up bad habits


>jumping outside as defender by mistake and getting 2 kills while panicking trying to run back inside

>Tfw on Kanal and Kapkan jumps out of the first floor window and gets shot by me and a Zofia as he falls and says we're both reported and leaves

>putting a suppressor on mute's MP5 for roleplay purposes even though it's less efficient in game

>set up perfect ambush
>catch them by surprise
>they spazz out
>turn around and headshot you
FUCK my aim
tho i had similar situations
>get shot by roamer from behind
>spazz out
>turn around kill them in oneshot

I actually ran into a mute doing that and he was a pain to kill.

No it’s not

>Mute is not actually mute
One job Ubi


Actually you're retarded.
>The Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops Helmet is a combat helmet first employed by the U.S. military in 1983 and eventually adopted by many other military and law enforcement agencies internationally. The shell is made from 19 layers of Kevlar, a ballistic aramid fabric treated with a phenolic resin system and is rated at a Threat Level IIIA as per DARPA, USMC, and U.S. Army and offers protection against shrapnel and ballistic threats. It meets the 1800 requirement of MIL-STD-662 E. It weighs from 3.1 lb (1,410 g) (size extra small) to 4.2 lb (1,910 g) (extra large).

>3.1 to 4.2 pounds
My motorcycle helmet weights that much.

that helmet does not stop bullets

Give me your operator ideas, no judge

>threat level IIIA

Guy with ladder


Sometimes you get meme'd on, sometimes you meme on

>ela can detonate a mine while injured but smoke cant
Seems legit.

It doesn't make a huge difference anyway.

fake as shit

Nice try Ubi

A tribal lady with half her hair buzzed off and face tats and a blow gun

That's like the same color as GROM

they also advertise tanks to have working NBC filtering systems.
helmets dont stop bullets at the CQC ranges you have in siege dummy.

>do you know da whey
>do you know da whey
>do you know da whey
>do you know da whey
>I spit on you
>spitting noises
>spitting noises
>spitting noises
>spitting noises
I would say just kill me but these kids do that already.

What kind of moron would come up with that

seals and gsg9 are both yellow



Map vote when

Ha, actually made me chuckle

i'm glad ubisoft is expanding its neurodiversity with autistic operators


any hopes for a sale on the game anytime soon? bout to buy the starter pack for full price


It's pretty gay how long concussion effects last.

It was on sale a couple of week ago, you will need to wait for the next Steam seasonal sale, pls do not buy the startet

why not, the only option being to farm for operators would be an additional reason to play

Literally being fixed next week fag

Just get the full version on G2A

No it's not nigger.

It's not fun when there's 20 base ops and currently 16 + 8 more coming DLC operators when it takes 80~ games to unlock one operator without taking into account attachments which are a requisite to play

>they killed me my dudes
>found the hostage my dudes
>im going to try and spawnpeek my dudes
>dont worry retards i'll carry you my dudes

drawfag here, hit me up with some meme ideas

if there's some solid base ops, I see no prob

at the end of a day its a shooter

Ying and Fuze fighting and the other operators are holding them back

draw a new meme operator, something really retarded like one with a half shaved head and a blowgun and tribal tattoos

frost trying to get kapkan jealous

A guy who places swinging pendulum axe blade traps and wears a medieval executioner’s hood

frost but she taped a gu mine and kapkan trap to her mat


Isn't there one like this in the booru already?

why do people think "causal" means "don't play the game properly whatsoever" (no communication, not playing your operator correctly i.e. not breaching with therm/hibana, etc.)