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rubba dub dub

Don't tease the octopus, kids!


Fuck off pedo

Remember that time Y'shtola became a Miner?


Your local goth gf is here.


Redpill me on Lily Celestine

She's actually 50

How are you doing, are you comfy today?

i love seto

Is there anyone on gilgamesh who wants a female lala to pump and do content with


can you fanta

Facts about Aika Tsunderie (Colin Williams), confirmed information:

-contributed to the downfall of rareX, forced himself there for years
-ERP slut collector, transferred Milla Valentine for erp under the guise of "raiding"
-phoneposts and samefags about cat feet
-goes on temper tantrums on Veeky Forums, discord, and in-game at the same time
-the first thing he did after getting called out for being a 17th percentile shitter was to switch to scholar and act like dps doesn't matter
-shilled Balmung as the "best server" for raiding in the /v/ thread last night
-spends 30 minutes posting about how booty blasted he is over an austrailian D A I L Y

Rumors, to be confirmed, but very likely
-continues to give parts of his paychecks to Vjera (a black man pretending to be a tranny into findom)
-is in to NTR and lets his "boyfriend" Shana sleep around
-got on Skype Webcam and masturbated for Aaron "Paks" Dodds
-is not even trying for 4.0 progression despite being "the best in the world"

I'm very comfy, thanks user. Hope you are, too

try making a good character a

Maybe if you'd stop being obnoxious about it. Don't spam too much or people will get tired of it and you'll never get anything.

its a generic diamond dozen cat


I don’t mind being generic much, but you’re right

you should really keep it down

Almost level 50 now. Debating on running POTD or just doing MSQ to get there.

I haven't played in a quite a while and want to get back into monk, are there any resources that show rotations? I can't really remember when to use riddles

never played this but really like the MMORPG parts of Destiny, How do I get a feel for this? Download the demo from Steam? I've heard you shouldn't buy the Steam version.

Does anyone know what happened to dumbcat? They talked about suicide and then never posted again.

play the trial

You can get the free trial off the game website.

Hopefully they did it. They were dull as fuck and their only thing was "come jerk off with me on my dead server".

Who is dumbcat?

I could but that’s no fun
What would you want me to fanta to

I've got the perfect way to buff BLM without making it OP.

Just make it so that firestarter and thundercloud are triggered at a rate of 100% of the time while standing within ley lines.

What does the Non La look like on cats?

I miss Shana. They where so sexy.

i was jk, you should play whatever race you want.

What happened to him?

Shana was good, had quite a bit of fun with them


shamed off of /xivg/ after being exposed for jerking it with paks.

What about ingame?

same thing. after being exposed people made fun of him and he eventually quit.

>ywn forcefeed poyo

I see. Shame, they were nice to me.

Shana was asking for ERP in the thread nonstop and Paks made an alt to catfish Shana with over a few months and posted his ERP logs with shana here to shame him
Same thing.

Do not trust c@girls.

Be vigilant around c@girls.

Paladins are disgusting. They will be destroyed and they will thank their scheming goldbergenstein lalafell masters for the opportunity to be destroyed.

what really sealed the deal was when abe leaked that shana had paid for zettai to come to the UK to fuck him.

Ever have lewd fun, she was a good cat.

Do MSQ, you will do PotD often enough to level up other jobs

Why would Abe do that, they were supposed to be friends

Why is that so shameful?

Yeah they were fun, just meant as a person though. Not really into all the drama shit here so most people seem nice.

I don't know Zettai but if they are hot I'd see no problem with paying to fuck them.

he didn’t, that’s the joke.

Abe dumped shana ages ago when he began to cuck him.

Lewd fun is the best kind, user


I agree but what does that have to do with anything I said?

stupid cunt

Like what, sucking dicks?

tfw have never had lewd fun

At least he picked the one quality trap on Veeky Forums.

thats legit the only kind of abuse i wont take

Someone doesn’t have to be a good person to be a good fuck~

I wish you would consume my heart.


Is SCH really the hardest healer? I think ASR is harder because indomitability is an amazing crutch.

Who told you this? SCH is the easiest. You do fuck all, fairy is easy since it doesn't interrupt your GCDs.

Is it gay if you and your female(male) EB jerk it while hearing each other's moans in voice chat?

>ywn tie poyo up and delitize her

hello haters of abe

Why would i share his irl pics?

>contributed to the downfall of rareX
Good, they're a bunch of shitcunts

theres absolutely nothing wrong with being gay

Hello Abe! I don't care about ur dps you're still a shitty person who treated me like trash. There was never any drama you were literally just a bad friend.

Has anyone played DOOM(2016)? Have you had an issue with it muting all applications?
No. SCH is "easy". You're pretty much relegated to doing damage and mitigating raid mechanics while throwing up Whispering Dawn here and there.

Difficulty stems from your ability to play, the group you're in and the content you're doing.


I'm not a pedo, Ultros is!


>healer parse

Why won't you eb my catboy?

hello hater of abe


Hello haters of abe

Log in please.

you know who you are

You said you would marry my catgirl...

tonberry's funniest comedy show out in full force tonight

That's really mean of you Serrit.

I have never met abe, healer parses dont mean anything

Why are miqo'tes and au ra some of the most godmoding Mary sue fucks around when it comes to RP?

>tfw nobody to tell me this

Neither do you because you’re irrelevant and unbeknownst to raiders and don’t have good parses to speak of, hater of Abe

Log out, please.