/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General Thread

Saturday Edition

>General VR resources

>Oculus rift setup guide

>Htc Vive setup guide

>Recommended VR applications/games (needs update)

>VRChat resources and tutorials

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Reposting until I find a solution. Anyone know how to add movement methods to your avatar? Like say you want to be able to jump really high, fly, teleport, etc. I've seen one avatar before that could fly super fast across the map, so I know it's possible.

reposting my question

place collides under your avatars feet.

Gondola Avatar
Instructions inside

im so glad googling rift core 2.0 patch notes takes me to bullshit garbage thats not what i wanted,good job docimenting changes oculus u shit niggers

i did this all i accomplished was slowly jumping up

I can grab any CM3D2 models from twitter.com/18043n777 if anyone wants any. The models are very high quality.

My guess would be they're animations with the Root T modified. I haven't tried it.

Which would be creating the illusion that they're controlling it when it's just a fancy animation changing their coordinates.

i figured out how to actually go up, slowly, but still flying

can you just post all the ateliers? how much of a pain is it to convert them to an MMD format?

All I know is that I probably don't have enough vram for virtual desktop, being the idiot that bought the 3gb gpu and not the 6gb one.

any tips for decimation? the mmd model i have is 60,000 tris...

>2gb r9 270
>8gb ram
i can use it neko kuro chan, its gotta be a specific hardware combo making it go wonky for you
also in the steam vr window applet thingy go to settings and disable steam dashboard

Any Spurdo models in VRChat?

>how much of a pain is it to convert them to an MMD format?
Is it possible to convert without cm3d2 installed? Seems like a major inconvenience.

why is this happening to me anons

I set up the animation just like everyone else

Is that how much frames you usually play on?

A fellow in one of the threads yesterday said he was going to be working on one (Burger edition IIRC).

I have a GTX 1060 3gb GPU and an i7 8700k GPU, and 16GB DDR4 RAM.

Going to virtual desktop and then going back to the game slows it to 10fps when before I'd have a stable 45fps, even in worlds where there's nobody in it. I'm definitely on the latest Rift 2.0 update and have the latest graphics drivers too.

no, I have stable 60FPS. That is because I recorded it witha gif creation program.

bump, anyone?

How are you at 45 fps on this game? I'm running 1060 6gb, ryzen 1600 and 16gb DDR4 and I usually get 65-90 fps unless someone has a terribly optimized avatar.

>Everyone is anime characters, want to be part of them
>Haven't watched any real anime since I was a kid so I don't know ANY modern characters
>There are tons of cute models out there but I don't know who any of them are and I don't want to be a poser
>My favorite anime girls where Ryoko and Mihoshi from Tenchi Muyo
>That show has been around a long time, there's bound to be tons of Tenchi models around by now
>Search everywhere
>There isn't a single one
>Not a single fucking one
I'll never be cute like you guys, I'm just too much of a normie.

2 frame animations don't work with emotes.

fuck my life


>post ateliers

I second this if it isnt a problem

Nobody told me either. I learned the hard way of banging my head against it.

>desktop fags

The pink haired one with bunny ears pretty please I love her

is shit like this too lewd for vrchat?

i7 CPU* of course

I'm at 90fps on desktop mode. On VR, I think asyncronous reprojection brings it down to 45fps if it's anything below 90.


I would report you.

Very likely. Mods already hate kanna and other little girls as is.

Yeah. Older anime don't have mmds. I blame kids that didn't grow up with them.

>be me
>have bitcoin
>tfw I have to choose between keep paying college or buying htc vive to be a cute girl

fuck it

If you get reported in a public room, yes.

I know that feel.

Anyone know how I can set up a trail on my finger that the trail actually resets when I stop using the animation? I really don't like how after following this video the trail sticks around just not visible and then reappears if I start drawing again

>paying college

Waste of time and money.

>Lucked out on Bitcoin
>Going to throw his money away on college.
You'd have better luck sticking with an okay-ish job for 4 years than you would paying for your tuition, then starting from the bottom, and in debt, when you got out of college.
Unless you're a doctor or something that's in high demand, don't fall for the college meme, it's a fucking scam.

fuck. would deleting the bandage make it acceptable? i have no idea how i would go about adding pantsu,

Gestures should be 2 frames with the second frame at 0.01s. You can spawn objects and keep them active while the gesture is going, or quickly go to a different blend shape (for facial expressions).

Emotes should be an actual timeline, detailing the actual amount of time you want the emote to go. You can use motion tweening to make good animations like this.

Sounds like you have toggled the trail render on and off instead of adjusting the time.

Some people get cute about upskirts and add an image that cockblocks them when they view your crotch.

don't worry anons, I don't live in amurica where college is 50000 USD per year.

I live in Spain. College is only 2400 euros per year (about 2600 USD)

Look for models of OCs or make one in CM3D, can't be a secondary if there's no source material to begin with

I'd still advise against going to college if you think you're going to stumble into a decent job just because you got a degree.

thanks user. This should be explained in the megatutorial everyone has watched

how do people get giant avatars into the game

Does anyone know how to fix this bug where after uploading an Avatar for the first time you can no longer upload new pictures after making adjustments, instead I get this big red "?".

I've got the VrChat camera positioned perfectly in Unity so that's not the problem.

>(about 2600 USD)
fuck my life, ive easily paid that much in just books

The bigger scam is those that claim you just have to get the right degree for it not to be a scam.

as i said its still in beta report thisnbug if u want it fixed in the future, i do it fine with an i5 and r9 270 2gb vram

select upload image

>been recording each session
>biggest file is 33gb, 5 hours
not all would be gameplay

It's a computer science degree (software engineering). I think programmers will have job. Most stuff is done nowadays with a computer

Speaking of that image, how do people use a still image instead of the model as the preview image

>Ryoko and Mihoshi models
I didn't know I wanted this until now. I had the biggest fucking boner for that brown skinned dope.
Fuck my life thanks asshole

ha ha ha

try the steam beta branch and try disabling steam dashboard before using oculus dash

I imagine they probably import a 2D image and position the camera at it

You can easily get the same job without a degree

Wow I'm an idiot. I never clicked it because I was afraid that it would fuck up and I'd be stuck with that big red question mark forever in game...

d-dont scare me user

HoneySelect fag here. About to start uploading the full install, get ready to make super high quality waifus ready for ripping.

What games do you play other than VRchat? Considering going and picking up a Vive today


If you're already investing this much time into VRChat you can forgo the college degree and work on 3D modelling. Get good enough at 3D modelling and you won't even need a degree, just show companies your work and portfolio.

Posted a few days ago asking about this but ended up having to leave for a few days before seeing the answer. Any anons got advice on how to fix the textures being pinned in one place?

Please and thank you

Thanks for the model and texture user
I only have one problem - unity keeps making its own flat texture (in Materials) for the gondola model, instead of using the texture in Textures, and I can't make it be textured basically
Would you know where I'm going wrong?

i'm having the same issue as the guy last thread, join server through social and not even the friend i joined is there, all empty

user, I don't know shit about 3d modeling. I just download models from bowroll and tweak them.

Import the texture as an asset, go to materials, select the material that unity applied to the model, put the texture in the albedo slot

Nevermind, typical, after an hour of searching, I post here, and find it 2 minutes later
I had to go to the material in Materials, and in Albedo, select the texture from Textures


Also set the color to white of the albedo slot

Absolutely based. You're a porn god.

Is the Dell Visor worth getting? It seems to be by far the cheapest so I'm worried it's shit.

My must have recommendation is Space Pirate Trainer.
Easily my favorite VR game.
Audio Shield is pretty fun, and most recently I got Super Hot, which is very good as well.


id like to know this too

hope you have windows 10

Went to college for compsci here. I'm doing pretty well now.

don't even bother with weird companies. They may drop support anytime
what is your specialization?

Are you ? I was just saying a possible solution is to invest your money in the HTC Vive and dive deep into 3D modeling. That way you don't have to keep paying for college and devote that time that would have been spent in school to learning 3D modeling (pursuing your interests).

Where is view position camera's clipping planes? I spent hour fooling with VRCCam, thinking that was it.

wait you can import the honey select card models ???
is there a guide or something

Yes, I am.
I firstly like programming. 3D modeling is not on my top but still interests me.

At the very least Totori

Will these have fully modeled lewd parts that need to be removed?

>Open Ninjaripper
>Open character in character creator
>Hit rip
>Open .rip files in blender and stick them all together
>Export as whatever you want

>not just covering them up to surprise random people with the perfect height to see through the panties

avatar descriptor, vrccam is for taking the picture when you upload

the skin weights are off for those specific vertexes
probably assigned to the wrong bone or something
youre gunna have to repaint them yourself

A lot of my experience is in web dev, but I've got a bunch of experience in other areas as well since I worked in research for my college for a long time. I actually would advise against putting too much time into web dev, it's way too saturated.

Hey /vrg/, does anyone know where to buy an Oculus sensor in the EU if I'm not in one of the countries the Oculus store ships to? This shit is driving me insane, all I can find are sensors which cost more than half of what the complete Rift + Touch package costs, it's fucking ridiculous.

>order a vive
>controller is DOA
>order a replacement/return
>replacement delayed due to weather
upsetti spaghetti