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Have you ever went against an archer meme team in the Arena before /feg/? I don't think big Tiki would have done as well against this team with the same build in this situation.


Banner when?



maybe when the anticav banner ends but still doubtful

I'm not sure why you'd think that, she has better ATK and DEF.

everyone enjoying Zelgius?

poet em


Snuggle with Sev!

Kaze is the only one I need to choose green.

>IS begins releasing theme banners with old characters mixed in with the new
>no new characters get demoted but old 5* only characters begin to

I'm gonna eat that mutton!

That Leon would badly injure big Tiki, which if she manages to survive the rest of the archers, she'd likely be under the Quick Riposte threshold. It isn't always better to be doubled.

>3 sizefag threads in a row
/feg/ constantly exhibiting patrician taste.

I have no idea what to do with my snaki. Not sure I'd even use her.

Grinderbros, what's the best method to farm HM?

I wanna kiss Hinoka

If you could rape one Fire Emblem character which Fire Emblem character would you rape?

>Celica comes with DD
>Micaiah comes with DD
>Deidre comes with DD
>P.Olivia comes with DD

What did ISIS mean by this ?

I got miccy mouse in 50 orbs did i do good

>silencer crit
Oh, thanks Shinon. Good stuff I guess.

Your waifu

Post em

>>Deidre comes with DD

What else did you expected from best archer

Sanaki, Empress of Begnion

I want to hump Leif's meat!

>all at 5*
This is why fury goes on everything.

>heroes with d-cup size
gimmie another chance for deirde



Greens take it easily. Does FE5 really not have a Christmas pair? It's the only game I haven't played.

Fuck meant rhajat


How will feh improve infantry?

So say I refine wo dao
Can i give it to another unit and still maintain the refine?

Off-season I mean.


>worst boy and worst starter


what a cunt

they got Halvan and Orsin but they're axe fighters. theyre green and orange and are the closest thing to christmas pairs, theyre more cord and bord if anything

Post units/builds that you've done for fun but have ended up being surprisingly useful

Red all the way. Except Fateswakening.

kain and alba

infantry pulse access and not being completely shut down by a single armor with the wrong weapon makes them decent enough already


>Spent $200 on legendary banner before Christmas
>Bank texts me saying payments looked suspicious so transactions weren't completed
>Get the orbs anyway
>Text them saying it's not
>Card unblocked - contact the people you were purchasing from to complete transaction


To Lazy to edit so
-Not Played
-No one
-Both shit


Probably soon, they've been doing these "weapons to refine" banner
Let's just hope Linde is in it too. I need merges


When is this mommy coming to Heroes?

Lance, only because he has the audacity to use a sword even though his name is Lance.

Valentine’s Day Axe Lucina with Warp Powder & ungodly res.

reruns of BHBs and navarre until the end of time with out bimonthly fateswakening seasonals is what i expect
i'm hopeful they decide to just remove VGs and AA and replace them with something worthwhile and fun like a horde grinding gamemode for stones and raid battles for other stuff that's more interesting than seeing the same arena team 7 times in a row and having to set timers for multipliers
i wouldn't mind if they added in maps with RNG droprates of stones and coins because it would give something to burn stamina on in between tempests

Underage mobile-only posters fuck off.

Ready and waiting for our guy to crack this game wide open.

>Uweeheehees at your corpse

rip your account?

>those fucking grid lines

if you actually gave A tiki the same investment she would of taken less damage overall and still killed everything, you fucking dipshit.

You can do this as a one and done type of deal to my knowledge. Some people say they've done it several times but I don't know if I believe that.

Sety will have hone infantry

pretty cute

Why does my wife have a stupid haircut in this image

Cain, Lukas, Noish, Lance, Sain, Forde, Oscar, Stahl, Kaze

>warriors maps are gone tomorrow

>Reddit's Andorey

But we already have that user

Does Nintendo really ban people over this? I keep hearing stories about anons gatting away with it.



>I love both but edge goes to Lukas since he had hard life
>worst Christmas knights in the series I don’t recall them even speaking to each other
>Lance evrytim
>This one is a hard one but I think Oscar was marginally better
>god, no
It’s a toss up

>Using Redoot
Rather have no Hone Infantry desu

>warriors maps are gone right before tempest starts so i can't train up NY corrin to 40 in 20 stamina
he can wait i have the two new years fliers as bonuses i guess

>can't even be bothered to read
>wants me to give a (You)
Someone else's going to do it, but not I.

>Celica's overclass names are references to old earth goddesses
>Alm's is just 'Conqueror'

I guess the people really bought into that reincarnation junk

Not if you parked her on the defense tile. If they need their special procs just to do damage they're all going down before she does, doubles or no doubles. Not to mention Aether would recover any damage taken.


Meant to

Nothing has been done since it happened so I guess so.

You can use Linde too

>Turning down +9 atk/ +4 spd buffs
Suit yourself

I don't have Linde

>warriors maps gone literally the second oliver is available
>have to wait 2 days to give him wind blessing for sp boost since gunthera is never coming to me anyways

hone/ward infantry


The Tellius defend maps are actually pretty intense and great if you aren't playing on bitch difficulty.


Seasonal when

Broke my pity rate, how do I make her good?

I was gonna give her a generic brave lance build but she's been making armor teams a joke in AA


You don't

I love Doot

give her the same build people use on caeda but this time she's blue

Is defence of attack breath refine better for Fae?