/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

You can do it edition

> Current Demo Day 18

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
Weekly Recap: recap.agdg.io
AGDG Steam Games: homph.com/steam
Fanart and stuff: drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6j4pcv3V-vfb3hKSlhRRzlLbFE
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/74btH1aJ
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/mU021G8w

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

> How to Webm

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Rust

Reposting for MANA

I mean points. They're points. No relation to any games made by Blizzard Entertainment.

Mana isn't a Blizzard thing and they have no claim to it

I forgot my file anyway.

But they are points. Like how stuff is points costed in 40k and a lot of wargames. i call it a mana bar in code though, shh

user-kun, unity-chan is drunk so she sent me, Yellow Diamond. Now post progress or i'll tell Rutile you called her a quack.

I wouldn't literally make them Blizzard's mana symbols though. Not that it matters, the chinese get away with way worse

Grow up faggot.

For sure. I just wanted to get them in asap and didn't feel like thinking of another design. I'll probably end up just using round pips with sockets to represent used/empty but fillable points.

Testing cutscene goodness and best moth


I'm working on an MMO at the moment. One man team, but I've got a guy doing sound design for me and I'm using some royalty free graphics.
Currently in an alpha, available here: brawlquest.com
>pic related

this will be /agdg/ next kikestarter gazillionaire


People still use kickstarter?

Have you done any authentication/account stuff for it yet?
I've been planning out a pokemon ripoff MMO and been looking into stuff like that
I figure if fans can make pokemon MMOs all over the place, then so can I, but without the copyright infringement

Accounts are created when you login (accounts stored as xml files on the server machine) at the moment, but it's going to be using a mongoDB database for the full thing.
Your Pokemon thing sounds cool. Tell me more :)

Blue Omen recently raised over $60k

Give me one good reason why i shouldn't just write my game in c.

That you're better in some other language?

idgaf man, do what you want.


We can't use Kickstarter due to our country so that's out of the question. Indiegogo it is

I've had notes here and there for a pokemon ripoff for years and figured I'd start actually building it now that I have a lot more knowledge on running systems thanks to my software engineer day job

Basically a high fantasy version where you're a summoner who captures monsters in crystals.
Current idea is to try to adapt pokemon's turn based system into something that works for leveling up, as well as solve some of the common issues that Pokemon has.
It will sort of play out like a online single player game with multiplayer features.
A big focus on it being doubles matches instead of singles.

Not really much to say right now about it since I plan to blatantly ripoff Pokemon as much as I need to.
The multiplayer stuff is really where it'll get interesting, like allowing players to join battles that are already going, or dungeons/raids that allow multiple players to participate at once.

Is it a standard mmo or do you have any unique features that sets it apart?

Enjoy your boilerplate and preprocessor.

Ahh, that sucks a bit man but your game will be very successful regardless. No other project has come even close to capturing the magic of Paper Mario. Godspeed.

Will the visuals be similar to pokemon too? Top view and so on

You'll never finish it

The biggest feature I plan to have is using Unity to deploy it onto literally everything.
If I actually go through with the thing, I should be able to make it run on every platform, all in one multiplayer environment.
You could even login from different devices if you wanted.
Since it's turn based combat, it's not a big deal really to have different devices share a common world.

Yeah, current plan is all 2D graphics with a similar style. I don't want to expend the effort to go 3D.
At least not right now (if that changes, then whatever)
Plus that would let it run on mobile super easily too

>using Unity to deploy it onto literally everything
You're in for fun.

Sounds good, especially the plan of reaching all those devices. Do you have a devlog?

How high are you right now? You are off ideaguying in outer space.

Controls are pretty straight forward. Literally touch buttons for everything (consoles would need controller support) and some custom movement stuff, like move where the mouse is/finger touching.
I've done plenty of work in these areas to know the different skills I'll need to get them done.

Honestly, the hardest part is probably going to be coming up with how I want to program the game.
Basically I want Unity to only act as a front end for the game that sends inputs to the server. The server will do literally everything and update the player accordingly as needed.
The client may predict things, but the server will correct them.

For instance, one scenario I've been thinking about is when a trainer that runs around "sees you" and walks towards you. You don't want every player to see the guy walk towards you since they want to experience it like you did, so you need the client to have the guy walk towards you and initiate the text before the battle. When the battle ends, you have to essentially have the server remember where he is for collision for that player.

A lot of visual things to decide when players are in positions that a player might not be able to be in.
Cutting trees is a great example, you cut a tree but other players don't see it, so they see you walk into a tree.
Or perhaps if you join a group with a tree already cut, then you see the cut tree and can gain benefits from it.

Still a lot of theory crafting in those respects for how it'll play out, but the baseline game is easy enough to start building

i'm 35 though
and it takes 30 seconds to post this, it's not like i'm dedicating my life to this

Nah, maybe when I get something of substance.
Ultimately my goal is to create something to generate revenue and I figure a pokemon ripoff mmo would be a nice way to do it.

There's literally dozens of pokemon MMO, and I'm answering a question of "tell me about it"
Having cross device gameplay is just a nice feature for getting a big player base, especially with asians (they love mobile).

Though payment options could be an issue for cashshops in game since some devices require you use their processor.
But that all comes later when shit actually gets rolling.

but to post that sentiment requires cumulative internalization of a lot of weeb manchild garbage

you got me user, i concede defeat

How much time per week are you putting into this

Added a replay system, it saves the player's settings, progress, start time (unix time) and all their actions in a single file, you can watch any replay by enabling replay_mode in the settings, right now it only reads the first file it finds in the corresponding game version folder but I might add some simple UI for selecting the file you want in-game.
It's entirely nondestructive, the loaded progress and settings files don't overwrite your own.

Now I just need to find some way to actually get these files from playtesters, I could just ask them to send emails with the files but that has a low success rate and even lower if the player didn't play for very long which is actually the kind of replay I'm looking for.
I will probably put a prompt at the beginning of the game asking if the player is willing to share the files for testing but I need to figure out some way of doing it automatically, I know it's fairly easy to send HTTP requests but I don't know how to actually setup a server.
Do you guys have any suggestions? I think I'll just go with the email route or maybe send the player to a specific topic on my game's forum on itch.io for uploading the files, it's better than nothing.

The combat system is very different to anything you might've seen before or at least I haven't played anything like it.
It's also free to play, no microtransactions, just completely free and funded via donations.


It will be a giant pain in the ass.

I want you to succeed.

Don't know, depends on how much I feel like
I don't intend to go all out from the beginning, and plan to start complete on PC and work out.
Even the fan mmos start small and expand

The worst case scenario is that I don't do it. Seems pretty low risk for me

Demo Day stream Day2 happening right now

I also have others who could potentially work with me if things go positive
I also have money to commission all art assets I need long term

could have done without the shitposting pic there

not that pic please....

stop trying to be an e-celeb dude


Yeah that pic isn't doing you any favors R-tard

It's not him posting the updates, he is busy streaming.

>worst final fantasy
>estimated two hours

holy fuck who agreed to this

hi guys, dogposter here
would really appreciate it if you checked out my friend's dev stream over here:

i'm a local e-celeb and i really recommend you stop forcing your e-celeb shit, really.


the guy streaming didnt post that, was someone else

Don't listen to him he's but a bitter person.

Do you have a hand in this, or is it like a simplified version of Warhammer?
I thought it was Hearthstone ripoff at first

It's 100% a hearthstone rip off. There will be a deck and a hand. I'm just putting that off as long as possible and focusing on getting the models and combat to work.

What's the name of that anime of that girl making a video game?

boku no pico-8



>tactics game
youre not going to make it user

AGDG should make our own game development anime

my life

I want a game like this where you can modify the terrain using digging skills and shit. Like Minecraft: The Strategy Game. I don't want to make it though.

I've got some pretty good ideas for a game but unfortunately lack programming or artist abilities? Anyone want to team up to make a game?

abilities don't grow on trees, get on learning

>anyone please team up with me :(
>I supply the idea and you the work :)
I don't think this is going to work user.

i had those mechanics exactly and although they are fun they add nothing interesting to strategy.

just go back to jerking off and watching anime

We both would work though I've got different ideas on game mechanics etc


Stop being an idea guy, pick an engine, google how ever to do what ever the fuck you want to accomplish. Use shit art and call it modern.

it's not a tactics game REEEE

You do realize that right now you're a stereotype that is ridiculed in all of business and creative work?

It is habbening

Only if you pay

$27.50/hr, no less than 40 hours per week and you got a deal. I can program and do art.

Made a demo for my deep sea horror game, nothing great but enough to fuck around for a bit.

password: agdg

Doing 2D in unity is a bit of a bitch, but it's not all bad. Pretending it's 3D kinda gives you a silly effect.
Not sure if I actually want that effect though. Sacrificing shadows may be a small cost or even a positive if they look like this


Can you turn back a page in the book?

Honestly, i can't tell you how thankful I am for /agdg/ I've stolen so many ideas, and design choices from posts here.


I'll probably end up making mousewheel the turn page button since it works nicely or just add a secondary "Use" button like Alt that would let you go back and do more stuff with other items.

I'm sure you did user, now post progress.

i made this short piano piece and i've got a couple of questions
a) where do you think it could go after this?
and b) what kind of game do you think it would suit best?


Why does the site not have the recaps?

>tfw your game plot makes no sense
>and not in a good way
This fucks up my entire level progression now.

Shouldn't be too much of a setback to conform the story to the level progression since it was a wreck in the first place.

More progress. Working on collisions

Are gifs a deprecated file format by now? If yes, what is the best video/animation format that can be spread widely across a large number of social sites? Also what are some relevant software to making these videos? I've got Vegas Pro and a couple of years of experience, so I got the editing part covered.

About time

vp9 webm

What's the best software to convert videos (like .mp4) into .webm?

webmforretards, it should be in the OP

Active presenter's a free thing that let's you do it

Isnt VP9 unsupported by the site?