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Where is Pine edition.

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Speaking of calvin, where is he in OWL?

Reminder that London Spitfire is going to pay off any team they are about to lose to

Yes. In the Dallas match yesterday this went like 3 rounds of attack for both teams.

Why are there so many koreans in every fucking team? I thought the purpose of having a team of "London" for example, was to have people from London, and so on.

clockwork and muma are my bros
please give em your energy

nowhere, unfortunately. The guy is crazy good

VG threads make this shitshow bearable

Philly match in a nutshell

Here comes T.Racer!

Friendly reminder that Blizzard is incompetent and the league is rigged

he gets way more money streaming than worrying about being in the pro scene

Ugly fatties shouldn't play dps, they should only play tank or support

DPS are meant to be the stars and the faces of the team

>New York
>All gooks

Ssame, clockwork was my idol in tf2, he's pretty bad in OW though

Is LiNkzr the best non-gook dps?

he likes streaming more, also he makes more money by streaming

his stream gives him more money than an OWL salary and is way less stressful

Shadowburn is probably better

>and it's pirate ship again

That's a really cute boy.

Why do the idiots in chat spam C9 when they don't know what C9 is?

When it's 6 vs 1 and the 1 pushed off the point, it's not a C9.

it's dumb cunts like yourself that is the reason teams like dallas fuel is going to fail, thinking streamers belong in the pro-league. go away.

That's not been the case in real sports forever, why should it be in this?

>linkzr not a gook
kek, oh slant eyes, when will they learn?

It's a joke

cant wait till they nerf dva again and all these scrubs drop down a rank or two

>having the chat open
>not on fullscreen

thats a really big errect clit...

slow it down linkzr lad

>not wanting to compete against world class players when you have the skill to do so
>prefers sitting in his room playing and yelling to GM players for hours on end
holy shit

>Jeff said the new hero will be meta changing
Will Mercy finally get killed for being the whore she is?

The LWB curse is real

Fuck Gooks

McCree's Excelsior skin gives his gun a pretty cool look imho

Gooks BTFO

are you underage?

remove gooks

Is it time to bring him out?

its not a tracer map they had to win it

this will be a 3-1, just wait

you mean ovipositor

what? it's not a fucking national team you idiot

>people celebrating this hard cause a good squad finally lost

They should've just had 3 korean teams, instead of an american and british team full of koreans. Blizzard so stupid.

>blizzard release new hero
>no fucking idea how to balance said hero
>meta is compltely fucked for months until they get told by the community how to do their job

large clits are my fetish.

So are we ready to start cheering for Outlaws again?

>Houston is all white males
uh, racist and sexist much??
where are the girls and people of color????

>no spicy tracer gameplay from effect until xqc gets his shit together
why even live

>people think winning on junkertown against koreans means anything

I'm sure they bastion/junk/orisa/mercy spam didn't help at all and required great mechanical skill

>cheering for Jake a brain dead Junkrat main

I'd rather die

I wish Lane "Surefour" Roberts was my boyfriend.

No Fuck jake. Vallant are the Veeky Forums team


Is Outlaws, dare I say it, /OUR TEAM/??

More importantly, why don't they have any Koreans?

What are they slipping into rawkus' water btw

No one can kill anything with Tracer bombs anymore.



It's time to bring out the beast.

Wow, what was the chance of having four brothers on the same team? Mrs. Kim must be very proud

fuck mercy


Why is Rawkus' ass so big?

>I didn't play bad!

I would buy a ticket to one of these matches just so I could punch him in the face as he walks out.

Why can none of the Widowmakers even aim?

Fusion is my Team forever
Even if they do take dirty korean money

dat sum thicc booty

but hes fat.


>Shanghai team is chinese
>Seoul team is korean
>London team is korean
>NY team is korean
Arent there more cities in Korea to name teams after?

>rooting for a California team
>being homosexual


Post your overwatch confessions
>have over a 100 hours on junkrat, can’t beeak diamond

They got my support after beating the Dallas streamer-meme-team

The call that saved OWL

That's how I like it user

>cheering for Jake
fuck that

In this game you can ADAD spam as much as you want without penalties.

>Pushing Jake a retarded junkrat player
>Not even giving the interview to Linkzr the main carry of the team

>Not homosexual

>I think widowmaker and hanzo are overpowered

so pine is /ourguy/ right?

like were rooting for him right?


is jake the definition of an amerimutt

Stay mad platbabbies. Based Jake wiping floor with gooks.

Muma on the Houston outlaws is literally a homosexual.

Valiant have super, literally the CUTEST overwatch

muh team of golds can't win a game

where are the people of color
where are the girls
where are my transgender people
where are my genderfluid people
where are my LBGTQQGS people

Jake why are you posting here? This is why you suck

where the fuck is pine?

no hes just looks very hapa

No that's Linkzr

Joke sucks dick and is a constant detriment to his team

We still love you Philly

t. Baltimore
Orioles represent

It's even worse that you can spam spacebar without penalty.

super is on Shock

>NY still not playing Pine
Why? Does the NY team not like him or something?

>he wants penalties on strafing

Are you watching OWLmao?
dat gook money paid over the table to throw a game
Muh pauses game dunno what happened but this league is on the up and up keep buying loot boxes, goy
Scripted events confirmed
Obvious thrown games
Nice job Blizz