League of Legends General - /lolg/

cutest slut edition


Girls loving girls!

>ywn have a threesome with Jinx and Vi

god, you guys are useless.

>tfw husbando will never get a vgu or buffs because the second he does, leddit cries for nerfs

Can ahri survive the dragoncock?

xth for my wife Syndra

xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!




why is nami the cutest?

sauce on artist?


Would it be possible to create a sixth class? Or would it just fall under support?

Add specialists from HotS, they're heroes that specialize in pushing lanes in.

how many ranked games do you play a day on average?

>ywn fiercely CUDDLE Kog'maw

Feels bad man

I wish I could tell you user.

How would the scenario go down? Ahri charms Shyvana but finds she can't control the dragon girl's raw animal lust?

He'll never get a VGU because he doesn't make money. He's not a hyper competent power fantasy character or fapbait. It's an unfortunate fate shared by Volibear, Wukong, and some others.

I prefer DotA's system of giving champions tags such as Nuker, Disabler, Pusher, Carry, etc. It gives you a better idea of what to expect from a given champion's gameplay.

How do I get my gf to stop being all depressed and shit when she doesn’t do good?

Anytime she doesn’t do good she always talks about how she’s not good at anything and she hates herself, yadayada “woe is me I’m a bad human being.” I can’t even give her advice because she says it makes her feel stupid.

I’ve already told her to shut the fuck up and just play the game for fun, or that she just needs to get better and stop trying to be MLG.

>inb4 get a new gf

I want to play league but I'm a 22-year-old living with his moody menopause mommy and she won't give me enough GBP (good boy points) for one game of ranked :///


Any splitpusher

There are outliers in each of the 5 roles but the positions people play will never change.
Riot tried to free up position meta but failed and gave up ages ago.
Now that they endorse the map meta it will never change for as long as League exists in its current form.

Specialists aren't always pushers, some do tons of damage but only under weird conditions or are unreliable on their own such as Hammer.

But volibear is fapbait for some

Why would you want a gf when you can have a waifu?

write it

Alternatively,she turns dragon and goes on a merry day with the fox after stealing her blue

Just asked RiotAugust on his stream - the new champion is a female ADC.

Swain 8.3 the dream

god that's so unattractive. get a real fucking woman with a spine instead of that sad sack of shit, user

We just got xayah,Liar

Have a swell day, Anons!

Voli is definitely getting a VGU though cause of the Ornn lore.

ornn buffs when

Dump her an go for a girl that won't let you get away with shit.

Probably. They want to do more VGUs this year, and last year they did 4, so Swain and Irelia off the list means we could get Voli, Morde, Akali, etc.


xth for leglocking fetish

Hug her and tell her that everything will be okay.
Wish I had a gf. You cant do that on the streets sadly :(

god I wish that were me


>get stuck with an asshole that bans my main
>take my second main and claim his lane
>he (and the other 3) feed while i chill 0/0
>queue up
>win this match with flying colours
>brother comes into my room and gives me jury summons
>fill it out
>have a felony so tick boxes that state so
>"You do not have to serve for jury duty"

today is a good day

garen buffs when

Why user, yes they can.

what an adorable giraffe
did you know that giraffes showcase statistically the highest homosexual behavior in the animal kingdom

If you build damage items on Rhaast will you deal extra damage with your abilities along with the percent based shit or not? I'm too lazy to test it.

no I didn't. I'll relay that to everyone I know now
got any other random weird facts for me chief?


Rhaast's Q/W/R all scale with bonus AD so building damage obviously results in more damage

the weight of a newborn elephant is the same as an adult blue whale's tongue
scotland's national animal is the unicorn

What is this expression trying to convey?

He meant female (male)

i recognize that layout

High-IQ champions (in no specific order):

>Aurelion Sol
>Lee Sin
>Twisted Fate

Is this accurate, y/n? Anyone else that I’m forgetting?

i legitimately dont think i ever get leavers outside of promos

yeah its preseason but its still fucking cancer and it will still happen every time i get into them in s8

>got my designated key fragment of the week
>now have to wait til next week to get another key fragment or pray that I'll be given my third honor capsule instead
Boy this hextech crafting system sure does make this game more fun. Doesn't just add another layer of frustration or anything haha

Damn son I like these facts, gimme more

I meant what August replied. I asked if he had tried the new adc and if they are fun and he replied with "She is a lot of fun, can't wait for you to try it out". So take that as you will, degenerate.

Good adcs to fill with?

you mean lore wise or?

I'm a Rakan player, he's the easiest piece of shit support I've ever touched.

Jinx is the best adc to fill!


press the attack, essence reaver hurricane
macro people to death


Post the other one, the blowjob. That one makes me fucking diamonds.

you are statistically more likely to be struck by lightning more than once than winning the lottery (obviously this means a big lottery)

Ay /lolg/ gimme a sick gp one trick ign


Fobias Tate

I mean gameplay-wise, mastery-wise and main/OTP-wise.

>he wants top lane to be a no brainer stat check vs stat check lane
>likely bawls his little eyes out cause of Ornn cause he makes you fuck off with your awful inbred bruiser picks rather than going an actual tank
>he can't stand ANY challenge or having to actually think or do any REAL outplaying to play his lane

I got new ones but I'm not posting those now.

Illaoi's Water Bed

>tfw you're husband tries his best to carry but he just can't cut it anymore

remember that the CLIMB is almost here lolg!
what is your goal this season?!

>Immobile adcs
Are you trying to get him killed?

already taken sadly

>I got new ones but I'm not posting those now.

In her it seems

>what is your goal this season?!
to kill myself

>He's mad because he can't just walk up to fed melee champs and one shot them with crits
I'm onto your game senpai. You're as big of a bitch as the guy you replied to.

>ywn be Illaoi's fucktoy-of-the-month and come running every time she calls to satisfy her demands or else be 'punished'

you dont need to be mobile if you have..
and a permaslow

Gold, as always.

But IDK, I’m thinking about dropping ranked. It just doesn’t seem like it’s worth the aggravation or the effort. I just want to have fun, and getting frustrated in ranked games isn’t going to help with that.

>what is your goal this season?!
Crashing this lane.

What is /lolg/ favorite map that is not SR? Do you even play other maps or modes?
I really enjoy Aram and played a lot of tournaments in the past seasons. Tried getting into 3vs3 but queues just take way too long

follow it up with the fuckin classic


why the fuck are you so excited? no one should be enthusiastic over climbing. you mocking me, boy?

I'm going to assume what you meant is does your percent scaling scale with AD, to which the answers are:
No, your healing does not scale with bonus AD;
Yes, your % max hp damage on Q and R scales with bAD

I really liked Butcher’a Bridge and the Star Guardian & PROJECT maps from an aesthetic point of view. Butcher’s Bridge needs to make a fucking return already.

Still don't know why people do this.

Tell me the sauce after you evade your ban my man


>he thinks slows stop anyone since EVERYONE has gap closers

>he thinks I'm mad and want to one shot anybody

If anything I want one shotting/insta-gibbing to be difficult or RNG based or outright removed and burst damage toned down to a Smite/Dota level

>palmable tits

>no survivors
>soraka gets away

dont take the pussy way out user!
well user i hope to see you in gold when i get there this season!
youre a big bruiser...
>no one should be excited
yet here i am once again!
CLIMBing against my better judgement!

>when she starts deepthroating it until you can't see the dick
it awake some PRIMAL need in my body

I was distracted.