/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General

three-hundred pounds edition

- Illidan (US - Horde)
- Wyrmrest Accord (US - Horde)
- Sargeras (US - Alliance)
- Argent Dawn (EU - Alliance)
@ Moon Guard (US - Alliance) "The Panda Guild"

>General Resources:

>WoW Token Price:

>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io/blood-money
EU: rodent.io/blood-money-eu/


thank god finally a good fucking thread


Rate my mog

Is it just me or are we getting fewer gold missions now?

I used to get like 2/day now I'm getting none.

Why are horde players so cringe?

Zandalari Freethinkers when?

>the leader of the Horde fucks humans

Can't make this shit up.

Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vise /10

>horde is the cuck boy faction


only alliancecucks could possibly be this retarded

Say aaaahh

this is the thread

heheh.... come to papa

Even if we take into account the undead's new race larping, they fucked all the time before getting scourge'd. Then she went out of her way to make him look human again.


>this is the leader of the horde for the next 10 or so expansions

the absolute STATE of pez "three-hundred pounds" ado rn

I dub thee the true new /wowg/ thread for thy picture is fucking funny af

>pissed man late to the party as usual


>americans poking fun at overweight people

Literally all of those guilds, right as I am posting this, has 0 or 1 members online

Good job lads

LOL did he actually say that shit?

>grabing shit on the way to eat

Jesus fuck, what is with that oven mitt hand?

Only took __3__ runs to get.

How's your day Veeky Forums?

Hopefully hes taking his meds

>Item that is LITERALLY on the floor waiting to be picked up
>Only just getting it

The absolute state

there are i would not even call them people itt that do not have anzu

and anzu is fuckin so prestige that i got a reskin in cata and was uncontested in tbc and wotlk

>some patient, brave user actually put Pisstard on his Battle.net friend list to dig up all the dirt
God bless this aon.

post draenei

Don't ever quote me again.

lmao @ your life scrub

>both threads still up
where the fuck are the mods


i'm not an autistic toy collector though i only give a shit about disguises and otherwise just collect whatever i get the chance to :^)

I'm skinny af and my state is like 2% above the western european countries

sure thing sweetie, try to not be so mad and jelly.

>one thread actually about the game
>another thread about a singular autist circlejerking
hmm better delete both



So is engineering and alchemy the best professions to take? I wanted to pick up inscription but it seems like at this point in the expansion professions are so god damn useless.

sure thing sweetie

imagine being so insecure you have to rely on a collection of literally useless items to validate yourself
at least mounts you can show off

I have a bigger mount collection anyway. Like I said try to not be so mad and jelly of me.

>this backpedaling
Really cringe

dance my puppets


>hiding mount collection

>Pisstard can't PvE, PvP, or RP
Enjoy taking your autism pills and eating shit from the toilet.

What are the chances that 7.3.5 gets released on Tuesday?

you haven't even posted yours :^)

>mountlet toylet trying to act tough

Very fucking high.

I'm calling hacks pissado. There is no way you have
Brewfest Kodo (3-14%% drop rate)
Lord Riverdale charger (1% drop)
Reins of the Raven Lord (less than 1%)
on the same account. No NEET has that amount of luck and patience to get the last two mounts within 100 runs. Looks like you're just editing the photos and shitposting on Veeky Forums your personal blog.
t. Someone who is grinding dungeons for emerald drake

nah CO is below most of those. It's mostly the deep south that has the crazy obesity numbers. A solid half of U.S. states are within a few percentage points of most 1st world countries. I think the UK for instance would actually be just under our median.
Senpai I weigh like 160lb/62kg at 6ft/182cm

Imagine spending all your time collecting stuff and still having a shit collection

God, I hope so. I really want to make my highmountain shaman already.

>thread is nothing but solo heroes showing off their collectathons
can't wait for classic to filter all you MMO single players out

chances are they won't be available with 7.3.5, just unlocked later.

no idea where to even begin imagining that, maybe i should ask pissado

Classic is going to have its own general. /cwowg/

you could fuck off to the classic server if you like it so much.


his name is pissfatassdough 300lbs


this is 7850/12000, how long do you think it will take? are kirin tor and wardens emissary coming up soon?


that's exactly what i mean, dumbass

There's a chance they will be, I just personally don't think so. I also think the rep requirement will be removed with BfA, and it's a gate to keep people playing until then.


>still no reply
what's the matter, buddy? scared to get BTFO? you got the first strike on my toy collection, let's see your fuckin mounts. it's only fair.

you can fuck off now if you want it kid

someone's been a good goy and bought TGC toys


That's because he's a hacker or a Photoshop editor
See my theory
No way he has that many mounts

I don't have a single tgc toy bro.

nah i want the legit shit not some bootlet private server. i'd rather see you downies slap-fight eachother in the meanwhile.

>nighthold heroic link aotc 930 ilvl req

>normal antorus 950 ilvl _DISCORD_ MUST AND BREIN


>continues to avoid replying
fine then, i accept your surrender

>960+ (no req set) fast heroic antorus clear me have mythic kills

wtf should i main /wowg/?
i have shaman, paladin, mage, warlock and druid at 110

>tomb of hc sergras FRESH from maiden link aotc 955+

>steak with soysauce

Enhancement Shammy

general thoughts on antoruous the buirngin throen?

bwahahahaha, can't make this shit up

what's an antoruus? is it a mount or a toy?

i didn't at all read what you posted but i like ass

ww monk or s priest

>coven normal NEED CC

I have no idea what you're talking about kid.

i hope so, i need another mount that everyone else can easily access so my mountlet collection isnt laughed at by a femtroll

>making fun of the only good poster ITT

>boy king of soy

>complimenting yourself
not everyone here is a 300lb shut in who has trouble reading social cues, buddy