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Previous thread:

Here comes T.Racer!

>non-JJonak Zenyattas

Third for all the non waifu fags

First for Sombra is my wife!

>Jhong Mei
u wot


18nd for reaper is a pedophile

Gladiators are /ourteam/

Reminder to take your estrogen pills and keep your dildo in play when playing Mercy.

It's been the EXACT same maps and same order for the last 4 series. WHY?

Rapotra systems, online.

>pros using trashmouse

whats your favorite skin from the overwatch league skins?

im really digging seoul dynasty zenyatta skin

Why does Seoul always have so much trouble with Junkertown? I don't think they've ever won it

Reminder that both LA teams are our last hope against the yellow menace.

>jehong mei

yeah I absolutely expect the koreans to get much worse while shitters like Taimou Seagull and xQc magically improve by 400% :^)

Get ready for mei cancer in ranked

>Gladiators getting memed by mei

Sometimes you just know you're going to win, so why not have a little fun?


It's almost like the maps are the same for all teams for the first week.

what happened to ana being meta?
when i last played and payed attention to OW, ana was the best healer.


Reminder that wh*toids are bad at all video games

Sir, yes, sir

Also, minute and a half post delay is fucking ridiculous, this board is determined to kill itself

That genji's dodge.

>outskilled by Skillrat OMEGALUL

>that dragonblade

If you checked you'd know that they aren't. Some had Dorado, Anubis, and Eichenwalde

Admittedly, they could have shuffled it in a more interesting way


Expect they werent. Some teams played Dorado as first map, some played Horizon while others played Anubis as second. Its team-choice just like pro ow has always been.

Ana was nerfed and Mercy massively overbuffed

Time to roll.


for some reason no one wants to play dorado

That fucking c9. Gladiators I really want to support you but your making this so hard


>tfw wanna see Genji shitter get shat on but Junkrat is disgusting

>Houston wins one game
>"hell yeah my boi linkzr popping off"
>Houston loses next 3
>"who even cares about this casual gookleague whose viewership is dying?"

Tell me which Rein OWL skin should I buy and why, in 200 words or less.

Shaz is a god though

>A healer that requires skill being meta
Not in this game m8

>crowd claps when a team wipes out
Is this normal in tournaments or burgerland?

I want to fuck Surefour's fat ass

rolling 3

dat gook money paid over the table to throw a game
Muh pauses game dunno what happened but this league is on the up and up keep buying loot boxes, goy
Scripted events confirmed
Obvious thrown games
Nice job Blizz

ana was nerfed, mercy buffed and dive became a thing.

Jeff from the Overwatch Team here

We've heard complaints from our western players that most maps heavily favor koreans, so we're cooking 3 more new maps inspired by the Junkertown design, one for each of the remaining teams. They said that map is Korea's cryptonite, so we're going to even the odds.

I am not that cheap user, send more lewds first for professional advice

>crowd clapping when the home team wipes the other team

Truly shocking!!

seoul dynasty looks good with gold hammer

mercy is op and ana gets cucked by winstons shield/dvas matrix

Burgers clap at the end of a movie, what do you expect?


I want to lick those eyebrows

>Trashmouse is B A L A N C E D

That's not a fat ass

This is a fat ass.

junkrat nerf when?
fuck that guy

>grapejuice mei wall

If they ever add an actual titty monster hero I will literally main her no matter how bad she is. Screencap this.

bruh have you seen logix?


fugg, meant to say "one for each of the remaining game/map modes"

Amen brother

kek already admitting that they lost

Yeah, gooks will stomp all other teams so midseason it will be clear who the playoffs teams are gonna be and there will be no point in wasting time, right?

>that bottle shaped body

Disgusting, that guy has no testosterone. Reminds me of a (female) math teacher I had in school.

You are in Illios and this guy headhots your gf ass. Wat do?

>point in half ass direction and spam click

how do we fix the game and the league?

But they already have a titty monster hero in game.


>still watching e-sports

my beautiful waifu

Remove mercy. Remove teamwork

>that virgin walk

remove gooks, nerf low skill floor characters

You don't

The game is trash and so are we for watching and playing it

Zenyatta is disgustingly broken

Great quality, hoping for more but here it is:
If you like memes and being the funny guys, take the florida one
If you like a team that isnt gook top tier faggots but a team you can actually like and root for, take glads
If you want the same as above but a bit more streamlined and with less personality for a tad more pro-ness, valiant
If you like famous streamers, dallas
If you like a e s t h e t i c s OR a winning team full of legends, dynasty(shame shame shame)

I am too drunk to come up with more coherent sentences desu

>OW haters back in thread
Nice, it was uncomfortable to look at /owg being positive about the game. Looked too alien and weird

So it's established that Gladiators are /our team/?

What is 0 for both.

Watch her short again carefully.

Implement a ban system for pro play:
-at the start of each map, both teams select ONE hero that the other team can't play
-the ban is double-blind

North Korea is the only thing that can save e sports now.

thats gaywalk, muma is a fag

I died.

>how do we fix the game
Rework every hero that doesn't require aim, literally 80% of them.
>and the league?
Make it so every team must have at least 1 player from each region (NA, EU, KR).

I'll say, from that second "If" you started being incoherent.

A fat monster.
HAHA, no.
>remove people who are skilled at the game
May as well implement a bronze league too.

>when you don't want to feel bad for skipping leg day, so you only work out one of them as a compromise

that's how leagues work, yes. and they're successful anyway. starting to think you might be actually autistic.

How about you pick /yourteam/ Mr Hivemind?
(yes gladiators are the best)

mcmayhem for intimidation
gladiators because purple is awesome

>mercy permabanned from play
sounds good to me

hydration is so damn aggressive, I LOVE IT. finally a non-pussy on DPS, fuck off with the "chips away at the enemy" or "be annoying". you know whats better than being annoying? being GOOD.