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Sadayo Saturday Edition

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>BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Releasing on May 31 in Japan, June 5 in North America: personacentral.com/blazblue-cross-tag-battle-releasing-may-31-japan-june-5-north-america-new-trailer/
>Persona 5 anime to start airing April 2018: p5a.jp
>Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5: Dancing Star Night confirmed for release on May 24th 2018:


>Atlus' online shop is now open:shop.atlus.com/
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>new sadayo art being posted

Claiming this cuddly, cute, concupiscent crepe connoisseur.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.

She's pretty great.

You can keep her.

This! Shuake is the best!

user, I just think that 99.9% of media sounds better in the language it was created in. I think Bayonetta has fantastic English voice acting, despite being a Japanese game - and that's probably because Bayonetta was developed without a Japanese dub Iinitial the first place. The Wii U version adds Japanese voices, but frankly they aren't great, and that's because the game wasn't intended for them. I also think plenty of Western developed games have great voice acting - an obvious example is The Last of Us. P5 is just another case like this; it's better in the language the director actually oversaw, and that's not remotely surprising.

I think you're being ridiculously anecdotal with your evidence. So for the sake of consistency I'll just say I disagree since that's as good an argument as you made.
Directors are always the ones responsible for over-acting, P5's dub doesn't suffer from over-acting because of the VAs, it's because of the director. Frankly it sounds like you are just watching a lot of testosterone-fueled shounen anime and basing your opinions on that. But really you should consider that most of those shows exaggerate everything, not just the acting - look at the animation style, or the soundtrack. It's likely a deliberate decision made by the director to make the show seem more exciting or adrenaline fueled. Look at it through that guise and judge whether it works, or at the very least if it fits with the rest of the show - because if it does, then even if you dislike it, it's not an issue with the VA, it's an inherent issue with the show itself.




I love Ann!

Kawakami a kawacutie

how far has sae/tae's influence reached outside of /pg/?

Thanks, I will!

You can have yours and I can have mine.

Ritualposters need to be gassed

>I think you're being ridiculously anecdotal with your evidence
Fair enough. I'm not exactly an anime connoisseur, and I do know from experience with Western animation how important voice directors are to a performance, so I can believe what you say.


Ren is from Sumaru City!

Realistically, not that far. Only a few people on Twitter and Tumblr care enough to make content for it.

I still think it's cute though.

Not pictured: Tae standing on her office chair

She's mine /pg/

Couple of fanfics, new art every few weeks. People are certainly talking about it a lot more. It's picking up steam.

There actually is more art of it than what's usually posted here, but the quality makes me avoid posting it.

It's a snowball effect. We're slowly getting more and more content.

blue makoto

>Dyke Makoto


Did she marry Neil Gaiman?.

Their height difference is adorable. Ignore the 6 foot meme

Kawawriter's SaeTae fic was 10/10.

>I think Bayonetta has fantastic English voice acting, despite being a Japanese game - and that's probably because Bayonetta was developed without a Japanese dub Iinitial the first place.
Why does Bayonetta only have English voices? I just thought it didn't have dual audio in the west, but hearing it's English only even in Japan is surprising.

He wrote two if you didn't see his other.

>have bad cold
>eat strong curry

ahhhh I'm feeling it.

That's not a dyke haircut

stylistic choice, like the first release of dragon's dogma

It's the same for Devil May Cry 1-4.

bitch looks like jamie lee curtis the fuck you talking about?

Guys, guys, saetae is stupid and makes NO sense (no sense!) Here's the real ship, its so crackin cracked, it'll crack your screen just reading it! The ship I am talking about, of course, is Chiohya. There's SO much evidence supporting it, like how they're both essential confidants for completing the game. They both are available in the same district. And we're both beautiful women with killer fashion sense. Spread it around guys, Chiohya.

Ain't that right, Chihaya?
>who is this? why do you keep calling me?
haha her mind is cracked from how crackalicious this ship is. The sex is probably cuh-razy! Anyways, draw more Chiohya art guys.

Kamiya has always done this. DMC is English only, as is Viewtiful Joe. The Wonderful 101 is the only title he's done that had English and Japanese, and Kamiya said he wanted the game to actually have each of the characters speak a different language since they're meant to be an international team of superheros from different countries, but it wasn't feasible.

>tfw you live in Hawaii
>get notified with this
>confess to my oneitis who looks like futaba with brown hair
>she actually said yes
>feel amazing
>feel even more amazing once I find out that the alert wasn't actually real and I'll get to keep living, with her by my side
>she texts back shortly after, saying that she doesn't actually like me and only said yes because she thought we were about to die and she wanted me to be happy in my final moments

I want to die

Damn, Jamie Lee Curtis looks like THAT?!

Her hair isn't that short

She's lying

>There is actually a non-zero amount of art for this.


But Tekken can do it!

I should add if it wasn't obvious. He does this because the games star western protagonists and are set in the west, and it wouldn't make sense for them to speak Japanese. This isn't totally uncommon for Japanese games, the Souls titles do it too.

Fuck it, I'm trying my hand at fanfics for this.

push her down, son. you're not from hawaii...

You're telling me he's Japanese? Nigga looks like he fresh out of coloumbia or some shit

are you kidding? joker is like the most japanese looking character in the game barring the obese otakus in akihabara.

ganbatte user!

He looks more Jap than Piercy.

it's probably the tan


He wouldn't look out of place in Shibuya at all. If you search "男 ふわふわした髪" then you'll see a bunch of dudes who would look just like Ren.

why do people still do this?

Youtube is a forum in which (You)'s can be converted into money, and money can be exchanged for goods and services.

Think about the lengths people will go for a (You) when they have no monetary value here.

I can't wait for Persona 5 Akechi Goro of the Resurrection!

It gets views from angry retards

search 男 くせ毛 instead
morgana literally calls the protag くせ毛 in japanese

how does this shit have 11k views?



Femjoker when. I want to cuck Mishima.

hell people still these types of shitty animations that look straight out of newgrounds c.2005

Yeah but how did they manage to get 11,000 angry retards to see it in the first place? The fucking uploader only has 116 subscribers.

I love Ryuji!

I wish people would stop bullying him.

IIRC, some Ace Combat games only had English VA, and some MGS games are better known for their English dubs even in Japan.
Apparently Kojima wanted the seiyuus to learn/speak Russian for MGS3, but they told him to get stuffed.

Yeah well I wish people would stop bullying my waifu but we don't always get what we want.

That sounds like a very Kojima thing to do.

kek yeah this is traced newgrounds dating sim level

>Apparently Kojima wanted the seiyuus to learn/speak Russian for MGS3, but they told him to get stuffed.
Otsuka actually said he was totally on board with it and started doing language classes, it was just the rest of the cast that didn't. I'm not remotely surprised though, Otsuka's fucking crazy dedicated.

omg i luff akechi he so smexy

>some idiot sees video and gets upset
>gets posted on NeoGAF
>gets posted on Twitter
>11,000 views later gets posted in /pg/

nah Otsuka really carried the metal gear following in Japan, he was the one that went on and told people not to cancel their MGSV preorders after the konami drama became public for that reason.

MGS benefits more from the absolute hamminess of the voice acting, playing it completely straight wouldn't fit.

>This is what groojos would've been like in 2006
Thank god it's 2018

>and some MGS games are better known for their English dubs even in Japan.
MGSV is like the only one, and that's because it has Kiefer and the nips fucking love 24. Jap MGS is fucking popular and I've always gotten the vibe Kojima's been unhappy with how the west always talks up David Hayter when he seems to prefer Otsuka from all the events that him and Kojima did together and clearly loved - wouldn't be surprised if that contributed to him getting recast by Kiefer anyway. Hayter is a bad actor tbqh, he's enjoyable in MGS1 for his goofiness but the character of Snake and Hayter's voice really diverged over time and he only got worse at acting.

>Thank god it's 2018
No thanks

yeah, the material needs that kind of approach of it all falls apart

>Paired with a man

I do however agree with this Hayter became downright awful as time went on.

I love shota dick

Dude, you need to hear Otsuka. He is so much hammier than Hayter it's crazy. If anything it's the English version that plays it straight most of the time. Remember Peace Walker and how terrible Big Boss sounded there? Listen to this conversation between Kaz and Big Boss in Japanese: youtube.com/watch?v=EaABZqW4DNg. And yes, Kaz is voiced by Yusuke's VA.

Hayter worked well as Snake/BB when they were acting goofy or sarcastic, but he sounded meh in serious scenes. I haven't heard Otsuka in MGS yet, but he was excellent as Gabranth and Rider, so maybe I'll switch to Japanese audio next time I play a MGS game.
Is there an undub version of Peace Walker?


Oh please if groojos existed back then they would be much better than the groojos today. The Groojos now attack atlus for not making him gay where as if they existed in 2006 then they would've posted their yaoi ficsand left.

I don't think bitching on Twitter is the same as actually attacking Atlus.

s...sssasuga jokah...

Kojima wanted to get rid of Hayter pretty much right away, he went straight for Kurt Russell when he was working on MGS2 but he got laughed at and rejected. Ever since he's spared no expense trying to get his dick in Hollywood and that's probably part of why Konami tried to axe him. While Solidus did have a great english VA, the jp dub of MGS2 ends up being superior because Otsuka did both Solid and Solidus, which is why the whole "the leader of the terrorists is Solid Snake" thing was in the game in the first place, because at several points before the Harrier fight you would only hear Solidus' voice and it would literally just be Otsuka doing his Snake voice.

Same idea

well snake in escape from new york was built around that kind of sardonic twinge, not surprising the voice would kinda fall apart the further they got from it

>While Solidus did have a great english VA, the jp dub of MGS2 ends up being superior because Otsuka did both Solid and Solidus, which is why the whole "the leader of the terrorists is Solid Snake" thing was in the game in the first place, because at several points before the Harrier fight you would only hear Solidus' voice and it would literally just be Otsuka doing his Snake voice.
I've still never understood why the dub didn't do the same, like what reason could they possibly have for not doing that?

Have any of them actually written any strongly worded letters to Atlus?


MGS > Persona

I didn't actually mean them attacking atlus idiot

It was. For a very long time.

P5 > MGSV tho

I disagree but it's okay to think that

Thanks for reminding me I have Code Realize in my backlog