/smgen/ - Smite General

still kicking edition

>PC 4.25 - Warden of the Underworld

>XBO & PS4 4.24 - Frostfire

>Season Ticket 2017 (Fantasy League)

>Odyssey 2018


>Hand of the Gods: Smite Tactics

>Linking your Hi-Rez and Twitch account to get free thing

>Hirez server status

>FAQ for all game-related questions

>/smgen/ Discord

The SMITE clans are SmGen (NA) and GenSm (EU), leaders are SethPhalange and HardyMcWilly respectively.
Post your name in the thread or send an invite to one of the leaders. WE CANNOT INVITE YOU IF YOU ARE ALREADY IN A CLAN

Other urls found in this thread:


please can we be alive if i have to look at that fucking paladins gen again i'll die

We just need to get the "and smite" people to start posting here.

Cerberus has awful animations, sound effects, particle effects, and voice acting

Yea, i was a bit disappointed with him, but at least the kit is decent.

. . . and SMITE Tactics: Hand of the Gods!

is this game dead or what, just reinstalled after not playing since the beta, the ui is awful

The game isn't dead, the general is. In just a week we are getting a complete Conquest map overhaul for S5 and apparently they are also redoing the UI sometime this year.

How long before Taco gets fired for abusing her position to help her bf's money-laundering scheme?

and Battleborn!

I mean, they fired Rabies for basically nothing, so if she had anything to do with that i think she'd be gone by now. Plus, Mythic was fined and left.

can anyone invite to the na clan? name is corix

/palg/ here

>tfw hirez is already pulling people off of that game

nth for huffing Freya's ass barks.

Good, that game was ruined after they removed the moving leaders.

nth for chef vulcan

General's pretty dead.
There's some people in the Discord.
Your choice if you want to participate in such tomfoolery and autism.

Yea, pretty dead, Whose fault is that?

just post in palg and stop making a thread without a populace to support it all this does is make me have to have two tabs open when people still smitepost in palg anyway

I bought the founders pack and starter pack literally a week ago pls kill me, I didn't expect it to be killed this fast

Then either have the palg retards post here or have a mixed /hirez/ thread.

I wish they would stop grouping me with idiots who think getting a fucking jungle buff across the map is more important than the team fight happening that could decide the game. This happens so much in Clash that I'm honestly dumbfounded by it. What even goes through their head when they do this?

>This happens so much in Clash

na or eu
also how is the ranked scene for this game?

when morrigan clones someone and uses voice commands does that show up for everyone or just me?

sick of morrigans copying me and then spamming VEG and everyone telling me to shut up

Everyone, but the chat shows the name of the god discordia is transformed into and not the player. Also, the VEG might be because of Discordia.


what's this?

It's nothing, don't bother with it.

sent ;)

tell me plox the page is empty now

It was the beta for smite Faceit, which is a site with it's own tournaments, matchmaking and ranked ladder. It has games like CSGO, DotA, and some time last year Smite was added too, but there are very few players there right now.

Lol, ded again!

wtf who made me leader of the clan

I want to coat Skadi in a thick, pasty glue.

Put some work on this then

stop putting skins in chests lowrez

fuck you david

This current conquest meta is so fucking garbage. I have a feeling the S5 meta will just be the same bullshit we've seen every season.

Why is Rama so fun?


Why is Ao Kuang so best?

he's a shit all in jungler though

>team that barely beats me says ez in the postgame
I had the most kills, least deaths, highest damage and highest mitigated, AND highest structure damage of everyone in the game but still lost because teammates are trash, and these fuckwads say"ez" and trashtalk me, God I hate this community

>guy doesn't switch off loki in assault
get cancer

dude loki is such a fucking shit character he's the ultimate 'literally only good if you're already winning' god

>get Jotun hydra and heartseeker early because they're cheap items
>1-3 everyone to death and then laughspam macro
>ulti away/instakill the backup
>everyone gets salty that you're playing him, including your teammates

whats not to love, he's the best god

Stealth is never not a huge gay mechanic and it never will be. Loki is already pretty meh but he's fucking useless in assault because everyone is bunched up. He runs in and maybe gets one kill but he's going to stunned, crippled, rooted, frozen or all of the above.

i'll give you that he's one of the cheapest to build for in the game but he's bad in everything else
>can't clear jungle
>can't lane
>can only fight when his ult is up
>his passive only works against bots
>his initiation is also his escape (which isn't even a dash or leap)
He's a clean up assassin without mobility that can't deal poke damage because it's all auto attack range, his kit is so bad.

yeah at least an all in assassin like ao kuang can hope for an ult into safety

Who's david

Yeah him and a couple can work but imo they can only work with an ult into safety or if their kit means they can do something like I did okay with thor the other night by spamming his rock shit stunning people left and right and ulting during big fights or after a big fight, if we have the number advantage, because I have full health from staying back and stunning so I can actually dive the not full health stragglers.

david tennant

Why don't we just combine the Paladins and Smite threads to Hirez General and get it over with.

Palababs still butthurt from when they were kicked out of here

I don't know how much Season 4 i can still endure. Why won't Season 5 come already to either save the fucking game or end it?

Oh hey smgen is alive again, finally I can nlogpost on why I have randies in my ranked games.

I'm so fucking tired of premades. Just split the userbase even more in people who want to play solo and people that want to group up.

Can I still get Fernando Ares by buying something in Paladins?

Why the fuck doesn't my beads go off when Ares ults!?!?

Why are people retarded and running away when I try to Chiron cleanse them from cc?



>Used to play Smite religiously with friends
>Life happened and we all stopped playing
>Want to start playing again

Last time we played was 2015, how much has the game changed since then and is it worth playing again? Everyone I talk to about it says it's not worth playing anymore, but I want to know why that is.

Well new season is about to start so you could give it a shot. Noone knows how it will be with the new map.

While the new season hasn't started you could try out new gods and "gameplay mechanics" in any mode other than conquest.

Things slowed down, we still had new gods every 2 patches until early/mid 2017 but nothings felt refreshing for conquest. Also with the addition of clash and adventures queues got split up more. Multiqueueing has sort of fixed that. A lot of the new skins are chest/event/bundle exclusive which is off putting for some. As far as gameplay changes new jungle camps actives are now relics, you get a free one at level 1 and another at level 12 can be upgraded for 500 gold. HoG is now trash, support starts with mid or adc, jungle starts with mid or solo depending on clear. Theres some smaller details you'll pick up if you play again but for the most part its laning phase, look for picks, take Gold fury/portal demon(new camp)/towers,teamfight. Though a new season starts in a little over a month so a lot of this could change.

just redownloaded
tried to do normal conquest had 3 games where ppl left in picking phase then got into 2 games and each had 2-3 leavers and surrended at like 15min
is this better in ranked or maybe if i change region?


Just get guud shitpig

>tfw we will have more brown goddess with the voodoo pantheon
I'm ready

Why are they adding pantheons like wildfire now? Back in my day they added pantheons once in a blue moon, now we get one every year, even when a previous pantheon has a laughable amount of representation.

Fucking awful matchmaking lately. I'm getting recked by premades. When I'm with premades I'm the only good one and 3 of them want to surrender even though our teams are equal in kills.

when I get premades on my team it's always shitters who triple med and feed

They decided that now they will add the gods they want to add without caring about their pantheon of origin. Pantheon having no gameplay impact except for quest, I'm glad they decided to do that.

Isn't there only a handful of pantheons or am I dumb and getting pantheons confused with something else?

The premades I get are just retarded. Like they are 3 dudes so you'd think they are communicating somehow, but one of them just goes in alone 1v5 and dies.

This, half the time premade don't have com.

It was either a joke or they wanted to make you mad. In both case you are an autist.

Friendly reminder that meditation is so underrated right now, 30% extra mana is a hella lot

So I seem to be okay with the most basic mechanics, like landing skill shots and shit. But, I literally never touch conquest because I don't know lanes, jungle or anything like that. Is there any tips solely for that? I *usually* play hunters and mages, but that's just because it's easier to make threat assessments in a ranged situation for me.

Wait for season 5

Shit talkers every time pre-mades are on my team

maybe season 5 will actually make this game playable again


just believe


What do you think awilix's butthole tastes like. Most creative answer wins.

Animal semen

Is it possible to use Cerberus ult to put people into the fountain in arena?


Sick now I can use da ji and him to cheese people

>its another premade that never helps me do anything because lmao fuck randos
Get cancer