/vn/ - Loli Edition

Visual Novel General #1804

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Read the wiki below
4. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread:
This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

Serina is cute!

Remember when we thought sukisuki was going to be released?

I forgot how dumb her weapon was. At least they should have made it dual shin guards.

Aina's Ainas

If you read white hairs bio hes not edgy just some poor fuck taking jobs out of the high class city. The younger kid sounds cringe.

7th for Saber.

ahhh... sukisuki


9th for Saber!


better get started, chop chop

Yeah he's definitely somewhat of a "badass" chuuni wet dream, but not really edgy

Oyakodon with Sabers.

Jdownloader making it slightly more tolerable. It is still annoying as fuck though.

And upload the torrent after, please.

Shut up!



Why does this dude have tits

Someone is still downloading VN's in +10 pices (4gb or more) that normally you can download in a few minutes?

>ritsuko starts singing parody of imopara opening
reminds me i still haven't got around to reading it but still know the opening. i like when vns do these sorts of things though.


>Tsujidou ending skit humming I LOVE Nebaneba ~Life

>Boring Edition

Link this magical link of free sorcery jokers that is in a single part with a fast download rate. Until then people are stuck with 36 parts at 250kb/s on each link and a maximum of 2 links at once.

ahh... sukisuki

What a beautiful woman

Then I will bully you instead.

28th for Saber

Any why I would want to download something at that snail speed with captchas? Fuck ED.



Because there is no alternative right now? You are stuck with an unknown time until a mega or torrent link happens.

Tell me about Maya. Why does she cheat on her boyfriend?

How long is Maki's route after the threesome with Yoiko ?

Finished Newton and the Apple Tree. It was great, a load of fun and adventure from start to finish and remarkably well-paced for a VN. All the girls including Newton are cute as hell. This is legit good stuff /vn/, so look forward to May's English release.


I want to drop her apple, if you know what I mean.

t. solpress employee

Would you read a Hatsukoi NTR spinoff?

Yeah, but downloading JDownloader, setting it and writing 36 captchas for one VN is to annoying.
Waiting for a torrent is a better alternative.

whats your girls ranking?

I look forward to not paying for it.

Just buy the damn game, geez you guys are sad.

i want to an hero every day

I already had it downloaded and it isn't like my connection is going to be doing much else right now or I will be away from the computer. It is more inconvenient than a torrent, but since there is no alternative right now, the slim chance I can read it faster is enough incentive to download it.


Remember when Yuuma did this to Kyou?

Alice > Yotsuko > Lavi > Emmy > Haru

I too am satisfied with this product, fellow customer. Very good value for the price!

Remember when Yumma wasn't a fucking idiot?


Which of the four girls in Sorcery Jokers is the best girl?

the one with a dick

The flirty one without a route.

>somewhere in the world, someone do think that Yumma is a great character

>reminder that SukiSuki is never coming out in English

>I can read it faster is enough incentive to download it.
36 parts (200mb) x 12 min (*256kb max) = 432 min / + 7h 12min
& 36 captcha
Torrent; less than 2 hours

I think that I'll wait.

*the speed will not be stable

I want to bully Quof

I want to be bullied by a girl that looks like that

>user willingly selling his soul for SukiSuki release
>it's filled with grammar mistakes and there are untranslated lines everywhere

I want to impregnate quof with my fellow anons.

MG has to sukiskui a few japanese dicks to recover their licence.

Or 10 minutes directly from MG.

>7h 12min
Make it just over 3 and a half hours going by the estimated time.

N-no I don't want you to s-see my dong

user, the max speed of that server is 256kb,
You should redo you'r calculations.

No shitlord, this is not acceptable - waiting several HOURS for a 7GB piece of shit to download when I'd eat that shit up for 30 mins at full speed is again, NOT acceptable in TWO THOUSAND FUCKING EIGHTEEN.

That is a pretty slow dong


N-no I really don't need to re-calculate my dong

Calm down, autist. The question is do you want to play Sorcery Jokers enough that you need to read it right away? And by right away, does that mean you can't wait maybe one more day for a torrent? Then yes do ED. It's not hard to see why in 2018 someone would that, you fucking sperg

could probably find the cure to cancer by the time i finish downloading at that speed


Read another VN while waiting.

Aren't you waiting right now at 0kbs?

>maybe one more day for a torrent
Nah, a few hour as much.





Sorcery Jokers will be up on OT and GG in an hour.

It is already deleted, you fucking imbecile.


Shhh I deleted

user got banned the other day even though it was deleted, then came back and complained.

Doesn't matter, the mod can track any deleated pic and jail your for life.

I deleted the post this time.

Was it at least related to dongs and speed?

Don't defend this bullshit. We're not using fucking dial-up anymore, anything below 2 MB/s is an insult.


To bad that the fucking Mega has these limit's for downloading stuff...

If it's not on a server means they can't do anything.

You're a fucking pampered babby.

megas good for stuff under 5 gigs but any bigger and your boned

Yes, is still on the server (catche) but hidden from normal users, so yes, they still can see it.

Who Canadian here? Don't post loli or I will go to jail.

You can work around it if you have a dynamic IP and reset it once you reach the limit. It is still a real pain though.

>it's another Game is only available in ED and this motherfucker won't stop whining about it every 5 minutes thread