/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2626

New cutie thread!!!!

>Recent News
Kirin and dong weapon 4*'s
Qilin and Huanglong Changes - 1/10 - Gold Bar droprate increased for Host but will be removed from MVP Chest.

>NewbieFest 01/10-01/25
Daily single gacha ticket starts 01/11
1.5 RP and EXP for Ranks 100 and below(Non-HL)
1/2 AP and BP
1/2 Free and Extra Quest
All Elemental Trials are open during the period

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January:
12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You
1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses)
1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


I support this thread.

Now host Kirins.

real thread

fuck off tranny

Korwa Ubahahl?

My wife!

I don't want to farm any more.

this thread is indeed cute, good job user!

>before biggest
>thread is high IQ and waits until p10
>after biggest

My wife Makoto is so cute

Can Limited Eugen dodge white damage Sirius with his counter skill or does it ignore it and he'll die a miserable death?

>"I like men!"
>"but only if they look like women!"
and you fags say you aren't brain-damaged

This is it, the real thread.

host ubaha HL NOW

>this guy makes the same thread with the same OP
>No problem

>Ferryone does it.

Nothing can dodge white damage. The only way to survive is stuff that prevents you from dying, like guts or Djeanne.

This is cute, that shitty ferry picture is not. Post a good ferry picture and no one would care.

I can't tho.

t. tranny


prove you're running Korwa

You know, no one would care if he used the same Ferry image a lot if it wasn't some 5th grader doodle. And you need to stop defending him, unless you're the ferrycuck, yourself, in which case it's rather pathetic that you even thought to post this.

It's just autism, ignore it.
We'll get the same half-a-tard posters either way.

>it wasn't some 5th grader doodle.
A popular discord member drew that ferry image!!

So Ubaha HL is a joke already. Harder content when?

translate weebs?


oh then that ebin four the win lololol

Fucking kill yourself.

Post ID!

54 ranks to go, cutie
now post ID

not a joke until magna grids do it with SRs or Korwa.

Post ID and be my Australian girlfriend


>made his twitter and GBF profile private

Final Flash

thank you for your congratulatory sneezes

It's 10am on the Australian East Coast, that's a kiwi.

>entering hl in angel halo
Lame. It was supposed to be a special moment, a celebration. Angel halo is like going to Mcdonald's for your birthday.

>discordfag makes a ferry thread that everyone is sick of
>another discordfag keeps making "cutie" thread with the same image every time as a "better" alternative
You do realise this is going to keep happening again and again with the only pause being when the fags go to sleep, right?
Screencap this and call me a faggot if we don't get another bad art ferry and cerb sticker thread when this thread hits bump limit.

I was gonna 40box my Sarasa but now that I can make my Ultima Sword I'm having second thoughts. I don't really feel like grinding out the extra 100 Champion Merits if I were to do both one after another.


>liking a cute girl makes you a fag

Her name is Sanchan

Why must you continually do the things you do /gbfg/.




You're all fucking idiots.

Since I got the Katana, what should I replace in this grid for the incoming GW?

At least the Cutie thread uses an image that isn't fucking hideous, Ferryfag.

>get buffed
>drop a tier

Fine if you're sick of the Ferry image can you use my other art?

I don't know

OK guys I'm going to draw a granblue character and post it and it'll be spammed as the OP image for COUNTLESS threads, which character do you want?

Kill yourself already.

Yuisis in Hairtato land now.

Jannu or De La Fille, our mascots.


pretty sad that some autist stalked one person from the discord and saved all of his shit to be able to spam it in the general months later


but it's not, I'm from melbourne and it's 11:12 am

My wife Zoi.

wrong, it's fun-sized!!!



>upload it to twitter.

i went stupid and put a fight with titan on auto and then walked away
now half my team is dead, clean up por favor

if 5, cog


Wait for page 10 and make Beato threads

No, this is fun-sized

Oh god, please leave, I can smell the avocado and soy from here.

My oneechan Ladiva

wtf bros... you said titan was shit youtube.com/watch?v=wNcRjXEb5PM

where the fuck

at least she's taller than Danny Devito
more than Sarasa can say

>the other thread good deleted

Wpuldnt she be cuckbait since she wants to fuck her father?

>he can't see the KIRIN

Is it weird that I had fun doing Ubaha HL even though I couldn't contribute much?

I mean, Vira's chest there is fun-sized.

What should my lineup for UBahaHL be? I assume most people leave one spot empty because of the swap move?

I hate whale element shitposting the most, it's always pointless.

At least Korwa vs Nio has relevance to people who are actually in this general, not the fucking super-whales who sparked every Grand Weapon.

What makes Murgleis so good?

Yes. Even when I wasn't doing anything I was worried that I was ruining everything. Maybe that's just my anxiety.


Vira is fine to use at level 90 right?


hey guys, koon here

Fuck, I don't know...
I want to make my first atma sword, but I don't know which element to chose.
I know that earth or light are the recommended elements, but their are only two characters worth it in earth, and I don't plan to play light...
So, which one, /gbfg/?


I felt like that too, but in a way it was fun still.

>literally Vajra tier
What went so wrong Light bros?

I don't need your pity I need to know what should I replace.

Most popular GBF chicks are cuckbait in some form, so she'd fit right in!

Depends on your characters you homo

Wait for Xeno Corrow.

Every game general on Veeky Forums imagines themselves as reaching or pretending to be the 0.1% of players, so naturally they want to bandwagon on whatever gives the most (You)'s

>footfag shit

Apart from the gold bar, rusted weap and blue sky crystal that I already have, which are the hardest mats to get for eternals?

4*? Toliet Paper. 70 BSC is a lot though, surprised you didn't get that last.

>waaaaaaaaaaaaaa someone made a thread reeeeee

rainbow crystals

For 4*? Nothing really. Antique Cloths are kind of a pain but 1/2 Free quest is run so frequently now that you can just do the 80 AP quest whenever 1/2 is on and have more than enough.

Low orbs. You need as many as whorls, but many raids drop whorls while only halo drops orbs in any significant amount.