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it is what it is edition

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Hemies are tranny mutts edition

first nongay for kissing mod wolf

>buy clay for 70 gp
>spend 20 minutes making 500 house tabs
>1/7 the cost of buying them
get fucked juden

Reminder that trannies, gays and ironmemes are demons in human form

how much gp could you have made in those 20 minutes using other methods, then spent some on tabs? gotta think in terms of gp/hr, not just saving gp by doing things more slowly.

>I'm an ironman

>kill zulrah for half an hour
>buy 500 house tabs and have 750k left over in proifit
yes goy, keep making your own house tabs!

whoever was in charge of making corsair curse needs to be hung

>kill zulrah two times
>buy 500 house tabs

Reminder they gave Boaty his shit back

Trannies should be rounded up and purified by fire

die tranny scum die

>helmie btw



>dick girl

>donald trump
kek'd heartily

>north ge futas

can we please have a dragon ore we can mine so we can make our own dragon bolts


>this will unironically happen because jagex let teenagers run their game


>jagex let redit and pvmers ruin the game

24th for me

is it actually better to do vorkath using the slayer helm or a salve (ei) with void? I dont even own armadyl armor. I just got my first blue drag task in ages and not sure if i should just skip.

Salve with void is better

retard fag

I hate people who don't name their screenshots.

i think the word you are looking for is T R A cutie__

Hey guys I'm just loving playing osrs on mobile! How many of you guys enjoy playing this great game whenever you want? I sure do!


>even dharg is a tranny now

>money snake and big blue money lizard are instanced
>some of the best money in the game
>can just go and collect your shit from the guy on death
>effectively no risk if you fuck up and die
Today I learned that f2p in full mith trying to kill hill giants, are taking more risk than anyone in this thread.

no they aren't lmao you have an hour to collect your stuff regardless of where you die (quest instances excepted), and it costs 100k to get your stuff back if you die at dollar drake.

oh please, with 1h death piles there's no risk anywhere

zulrah doesnt have a cost to get back items. It would worse if they werent instanced because you would still have an hour to go back and pick your shit up for free

>100k cost
For someone at the level to kill them, 100k is nothing. Especially if you kill the money beasts a few times in-between failures.

>you have an hour to collect your stuff regardless of where you die
>f2p dies at giants
>f2p cannot afford second set of armor
>cannot collect without dying again

ever heard of zulrah bank for uim?

she'll hold your shit forever

>cannot collect without dying again
you have a fucking hour, you can literally grab it one piece at a time and tele out to bank/eat.

>can't get back to hill giants without dying
nigger you can run through to them with no armor and 10hp with just a few bits of food

I know that, vorkath/zulrah/volc mine are the exceptions. i figured that was obvious enough (since it's the topic of the discussion) that i wouldn't have to state it.

lol why dont you fags just play rs3 like real human beings?

i know we all poop on ironmen a lot but lol but i think are pretty cool playing a game mode that makes everything more challenging and high stakes

please don't post here ever again

reminder that anyone who cries and cries about death mechanics has never actually grinded a boss only to eventually get DC'd

no one who has ever bitched about these death mechanics has even 1000 kills of a single boss

>1000 kills of a single boss
now that's autism

just saw this gem hobo-walking the seer's course

when poked he started bragging about his jad pet

Because I don't appreciate what they've done to the game that I loved as a child. Particular grievances include a total focus on endgame pvm to the point where maxing is a short-term goal and skilling isn't supported except to be sped up; the changed combat system which I don't enjoy or feel comfortable with; graphics that bear little resemblance to Ruenscape in its heyday; a focus on MTX and gambling-esque promotions; a modteam that consistently fails to deliver on promised content; efficiency fetishism far beyond that displayed in OSRS, to the point where people don't even play minigames unless they're spotlighted; and a dwindling community with fewer and fewer new players to interact with.

What do you mean?

The fact is there is quite literally ZERO risk in pvm. Its funny because 99% of bosses take 30 seconds to 2 minutes to actually get back to. Even if death mechanics were reverted it would hardly impact anyone. There is really no way to make pvm risky at this points since everything is a teleport away

1000 is nothing, you're playing the wrong game. You'll never make it to even 1800 total

Try again, i'm currently at 1974

99 cooking, fletching, thieving, and buyables do not count, sorry

Kys ironmeme tranny trash

he is right though, 1k boss kc really isn't much. After you've maxed or if you decide to focus on PvM before then, you'll get much more than 1k in several bosses.

>that many combat 90s
>1500 total
lol what a champ

selling 13 trouits :)



i'm not him, and i disagree with him; total level is total level.

woah there cowboy I see you've stolen one of my images

can you please not do that in the future

t. sissiboi who can't even kill jad, let alone get the pet

I googled moving the goalposts and that was the first image that came up. I know I've seen it here recently and I specifically picked that one because of it
Thanks for the (you) :)

it's hard to make a good outfit in f2p :(

haha cool :) there r lots of trouts on the market lately, wonder why they wont use the GR lol :)

some jewtuber made a video about trout begging and now everyone is doing it
it's obnoxious


trying too hard user, let it come peacefully

take your hormones

>proselyte still the best prayer gear

thanks reddit

what's the problem with this

and if reddit made a good idea for balanced gear with a better prayer bonus you'd cry too

kill yourself

low requirements
old as fuck
not keeping up w/ increased stats on new gear

>good idea
t. redditor

if they introduced new prayer gear it would just be a rare drop from a boss and locked behind p2w

The best possible result for a level one clue, is a zammy page, right?

iron (g) can be good too i think

monk (g) is 3m+

it's a hypothetical

point is you're a whiny little bitch in all possibly conceivable scenarios

why are you so mad that someone said "thanks reddit"?

Why is essence not selling/buying at fucking all?

are you at the buy limit


because no one mines rune, buy pure

I am. I thought that was obvious.

so you hit the buy limit

I literally haven't bought any on this account

so you hit the buy limit

what are you offering?

then offer more gp??? p ess is one of the most traded items in the game, there is never not any in the ge

Pure essence
buy @ 5
sell @ 5
quantity traded @ 18,236,971
5 minutes ago

Had to go to 6. What the shit

maybe you just suck at merching moron

I haven't played since that random rune altar was put in, anything worth coming back for

a-am I using too many switches for grotesque guardians?

i hate skalbag so much

drop archer ring just use b ring
drop whatever shitty range boots you're probably using just wear d boots
you better be using pipe
melee chest switch is up to you
lmao a single vertical row of switches clump that shit together to make it easier

Using this ranged gear.

nice assembler you shitter