/scg/edg/ Star Citizen Elite Dangerous General #253

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Star Citizen Information:

Alpha 3.0 PTU is released for all backers. You must download the new patcher from the RSI website.

>Comprehensive look at the current state of Star Citizen

>Squadron 42 Vertical Slice

>Jump Point Links & Content Summary


>Star Citizen Official YT

>Other games:

Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC to become playable.
ED info:

Elite Dangerous v2.4 is online with improvements to base game and dlc content.
Frontier announced a new expansion called "Beyond" and will offer it for free to everyone who bought horizon.
Season three will focus on refining core gameplay and introducing new content.

>Frontier Official YT

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>New Ship: Chieftain Elite Dangerous Horizons Commanders will also be able to take to the stars in the new Alliance Chieftain, designed not only to dish out punishment, but to avoid it. Manufactured by Lakon Spaceways, the Chieftain is more maneuverable than ships of similar size and weight, and its combat profile means it can more than hold its own in a fight.

>Improved Core Mechanics Chapter 1 of Beyond will bring improvements to some of Elite Dangerous' core mechanics, including accessibility enhancements to the engineering mechanics, an overhaul of mission rewards and big changes to crime and punishment. We’ll be sharing more information on the changes to Crime and Punishment, and the Engineers in a future post here on the forums and in the livestreams mentioned above.

>Wing Missions Chapter 1 of Beyond will give you the chance to take on wing missions with your fellow Commanders, sharing both the efforts and rewards.

>Revised Trade Data Commanders will now be able to access trade data from systems they have previously visited, in order to make more informed decisions when shipping goods across the Milky Way.

>Planetary Visual Improvements Chapter 1 also includes the first of the planetary visual improvements coming as part of the Beyond series of updates (with more surface level improvements coming later in the year) bringing a new vibrancy to the Elite Dangerous galaxy.

>GalNet Audio With the introduction of GalNet Audio, you will be able to catch up on the latest news from across the galaxy without ever leaving the action.


How are you supposed to get races to work? I keep ending up out of my ship hovering in midair as a pile of gear.

Do you need to play in multiplayer to get REC?

Posting the taxi Hauler again for all the newfriends who don't know the easy way around.

You can only get REC through matchmaking
But honestly it's way easier to just sub for 1 month, you get 10k right there for $10
Plus I personally like the magazine and you get yourself free knickknacks to decorate your hanger.

10k will get you uhhh something decent for 7 units of 24 hour rentals, which can be used in the PU.
I would honestly donate a bunch of REC cos I never fucking play and never fucking use any of this until they get everything ironed out, but there's no transference mechanic yet. It's not like there's that much going.

What I got from the $10 subscription
I do not fucking care for any of this, may as well remove rentals like the PTU does.

You can hit 35LY if you ditch the disco scanner. Honking inside the bubble isn't really worthwhile when all you want to do is get from A to B.

No, you absolutely get scans inside the bubble. You just honk and go. The ship refuels completely during the cooldown so you never stop.
Shields are optional, the ADS isn't, just for engis alone.

Interdasting. You use it to get around the bubble?

I go everywhere in that ship. I've been interdicted a few times, but I know how to submit and high wake so I've never been caught twice. The closest I've been to leaving the bubble is Quince.


Why are rentals even a mechanic in a pre alpha? Just give people access to ships and equipment as it comes out until there's an official release or the game moves into an actual beta, that way many, many more people will be able to test stuff out and report bugs and balance issues.

It's probably because they don't want the backers who spent hundreds of dollars on fancy ships to feel like they wasted their money, isn't it. Disgusting.

it's money

But why do they need more money at this point? I mean, I get that they must love the income from the ship store and the absurd prices on the things but in this case by not letting people do widescale testing of ships and stuff they're just sacrificing quality for money.

Like, I know it will be years, possibly 3-4 before they even have a working capital ship avaliable but how are they going to do all the testing and QA needed for them when there's going to be like 100 players at most who will care enough to both spend thousands of dollars on one and report bugs or balance issues.

>But why do they need more money at this point?
Because they are burning through a bloody hell lot of it from demo to demo and the main game is nowhere near ready

ded games ded general

Im on a planet just grabin random minerals. But what ones are gonna end up being important for me to keep down the line for engineering and the like?

Try this:

chromium, manganese, arsenic, basically the rarer ones help you with high grade engineering but in the end you'll be using all of them.
Get comfy, gathering materials in your SRV is genuinely nice.

Ya it is kinnda nice after flying around nice change of pace. Heres were im leaving now it was a nice little rocky body with gravty almost the same as our own moon orbiting a water world with 70% oxygen content though no valcanism and 1/8th the size of our world at -10. Still quite nice kinnda wish if your the first to discover a system and if you detail scan every body in the system you could submit the coordinates and name for the system and bodies and the devs can name it. I know its alot to ask for but even if every player just got one system they named it would add a crapton of flavor to the game.

That's legitimately the reason. I can't remember if it was Ben or somebody else, but a CIG official made a statement on the forums to the tune of
>if we gave everybody access to everything, then they would only fly the best ship!
and it was never brought up again.

Oh and pic cause why not even if you cant really see the water world cause its so small.

Question for you guys that explore how far are you willing to fly for different kinds of planets? I just flew 80kls to get to a water world. I ussaly only go about 1kls for a highmetal world.

My OCD and autism makes me scan everything I jump into. That being said, I don't explore much.

This is exactly what ive been looking for an earthlike world with a moon that I found first. Its about 1/3rd the size of earth .7gs and .6 atmospheric pressure so it would probably be pushing it to have humans live there. The moon is extremely similar to ours at 1000km radius compared to our 1700km. Im gonna go land on the moon and take a pic soon. Boy am I happy. Wish I could name it.

Heres a nice little picture I took of it I quite like the middle ocean.

Anyone here get a golden ticket to Willy Wonkas dinner party?

And here is a pic from the planet really showing being 1/3rd the size makes you smaller to see I would had never guessed. Welp moving on.


>decontamination limpets released 2 days ago
>still not sold anywhere

Thought about it but then remembered I'd have to spend an interesting time touring CIG and listening to Devs, being surrounded by other backers.
Although being all the people going would be concierge you'd think they'd have a grasp on hygiene but I've been wrong before.
Not worth the risk IMO.

I try not to socialize IRL with the same people I play videogames with.

>when you see it, derek will shit brix

posting shitty drawing meme for the meme god

>halfway to Colonia from Sol
>starting to get tired
>find out there's a base in Skaudai
Going to a base is top comfy when you've been flying around for weeks

What the fuck is with these parachuting heads

it would be easy to divide AC into performance brackets then. play the high end fighter bracket for hornets, sabres etc. freighter bracket for freelancers, connies etc etc

stop posting this cult apologia

I thought it was Player Unknown's Battleground.

Got Saitek x52 Pro cheap.


ED now. cause SC is 18fps

>Got Saitek x52 Pro cheap
If you got it for free, you paid too much.

Seems legit.

Also, fuck Goids.

Neat. I found one earth-like that I was first to discover on the path from Colonia back to Sol. It barely had any landmasses. I don't remember how big it was, though. Damn ED takes great screenshots.

>Arrival point (estimated:): 6,784,404.00LS
They werent kidding when they said the Hutton Orbital missions were gonna take a while

Watch a movie. I recommend Ravenous. Be sure and buy as many mugs and gin as you can hold.

I didnt have enough money to bring my conda over, so i'm just going back and forth with data deliveries.
I just hope the mission stacking doesnt fuck with me as much as it used to. Takes a lot longer to get missions towards the same point now.


Does Star Citizen run like shit for everyone else? I feel like it's gotten worse since 3.0.

Yes and Yes

I get probably 5 or less frames a second. Haven't tried in weeks though.

>won't be fixed until march
>fix will probably not work

Saitek went out of business because their sticks were so unreliable and prone to fail. You got a good deal because the stick hasn't failed yet. It's only a matter of time before it chews its own wiring up.
Runs like absolute shit.

saitek went out of business because their market was extremely niche.

pre-madcatz sticks will last literally forever.

If you know anything about electronics, the newer sticks are mostly fixable. It's a wire management and wear problem. If you can fix pinched or chafed wiring, the axis sensors and buttons rarely fail.

Is there even a way to make decent money as a space trucker anymore? I don't like the million light second passenger missions, and Sothis/Ceos are dead

>space trucker
Unless you go full autismo planning a trade route with a huge ship, there isn't a quick way to earn trading. If there were anything else close, people would talk about it. You could go to Quince and just do surface scan and passenger missions still. It's not top earning because they nerfed it, but it's not totally dead either. Everything is in a much smaller system than you are in now.

I meant the missions were you transport goods, I loved doing the ones in Sothis/Ceos were they sent you 400 LY to deliver some shit for 20 million. So comfy

You can find those anywhere you have your rep high enough. They are just rarer missions. Board flip some place you have full rep and you can probably find one.

>I don't like the million light second passenger missions
Then you're an actual retard choosing a more bothersome and less profitable way of making money instead of making around 100-150 mil per trip while you're alt tabbed watching whatever you want.

Noob explorer here, what are these million light year passenger missions? Where to find them, and what ship do I need? I'm currently in a Diamondback Explorer and I've got a bit over 100 mil cash.



Fug, it's 12k ly away since I'm close to Colonia.

If I want to make lots of money, can it be done around the core of the galaxy or do I have to go back to the Sol area?

>muh colonia meme
You downies will never not be funny.

Aren't we all downies for playing ED?

No, some are high functioning autists.



It's a weekend and the ATV and RTV didn't really hold any new information. The Crytek lawsuit isn't till Feb 9.
SQ42 newsletter will be out next week that might help stir up the fanatics on both side though.

Or just add scenarios; transport freight x, destroy capital ship y,etc. with supporting ships and opposing teams. Everyone gets to play everything, and everything gets tested in actual game play situations (as opposed to whatever the fuck happens in the ptu), but whales are still rewarded by getting to use their ships in the ptu instead of a predefined scenario.

that would not be easy

How? It's a pretty common game mode in other games. One team has say a Caterpiller and some fighters or whatever, and the other team has more attack ships. If team A gets the Caterpillar to some point, they win.

Competitive points buy system would be way simpler and easier, like how tabletop games like Warhammer does it.
If ships are overplayed or underperforming you can just slide the point values around to strongly encourage new compositions.
Then you can easily take that table of points and assign costs and rarity to those ships in the economy as a seed.

and now you've created a system for balancing the ships that does not actually fix the ship balance

Nigga ships are going to get rebalanced all the time, the whole fucking point of REC etc was to try and get people to play a variety of ships for equal testing.
The only way that's happening is if you make a competitive mode that grants you everything but your team has to pick their squadron under a fair per-game limit.
That's how you fucking balance shit, like units in Total War

Do we have a discord or IRC?

raid some other general

>being this paranoid
I'm trying to contact someone user.

We've had groups before and it was fucking awful, so it's an unspoken agreement to never organise like that again.
Besides SC has plenty with orgs that actually will have a purpose, no point joining anything generic.

Groups have caused some of the worst shit posting on Veeky Forums and they were all terrible.

Not to mention there was not hotfix for anything. CIG doesn't give a fuck that 3.0 plays like shit.

>6 data courier missions offered in the same place to a system ~21,000 LY away. 6 days and 20 some hours to complete them. Payout is ~690k CR each.
Do you think it's worth it? I imagine I'd have to not try to scan the systems I pass through in order to not go crazy.

Actually I think they're genuinely going to stick to the quarterly patch plan this time around.
They'll maybe make a small patch testing optimization for the end of January but the content will be aimed for March.

You can get passenger missions to Sag-A that pay tens of millions. 3.6m for 20k ly is madness.
>quarterly patch
Maybe, but we have been hearing that for years, as in 3 years in a row with multiple releases promised and only a single patch gets shit out before they leave for christmas.

3.0 obviously wasn't ready but they needed to be able to say they got it out before the end of the year. Also sales.

>You can get passenger missions to Sag-A that pay tens of millions. 3.6m for 20k ly is madness.
Ah. I just started and only have a sidewinder and eagle, so I'm not sure how long it'd take me to be able to do that.

Don't take anything over a few hundred light years until you are ready to leave the bubble on purpose. People quit this game getting too far out and realizing it will take the same couple of weeks to get back that it took to get there.
Some people like that shit, but you aren't ready for that for a while. Just focus on Fed or Empire and get full rep with a faction somewhere, doesn't really matter where. If you don't want to do the money grind and just work your way through the game instead, building rep is what it's about. None of the powers conflict mostly, so you can level fed, empire, and alliance all to the max.

Absolutely not wtf.

>they needed to be able to say they got it out before the end of the year.
Not saying you are wrong, because I'm sure that was the thinking as well, but how exactly does that square with BDSSE?
>It's the best, until we want to stop working on it, then if your account is broken because of a bug, thanks for the funds, see you in March.

If you just started, go to Allen Hub at Upsilon Aquarii. Do any missions around that system to raise your rep.
When you've saved enough cash to buy a ship that can hold several passengers go to Smeaton.
People like him bitching that this is ruining the game and fun gives me a boner all the time.

The best passenger ship I have is a Dolphin. I'll set it up like this to run missions. eddp.co/u/aJhbJF1d
I've only got a few million left, should I dump the Dolphin for something else, or what is the smallest ship to make good money with these runs?

I guess I probably don't need the discovery scanner. Idk why I picked that.

Replace the scanner with a cargo hold. Some of the missions require inventory space.
That build looks fine. The trip to Allen is extremely short. It's going to Smeaton that'll take 40 mins or so.
Be careful of being interdicted the closer to the station. If you can, avoid grabbing VIP missions since they go autistic if anything even scans you.

Not the same user - curious if this is something for ships of all sizes or just small/medium ships. Thanks in advance!

Cargo hold makes sense for that.
I'll throw some heat sinks on for silent running. I thought I was done after Quince, but I actually did way more engineers than I ever thought I would, so now I'm all motivated and shit.
My FAS is turning out to be pretty nasty. Some poor dad is going to pay, after the xenos do.

For Smeaton it's all ship sizes, obviously the more you can carry the better. The downside with all that space is you'll spend more time flipping the board trying to fill it all up.
I'm flying a conda and I average about 110 mil per trip because it's taking too long to find any Smeaton missions lately.

Using medium sized ships allows you to rinse every passanger board in Upsilon Aquarii since every station or outpost has it's own board. That's about it.

Take mission
Go to hypersapce.

Somthing about 0.60 fue

