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>xqc already going "i-its just 2 games"

Here comes T.Racer!

He'll make more money from streaming than OWL anyways

Post the fattest overwatch asses

He's cultivated a lot of mass in those glutes

he already does, wont save from people making fun of him because of poor fuel performance

>just started playing OW so at a low rank
>use Moira most of the time
>have to carry teams constantly since most people at this level either don't play seriously or would literally stand in place and get shot

I'm glad Moira is fun to play because this shit is suffering.

Damn imagine that fat around your dick


>squatz&oatz bby

He'll probably leave league after this season and just go back to streaming, he was one of the most popular streamers before league and now he's even more popular.
He's made it pretty clear that he doesn't really like league and prefers to just stream, all this controversy is just free publicity.

I hope pharah gets a legendary skin either with the blizzworld update or for the chinese new year event.
Is there any chance of them both coming at the end of january? I wouldn't be suprised if blizz staggered their release.

When is the chinese event coming? launching too many skins too close together wouldn't make sense for them

I doubt she'll get anything at Blizzworld so I'll cross my fingers for the chinese event one

>those nerf dart wings

last year the chinese event came out late january, supposedly the same time that jeff says the blizzworld will come out this year (with the added caveat, it could be "possibly" delayed).

Sorry, new legendary and emote for Ana

Looks like blizzardworld skins will probably get postponed (unless they surprise us and release them next week)

No, goy. Watch all the esport matches

Why don't you have a dedicated healslut, user?

I have two.

I don't need one, i'm a tank main they all flock to me.

I have 10. Bronze bracket is filled with chicks

I'm a tank main and I have to play around mega health packs.

Get a pocket healer

I don't know how to talk to girls.

I'm a Sombra player and love Tanks that use megas

I saw XqC"s stream yesterday for the first time after the match. What the he'll was Dallas thinking? Dude is a total spaz.

>Did they think they were going to win by the power of memes?

when have they ever surprised us with the timing of content?


Half their team is meme streamers

Hey Daddy-o!

Holy shit, remove Hanzo already.

I'd hit it

Has your waifu/husbando been ignored by Blizzkikes during events? Have some hope!

police > b.va = palanquin > default & recolors > cruiser

Yeah yeah, when does it actually drop?

Next month :^)

Anyone have the horizon baby d.va bullying webm?

Depending on what tracer is getting, she'll be the hero with most cosmetics in the game.

Too bad she's still ignored in terms of balancing issues.

I think they just do whatever the fuck they want for skins.


Why give it to her when you can give them to Ana?

Pharah has no personality and her most notable contribution to the story is Ana is her mom.

Hopefully Tracer gets something good.

>any overwatch hero

How Blizzard managed to get people invested in these cardboard characters is beyond me.

Lena's smile is a miracle of the universe! I want to protect it!

It's a pain that I have to juggle myself between 4-10 of them a day to the point that playing Overwatch feels like I'm scheduling meetings after they sent me friend requests.

I want to fuck it.

hopefully this is true, though I have a feeling it will be less than what I am expecting.
Jeff gave a blue post saying the goal is end of january, but saying that is the earliest possible. Very honestly, I think that just means february.

>mercy gets the epic card

Any healer does really.

I've never gotten a single friend request

theyre waifu autists

What class do you realistically see Hero 27 being apart of?

Defense will never get a new hero btw

Will someone please post the pictures of the setup with the cardboard armrest? been trying to find the set for ages

Unless your DPS or Tank pulled off a crazy POTG or was noticeably carrying the supports usually get it just for bothering to heal.

at that yule log thing when jeff talked about hero 27 he talked about how people were demanding more support and tank. Since we just got a support, my money is on another tank. Or possibly a hybrid.


more like XcuseC aimirite

I'm reading 10 supposed leaks right now. We will never know until the hero is finished. Jeff said they are busy making skins for the hero so 1-2 more months.

another support or tank, blizz works on demand and no one is demanding more dps heroes.

How do we fix Doomfist?

thanks mate

Jack and Gabe only have two offical matching skins together. Biker couple and Vampire pals. Hoping Uprising adds another. If it adds their gay spray skins that would be top tier.

>you will never have Lena smiling and giggling as she rides you

>If it adds their gay spray
>gay spray

>Jeff gave a blue post saying the goal is end of january, but saying that is the earliest possible. Very honestly, I think that just means february.
I can't believe how fucking slow these people are.

>xqc raging like a 12yo on stream due to people calling him bad


Intentionally delayed due to esports

You don't fix Doomfist, you fix yourself.

he rages no matter what, is this your first quebecian cucklord stream

I want to slowly lick Lena until she's at the very edge and then stop and leave and never answer her calls again.

>guy calls me shit constantly in vc because I'm healer and people keep leaving me defenseless (abandoning their push without warning
>Tell him to fuck off
>Gets all the other guys circle jerking in vc to report me for toxicity as they yell insults
>Will probably get banned


enjoy your ban you reddit fillcuck

And yet he probably makes more from streaming than from overwatch league

All I did was try to help heal and they all ganged up on me

It sucks desu

Lena deserves better than you.


She'll forget about you faster than you leave.

>Blizzard comes here to shitpost

Jeff said hero 27 will be meta changing, so get ready for another OP must pick.

Is there a chance for another hitscan character? Or do cree/76/widow/tracer cover every possible design choice?

18rd for reaper is a pedophile

He said it was something the game needed(which can end up meaning anything), not meta changing. For all you know he thinks the game needs more "mobility" so he'll add another character that will effectively buff dive.

> no one wants to go healer
> I pick Moira out of spite

Do your worst, /owg/

It's probably the dive tank mech they wanted to make a while ago.

So imagine S3 d.va with actual good dps.

Really wish there was a downvote on cards.

>an ult that instantly kills mercy no matter where she is

>Implying Moira is even bad

They took away Pig's ability to oneshot before Doomfist so he could instead.
They're nerfing Valk into the ground now, so Hero27 will be able to fullteam rez.
Screencap this

people are so shit about supports sometimes, i had a dude get mad and start throwing once because the supports asked him to group up with the team on point instead of running out alone for kills. he was playing reinhardt too so i have no idea why he even needed that reminder.

I just want effect to be happy bros.


He also said that he thinks hero 27 will be meta changing in the most recent comments.

>Pick Moira
>Some guy in vc asks if I can be Mercy
>Happily play game

confirmed broken instapick

someone """leaked""" it'll be a crossbow wielding hero

if by that he means it's a counter dive pick then I'm still waiting for orisa and doomfist to change the meta too.

If I never see another game of dva,wintson,genji, tracer, zen, mercy ever again in my life I will be fine wiht that.

>He tried to flank as reindhart

Holy shit, these are the people complaining about not getting healed.

Dr. Junkenstein is the cutest and i want to give him a kiss.