/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is coming out for PS4 and Xbox One Jan 26, 2018, with a fall 2018 PC release.
↳Third PS4 beta with a bonus Nergigante quest announced for 19th-22nd of January, no PS+ required.
↳Elder Dragons + Deviljho: youtube.com/watch?v=lmwxyM3sPwc
↳Full 2018 Winter Event Livestream: youtube.com/watch?v=FuxxrCmLi58
↳Weapons: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ALSpmx2A8sAdeuYKMnrCt0xCpwPyPbC
↳Moveset Changes: pastebin.com/Pc4NsdxP

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Password: rage (7243 on 3DS)
XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集
Gen, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

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Are we there yet?


>no gunner designs
why? i thought the whole point of gunners were that you could easily tell them apart from normal hunters

what does a huntress feel like

Kaiser girls! in HD! in World!

Cant wait for 1080p HD Kirin huntresses!

Blademaster and Gunner have been merged into one set of designs in World. Probably to save resources in development, and as a function in game to reduce elements of grind and to make support for switching weapons and armor on the fly in maps easier.

They merged gunner/BM armor in World to make gunning more accessible. Previously, you had to make a whole separate set of armor for your Bowgun, now you can just pick it up whenever you want and your defenses will adjust automatically.

good morning /mhg/

Kirin sluts in World!

>13 years until world

>not Empress

rough and sweaty

>the shaders on that Rathian armor
>the clean shine
Goddamn, World looks good. Even as on off-screen recording, this webm has so much eye candy.


Gunner designs don't exist because capcom doesn't have the resources to make HD models for them. That's why you also have reskinned monsters in the already small base roster.

>Kulu-Ya-Ku are learning how to use tools
>before long they'll be carving out primitive weapons
>Kulu with Hammers and Clubs
>eventually all monsters will use weapons

It's happening, slowly but surely. Our one advantage over them will be lost. The world will be theirs.

>don't have the resource
But what if they make HR armors different unlike past games? What will you say then?

Reminder that the "true" dragons of the ancient times were intelligent.

Kirin looks bigger than usual

well that just takes away basically all my want to play them
i always liked gunners because they looked so different from everyone else
now it doesn't feel like there's a point

>Mizu's design also straight up just looks like it should be a water based Elder dragon and is on the lower end of the offensive designs, but it still doesn't make sense for the logic of the world

thats not an answer
animals can be colorful you know? there's literally nothing logic bending about mizu

>Glavenus bites his tail into a raging melting hyper sword.
and this is worse than rajang, who shoots a laser out of his mouth? This is worse than literally any monster that lives in lava? Or barioth that can make tornadoes by flying in a circle?

>HR armors might be different than LR armors

The chances of that happening are slim to none user. I'd be honestly surprised if it's brand new models and not more reused models + something added to it.
At most you'll get the LR armor with some dodads on it if they change anything. Or maybe some slight color change like Seregios armor

if your primary drive for playing gunner was to look like a special snowflake rather than to have access to a different playstyle, then maybe you have bigger problems.

Did they add fucken real life conductive properties to lighting attacks or something? Everyone got zapped at the same time

On the plus side maybe they'll bring it back as micro transaction dlc. Then you can be a qt mizu gunner if you pay real money ;_;

waiting hurts

Now that the dust has settled, were amphibians a mistake? More than half of them cannot even go underwater and all the fanged wyverns are making them null. Why does everything Fujioka touches turn to mistakes?

It looks like the AOE line it always did, but just with a different visual effect. Maybe a more visually toned down electrical field before the attack?

Everyone is also standing in front of it so it'd make sense for them to get hit if it was the same attack.

>that mizu
i want to play with longsword for some reason now

>5 days left until the beta
>13 days left until release
>have nothing to do until then
>just sitting at my desk letting my mental state slowly deteriorate as world approaches

Be careful. She'll trip you.

Replaying MH games just makes it worse.

There she was, coming back from her usual hunt. What was she hunting this time...? Anyway, she was stinking sweat like always.
It was unsettling because she had some kind of pretty face. Rough, but pretty. And a lovely voice with that.
But she never cared about her appearance nor basic hygiene. She was only interested about her hunts...and me I guess. She often told me there was a special bond between us.
Well, I never really understood what she meant. But she did seem to love me, in her own way of course.
She was looking at me. I knew those eyes. I wasn't her boyfriend right now, but her prey. She didn't even bother to bath, and was unbuckling her armor while staring at me.
"You seem hungry, do you want me to cook something for us?" I asked.
"Yes, I'm hungry."

I was aware she wasn't talking about the food, more so since she wasn't stopping undressing herself. Sweat was running down her belly.
Then, slowly, she started to walk toward me. I awkardly tried to suggest some shower before anything but her callous hand seized my neck in a tender but firm manner.
She sat on my lap, still gazing into my eyes. I was feeling my legs getting moist. The smell was strong but my mind was too blurry to notice.
Her face got closer and she started to slowly lick my ear while whispering "answer to this post or you'll never be able to play the game".
With a shudder I smiled uneasily. Her grip went stronger.
At that moment, she kissed me wildly. It was so violent I couldn't breath and while I was trying to get air, I could feel her tongue going deep into my mouth.

imagine typing out a post like this


it's breathe you fuck

Reworking Gamuto so that all of the fated four can work in MHW!
Hoping that the deviant versions aren't brought over!


I think that might just be a new move, cause to me it looked like he shot a lighting bolt straight from his horn instead of summoning it from the sky like his other moves.

>always been interested in ls
>dont want to be a detriment to my team or be seen as a mega-weeb

>unlike past games

Only a few sets aren't different in high rank and those are usually also the same in g rank, like lagombi.

Try harder ESL-kun. Also, no one's ever playing the game anyway since there's still F O R E V E R left to wait.

Just keep away from people who are tripped easily and you're fine

t. Lance main

If big monsters attack each other when they are in the same area, I wonder what kind of interaction are going to do Rathalos and Rathian if they appear in the same quest.

Name them

To whom are you replying?


they hate-fuck each other for the remainder of the quest

I can't wait to start fapping midhunt with /mhg/.


I can't wait to surround the couple with bombs and detonate them with an HBG mortar shot so they fuckin die.

Nevermind, guess I was wrong. Went to check but discovered that the reverse is true, only a few sets are different between low and high rank (storge for instance). Guess I just never made low rank armour.

someone post the hammer

Where are you in this picture /mhg/?
I couldn't find a better picture for all 14 weapons

Me hanging out with lance-chan

>waaah i wanna be special:the post
Hopefully you dont play, one less bitch to weigh the community down

I hope it's consensual.

Me on the left.

Far left, having no problem getting along fine with LS-chan
just like in real hunts

I am about to get raped.

I like how the weapons are paired off.

Me bullying Hammer-chan.

What monster have you fapped to the most?


Also reverse searched the image to find the artist and found one they did with 13 girls and a cat. That's only one short if you want to make the cat prowler, perfect if you consolidate the bowguns.

Also CB is missing pants in the one you used, this one is slightly safer for work

Are transvestites monsters?



why is chargeblade not wearing pantsu

I'll get to work

LS users aren't even that bad as they're usually easy to counter, which is nice.
Wide Gunlance users are the true devil.

Nisetama transmog.

gunlance is looking at me funny

Pants slow down the SAED

Accurately representing how chargeblade players are shameless sluts.

Wide gunlance can shell straight up and still hit monsters taller than a player, but only hits other players that way if they're on extreme slopes like in 4U's dunes and volcanic hollow, or the other players are on a ledge above the GL. SAs are the true cancer cells.

>SAs are the true cancer cells
Accurate. Also IG players who do the infinite. You aint getting out of that shit.

>he ACTUALLY believe there is chance that happen
Hahah only the returning monsters and maybe the flagship will get new set but this will be all.

Does anybody else feel like the list might be incomplete or something, like it only being tied up with ones that show up in the videos. its possible to have them do an end of the month/mid February reveal of what they might bring to title updates such as what they did with Jho. This would explain some of the subspecies if they aren't high rank in the base release.

Hell we dont even have a confirmation for ecological Apexes in the rotten vale or the volcanic area yet. It could be the corpse dragon for rotten vale if he's not classified as an elder dragon. Odogaron isnt even mentioned as an apex according to the game website. Any thoughts?

There are some good felyne doujinshi.

Chargeblade-chan trying her hardest to tempt me but doesnt realize I hate her.

New to IG, what is this?

your XXA combo

Don't you mean YYB?

The infinite XXA combo you can do once you have red extract. It got nerfed in world so you won't be seeing it much anymore.


It's seem like LS is not the king of tripping in MHW now, play 2 beta and people that trip me the most is DB, IG, sometime lance.


Fucking hell that picture reminded me of how small the buttons in 3ds, how you faggots can play with it is beyond me.

They're only about 30% smaller than Dualshock 4 face buttons. The main issue with the 3DS is the shape of the console being the opposite of ergonomic and not having an actual analog stick.

LS has not been the king of tripping since FU. DB is a serious offender, so are lancers that spam the charge but don't know how to fucking jump (or are playing one of the games where it can't jump). But in defence of lance, often if you find yourself getting run down by it it's because you're who they choose to fuck over while charging over the other players because you're the reason they have to charge to hit the monster- The slightest tap from anything will interrupt most of lance's other attacks, but the charge makes them very hard to stop.

I would say that DB, SA and inexperienced HHs and GLs are the biggest offenders.

I think it's entirely possible
People like to meme about how World is going to be a disaster, so I don't share the same certainty that some people here have that The List is 100% all the monsters in the game as well as the first DLC update, although I think it's also completely plausible

He is a shitposter feigning ignorance while playing on an xbox, which has huge silly buttons on its controller. I say feigning ignorance because he knew the button positions for the attack buttons despite there being no MH for xbox but pretended to be confused by someone calling them by the nintendo layout's labels.

To me the number one problem with the 3DS is the shitty, awful, garbage, infinite more derogatory adjectives here, circle pad. It's so fucking utterly pathetic. I get RSI within fifteen minutes of using the disgusting thing.

>still being that mad about a stupid little shitpost when the topic has already changed.