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Reminder that Kaori is Paks.

literally dead game

Weekend reminder to be VERY nice with your lizards, thx

buying gbf

Reminder that Paks is tricking people into hating Kaori and that lalafell.

He owes Vjera a great debt and this is his method of paying him back.

buying gf

Reposting for best Grand Company leader.

ewwww fat

transfer to mateus and i'll be your bf.

what would a cat know about lizards


Please don't lewd Merlwyb.

This conspiracy shitpost is getting wild.

whomst tf I gotta erp to get them to buy me the new dbz


Buy me a commission


Uhmm look at my horns, i'm clearly a lizard!! You see now, lizardfren?

you mean the new episode?

tfw no friends to do a cute friend commission with

Guy. Dnt fall 4 dis. Memkat did. Dis mem says is lizard, but if u look v v v v close, is c@


Post omega tier cringe only

Whats a good place to sell a house? I'm tired of my small in shiro and want to upgrade to a medium in Mist. Ehat are the prices even at?

why are you stalking a literal who?

I sold mine on /r/FFXIVhousingmarket

Why didn't they go full wow mode and have parties of five and ten?
Queues for anything outside of tanks are abysmal at this point.

I didn't know people could catch destructo discs 2bh

Is that a real thing? Like theres a subreddit dedicated to flipping xiv houses?

>people who try to create personalities and blogs of their characters

Not even cringe it's just lame.
A shame too because they have good lewd art.

Which pathetic anonymous post are you?


yup I sold mine on balmung there months ago, got a ton of offers

Paks is Kaori 100% confirmed.

When is 4.2 coming out?


This is totally 100% disinformation and NOT the real memEcAT, pls don't fall for such evil traps and trust on your very horny lizards thx

>run level roulette as dps because lol
>stone vigil
>DRK never CDs, only stacks all of them including DM on the physical enemies after dropping below 50%
>AST healer, never uses cards. Ever. Not even once
>Never uses regens, keeps spamming benefic I and II
>Ask them to use regen
>no response
>Ask again later
>get pic-related
>we wipe once and it takes them literally forever to realize they have to cast protect

>Classes you just know you're going to have a bad time in clears/farms

>lily same fag millennium

exchange with SCH. A lot of bad ones out there

>kaori isn't even here
>his """"friend"""" is forcing him and making his situation worse

true Veeky Forums friend

i dont even understand why he does it. what does he get out of it other than looking like a complete fucking retard

Wtfff is spell MEMC@!!!!
Also wtf u r not real lizard ur c@ w fake horn implant

hullo meem cade

Attention, literally any attention coming to them gets them off it's actually worse than milla at this point.

don't you love the reminders?!

Buid teh wal an keep faek memc@ oud

I can't be the only one who keeps getting Shiva every single fucking day on Trial roulette, right? This isn't a coincidence at this point.

Though if you want to get rid or curve their posting you report both them and the person replying to them

Memc@ n memkat r only acceptable spelling... wtf


Memc@ dog under ur wall lole

This, report the feeders and the heart.

wts chocolate gc on balmung

>saying this long after when it would have carried any weight
Good job dropping that ball

Epperson once cursed me to get Ultros & Typhon every fucking day. It passed, but you might be screwed.

would you pump a pale xaela with a gc


do you like tanlanders

Wanted to try making an elezen that was a bit more unique. thoughts?

You have 5(five) mem second units to provide proof for that absolutely FAKE statement!! Just look at these horns!!

Kind of cute. Maybe darken the lips up somewhat because it's clashing pretty hard right now.

Ditch the facepaint I think, besides that she looks good. Usually you want some contrast between skin and hair tones, but I like the monochromatic look. Try black lipstick maybe?

yeah agreed, looks fine aside from the paint

Dis is pic of u w/o horns. V fake

>40$ on steam
>60$ on landing page
>20$ on squeenix store
what is this next-level scheming?

Whichever one I'm playing.

Any other katanas with straight blades? The i205 pvp one is the only one I've found so far.

Don't buy it on steam.
Play the trial to make sure you enjoy gameplay.
Ask here, people will give you codes and erp.

dis is ur last warning memc@
delet dis b4 is 2 late 2bh

It's not a katana without a curve

except lily is a known ban evader

Yeah but nobody ever seems to use the face paint so I wanted to try and make it work. I do like the darker lip color though.


already got it from the squeenix store
I have my own sources for erp

Face paint is fine, you won't notice it at much from a distance and it is something that few other elezen use.

We traveled east, over the mountains and into the vast deserts of broken lands. As the days passed, Fray told me of himself, that he had once been a great warrior... and that a dark and secret burden now weighed heavily upon him. We traveled for an eternity across that arid wasteland. How long...? I couldn't say. And always, a dark cloud seemed to follow us just over the horizon...

Hej. Nop

Marry my catboy.

Cool, sidenote that you don't get gametime with SB if you only bought the base.


You know you can limit XIV to 60 FPS

Hi, I'm thinking about switching to FFXIV from WoW because I fucking hate my guild. I like to raid mythic which is savage in XIV I hear, and PvP but that's not balanced in WoW. I've mained a warrior in WoW for about 8 or 9 years. I like tanking, and dps-ing. I despise paladins though, what should I do and where do I start in XIV? pls respond I'm serious

Sorry you are poor.

game sucks

Marauder. Will eventually upgrade into Warrior which is a DPS focused Tank class.
Game will be slow as fuck at first.
Raiding is not the same as in WoW.
Content is locked behind the story.
You CAN skip the story, but this IS Final Fantasy so you'll miss out on quite a bit.

Who are the cute and single girls

>keep mentioning reminders, never remind us of anything
Abstract shitposting or madness?


If you want to tank and do damage start with Marauder/Warrior.

This cat was really good.

that's the point

I'm a cat on a perch.

WoW what was I thinking.
Guess I'll go back to Legion
Thanks Anons, can you tell me about the dark Knight? I looked at the Wikipedia and they seem interesting.

The repliers get banned.

what happened to that one cute cat that had blue eyes and light brown hair with the long hair with a band thing in it

>Lynris comes to xivg
I'll take it
>Vjera comes to xivg
Fuck off back to wowg

who and who?

Unlocked at 50 as a level 30 class. You can play both on the same character.
