/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

'Why didn't you abort me?' edition

Tell us your server and get a referral code from a fellow /wowsg/ to get extra bonus credits/flags/XP and two free premium ships (one instantly, one after you play a T6 ship).

>Newbie guide

>0.6.15 update

>0.7.0 PT round 2: patch boogaloo

>Battle of the North Cape Collection

>Captain Skill calculator

>Statistic tracker

>In-game chat channel:
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel" (by Varzov)
NA Channel: Search for "Veeky Forums" (by antibullyranger)
SEA Channel: "Veeky Forums"

[HOTEL] & [KUMA] on EU - Get into in game Veeky Forums chat and ask there
[BOTES] on SEA - Contact Dataminersquare or a recruiter
[BOTES] & [HOTEL] on NA - contact DataminerNS

reminder [HOTEL] EU got a spectacular six Stalingrad flags!

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Why does the Oil Baron of Botes/Hotel never div with people? He is always botespinning, but divs when Abrach and Chain ask him to.

He didn't play with anyone on SEA either. Iron and Jake insists that Hotel plays with everyone on /wowsg/, and that's a blatant lie and they're known liars too.

Hotel is also a liar, he has repeatedly said he'll never refuse someone's div request. I know you're reading this Hotel, try to prove that you've played with at least five different anons for more than fifteen times each.

Show proof of logs.

Otherwise, here's your (You).

All my favorite ships that I'm working for all top off at Tier VIII, do I miss out on anything if I don't bother going for IX or X?

Aside from playing IX/X tier matches obviously. From the best of my knowledge you need VIII for ranked, and the operations and other things are VI-VIII etc

I don't know, what are you looking for in this boat game?
t10 ships are simply better and have access to consumables and upgrades t8 ships don't have, that's about it.

Are IJN carriers still the best skycancer?

From T6 to T9, yes.

I just came back over the holidays after not playing for a year or so. How I get delicious invite code?

drive around and shoot other botes
i was just concerned that there was some game mode that is tier IX/X only or something that I wouldn't be able to play

I'm on NA server.

There's Clan wars that only use t10 ships, but they give out t10 for rent anyway so you don't really need to grind for them.

ty user

Enjoy user!

>prove to me the sky is blue

Uhm excuse me, but Hotel and Para loves to play with /wowsg/ but only during clan battles and SL because they don't track stats for the players there. Haha i know what you're thinking, "why would someone care about stats so much?". Well, they're pretty retarded so there's that haha!

I played with Para today senpai.

You forgot to show a screenshot of it. Therefore, you're a liar, dumb shitposter.

Back in the old days, and still today, Para would only div with exceptional players or he'd play with himself because he's super autistic. Muh stats!

You're right and wrong. Para would only div with Niff and no one else. I think it's because Para was molested as a child by his grandfather, so he got a difficult time trusting others which is completely understandable.

Thanks for the (You)

A friend talked me into playing this a few days ago, is it too late to get the referal code?
Also how do I get gud, we are struggling to get enough XP to make the jump to t5

I think service level 3 is the cutoff, but honestly if you're still tier 4 just restart if it's too late.


Oh I'm level 14
How do I restart? I downloaded through steam I don't think I can just delete and reset up the account

In that case you have to download the client and create a new account. Probably worth it though. Texas is a good bote and with how you can mod the game there are probably fewer headaches with the client than with steam.

How do I play Tirpitz against T10? I need credits badly but 9/10 games are against T10

Aim for cruisers or wait for a retard in a T10 BB to try brawling you then torp him and laugh.

So just hide and hope dispersion favors me?


>see a video where some madman specced his arkansas for secondaries
Ok that looks like fun.

pretty new to WoWS here. I have that Ishizushi with a commander with 5/5 skill points. I'm never going to use that ship though so would there be any benefit to transferring him over to a new Destroyer I want to use, or should I just roll with the captain that comes with it? I know there's a penalty but would i lose all the free commander skill boosts?

Yeah, see how well a slow ship goes with secondaries

put him on whatever ship you want and you won't lose any skill points but you'll probably need to retrain him

Ishizushi is premium ship so it can use any captain without penalties.

It's good idea to have one captain for battleships while you climb up the tech tree and separate for destroyers since those use very different skills.

Ok, that's good to know and I expected to have to retrain him, but i'm so low level really that I figured that it's not a big deal at this point. My highest ships are T5.

>My highest ships are T5.
get to T6 ASAP and try to do operations. You will get 10 points captain which is a huge deal especially on destroyers.
Speaking of which
Threadly reminder to new players to try to get Cleveland (USN cruiser line). Since split is coming you can get a ton of free stuff this way.

Split? Ok i'll get a T6, probably a Hatsuharu since I haven't put any research into US ships.

Yes. USN cruiser line is going to split into heavy cruiser line and light cruiser line starting at T6, most likely somewhere this spring.
If you'll have some of the ships affected (Cleveland, Pensacola, New Orleans, Baltimore) WG is going to compensate you, with Cleveland alone granting you a free T8 ship. You just have to have them in port.

Feels like no matter what BB I play, accuracy never goes up beyond about 1/3

That's about right unless you're blapping other BB's at 6km.

Well even with no US ships really I think I can grind to T6 quick enough. Thanks for the info.

You can hit tier6 in about a month of casual grinding pretty easy.

>stark raging in all chat because he got deleted by our carrier

Is there any way to disable chat when there is a certain clan (say [BOTES] for example) is in the same battle as you?

God being cruiser is sometimes fun

What class of ships is flamu the best at?

>Caring about that subhuman

jesus the difference between credit gain with premium vs no premium is like night and day
Should I break my f2p status and buy premium days with real money? How much is it in dollars?

>Caring about that subhuman

just buy a premium bote

How many papa papa flags does the average player (someone like me) need to grind out 750k fxp in a reasonable amount of battles

I've noticed that recently I've been doing a lot better. Is it because I've gotten better or is it because everybody else is playing like shit because of the campaign(s)? Hopefully I'll be able to maintain my good stats after these campaigns are over

So what's the next line after French BBs?


Lets say you goy out for prem, and have 1200 average exp per battle. (T9-10)
So 1200*1.5 = 1800 exp or 360 free exp per battle
750k/360=2083 battles. Which is not very reasonable.
If you also have +50% exp flags -- 1388 battles.

us cl

you honestly would need a lot of dragon flags to do it in reasonable amount of battles

Had like 5 straight games on this ship, of completely meh results, then I switched to AP.

>in usual standard battle in Farragut
>comfy HE harassment to enemies
>suddenly hearing real fire alarm
>know that there is a fire at a flat four levels above mine in the apartment
>can't quite afk instantly because the game is far from finished and I don't quite have time to explain to teammates
>know that the enemy Dunk is behind the island I am camping at
>go YOLO and torpstab him and let the others shoot me
>run from my flat after all the mess
>get to safety like 10 minutes later and know that the fire is out already
>when I type this message I get noticed that I can go back home 10-15 minutes later
Remember, RNGesus doesn't just live in the world of games. Good day, good afternoon, good night and good game, anons.

What are some good warship documentaries?


How am I supposed to use AP on Duke of York with these wildly inaccurate guns?

How am I supposed to play British cruisers?

Are you Haruna or any of his cronies? It's quite hilarious to see you or his cronies sperg at people whenever they're exposing you.

pretend you are dd
fire ap at anything broadside
if there are no broadsides available, go for superstructures

Duck of York is not a bad girl, so long as you remember to load AP for broadsides.

I miss the 5th heal though, I tend to run out quite a lot...

Should I use my free exp to skip Z-46 to get my first T10 now, or wait and use it to skip Izumo when I finish Nagato and Amagi?

Italian Cruisers probably, especially with Roma about to come out.

Z-46 isn't a bad ship by all accounts, but using free exp to skip Izumo and end up with the most powercrept T10 is kind of a poor judgement call. Do you have MO and Nelson already? Because either of those would be a better use of exp.

I also miss the 25s reload. Hydro isn't that useful and I never remember to use it when needed.
In fact, I keep mistaking it for the spotter plane because that's what my KGV has.

Nelson isn't that good of a credits maker especially for 375k freaking free XP, you might as well use the Duke for that without having to buy shit.

>skipping Z46

You use your 12km concealment to get closer. Also get the -7% dispersion mod.

Believe me, you'll want to skip the Izumo, however I advise to not go down that line if you don't have the Montana already, since Yamato is pretty much the worst tier X BB right now.

How big of a difference does -7% dispersion make?


The first season of CW used TX ships. They gave free rental ships to anyone with a T8, but you're better off having a full-fledged meta TX of your own if you want to play.

Does Yamato have the biggest and cutest boat bulge (female)?

241 > 224m, which brings you on par with Colorado, still worse than Nagato of course.

Stop trying to make Yamato gay faggot

Yamato has the biggest and sluttiest citadel, hence why she has to hide in the corner of the map and slowly reverse all game long.



SE confirmed meta for MN BBs?

WG, when im bacc there better be soviet BB line

Aldi pls, adding new lines will be too complex for playerbase. Have a premium tier VIII Soviet CV instead.

Fuck of Siberia cuck

That only makes her cuter.

Why so rude

Your dumbass presence is the only reason our military is still needed

WG confirmed for still not knowing how to play their own game.


r8 my build guys!

>SE and Expert Loader
>no CE
This is so fucking wrong I don't know how to shittalk anymore.

>-0,25% to the reload time of all weapons for each lost percent of ship xp

And standard boost to turret traverse skill

Alsace can get 23sec reload at 50% hp if you combine with reload module.
Or 20 sec at 10%

i haven't spent any money on this game
i'm debating buying hsf harekaze
i like botes that have options in loadouts and it seems to have the most of them
am i making big mistake

It has options but the only one that isn't just a downgrade from stock Kagerou is the Akizuki guns.

yeah, those were the ones i was interested in
the prospect of 3 sec loading guns makes me moist