/2hug/ - Touhou General #90

Mokouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu edition

Previous thread: →

>So what is this game?
Touhou is a bullet hell game made by ZUN. Instead of ship or robots it features anime girls fighting youkai and such.

>Where should I start?
The games until 5 were designed for the PC-98 platform, which would require an emulator. It's recommended you start either with the sixth (first Windows game) or the second game (as the first one isn't a bullet hell) and work your way up from there. Some games aren't your usual bullet hells but should be played anyway.

1: Arkanoid's drunk abusive cousin.
7.5, 10.5, 12.3, 13.5, 14.5, 15.5: Fighting games.

The others follow the basics of the bullet hell genre but usually add a game play twist. Once you're done with the main series you can move on to the fangames, of which some are of excellent quality.

>Where can I get the games?
moriyashrine.org/ (For separate game downloading)

nyaa.si/view/979648 (All in one pack)

>Touhou Project Official Material Reading/Playing Guide

>Please git gud!

>Game running at 30000FPS? Game screen size not to your liking? Experiencing some input lag? Download Vpatch and apply it.

>eraTohoK (plus other era games)

>Touhou 16 and 15.5 on steam! Please support the official release.


>1cc charts! (Updated for AoCF)

>PoFV and Soku Netplay Guide! (Needs your help!)

>Fangames pastebin (Contains a fixed version for game breaking bug in FMW2)

Touhou is (not) a video game franchise and we are (not) hurting anyone.

Other urls found in this thread:


I like fucking up when I make a new thread
Actual previous thread:

>mokofag is an idiot
as expected.

Why are her sleeves so long?

Made an official first EoSD 1cc run after days of practicing stages 4, 5, and 6, ended up making several stupid deaths and lost by stage 4. I want to die.

Weirdest touhou image you have

If you have stage 4, 5 and 6 down you will get that 1cc very soon.

if your still failing horribly on stages 1-3 then don't bother practicing stages 4-6 yet. you practice them after you build a solid foundation and skill set on 1-3 as you can't just bruteforce memorize the later stages, but use the memory to compliment your dodging skills.

I don't go out of my way to save weird stuff unless it's also good art, but here's Windows Alice with a loli Shinki for some reason

Its magic, i ain't gotta explain shit.

Except I don't usually fail stages 1-3. Usually I make it through without losing a single life and without bombing.

Go be irrelevant somewhere else Kaguya

dont forget about me

On soft gray mornings humans cry
The wise sages share a joke
I run to grasp divining signs
To satisfy the hoax
The purple jester does not play
But gently pulls the strings
And smiles as the puppets dance

Alright so I looked into the Thcrap botnet thing, and aside from giving me a good scare I didn't find any evidence into it being a botnet from google, I did found this in the readme of one of the games

>If, for any reason, you do not wish for the game to connect online, you may simply delete thcrap_update.dll contained inside the thcrap_brliron folder. This way, the patch will use only the available assets and stay offline forever.

Is this true? Can you un-bot net the botnet?

Are there any tips for IaMP? I seem to suck at the story mode.

You DID vote for Shanghai in the poll, didn't you user?

Are you aware of the graze mechanic? If you aren't the game becomes nearly impossible. Your dash move lets you move through bullets.

Yeah the problem is more against their physical attacks (like the double Youmu) or when they shoot a large spread.

I don't know what to tell you. I never had any trouble with the fighting games. You're playing with a controller, right?

No, do you really think it makes that much of a difference? I do own one.

I have this fangame downloaded.

I dont really know. I tried to keyboard controls and found them to be rather inflexible. Remember, keyboards aren't designed for human hands. Controllers were made specifically for ease of use. Its been a long time since I play it, but I think people still use joy-to-key for the old fighting games?

The Eternal Meek safespot is on her right side. Your right. It's extremely close to her and hard to get consistently. You basically have to be as close to possible without actually touching her to pull it off.

no, but I did vote for the alice.

>tfw addicted to watching 2hu mmds on jewtube

What kind of MMD’s? Shitty ones or quality ones?

I'm sure the text would clear things up, but until then, I must continue to be confused.

the artist for that does a lot of really cool doujin works

>Page 9




People are probably doing stuff and not wanting to discuss on a saturday night, or Sunday morning

Sleepy sleepy /2hug/

What is the baku's goal?

To be Veeky Forums's smug anime reaction girl of choice.

To be user’s wife

>the edition is not about the poll
You blew it

There's a lot of competition for that, keep dreaming.


I can't find any really surreal pictures in my folder.


>a new species of gondola has been discovered on an isolated mountain in gensokyo

They actually predate Gondolas by a few years.



>page 9


Have you ever thought about changing your waifu?

I've always been absolutely torn between Alice and Reisen. Both are so good but there's just no way to put one above the other, it's a pain.

We've been noticed.


>Ping 118
Is this supposed to be bad?
Why is Japan so spoiled when it comes to netplay?

Not even for her sister?

Because Seoul and Beijing are close to them so they have like 1/3 of the worlds population close enough to get sub-50 ping.

A little, but not really.

My waifu is from another series than Touhou, but, hypothetically, if I was a Muslim and had to pick a number two waifu, it would totally be Remilia. She's just too perfect!

>Not even for her sister?
I'd absolutely fuck Flandre, but Flandre isn't marriage material like Remilia.

Are you sure?


>My waifu is from another series than Touhou,

>My waifu is from another series than Touhou,

I mean she still has a frilly hat and stuff.

Yes. I just can't see Flan as a girl I'd want to marry.

I just can't see how people want to fuck lolis.


There’s nothing wrong with polygamy. Women outnumber men by millions and majority of prison population are males. Even if all men get married, there would be still millions women left without a husband.

That's a pretty un-childlike depiction.

Frandoll is 495 y/o

Flan, Remi and most other 2hu lolis are "entry-level" lolis because they're actually hundreds of years old and usually don't act like actual children would act. That makes it easy to sexualize them without having to feel bad.

How's Letty treating you, user?
Captcha: Yucca Vame

Try jerking off to a loli doujin, you might understand the appeal.


Does Miko know the way of the katakana?

Damn it.

I want to throw those pancakes at her face and say "Fuck you Letty! I miss being at 40C"

She got my vote.


sleep tight dreamy

Are there even quality ones? I just can't stop myself, they're like eating chips, I just keep reaching for more and more.

Vote for Fortune Teller

AoCF did wonders for Doremy. I can see her being more popular from now on.
Bad Apple.

I wan Doremy to invade my lewd dreams!

You mean entry level lolis because most artists give them child bearing hips and what not.

Who cares if it's or not? As long as it's enjoyable, it's good. I sometimes rewatch old MMDs for fun and to support the touhou MMD community.

*it's quality

So, this The Disappearing of Gensokyo game was released lately, and people seem to like it. I won't ask is it good or not because it's same as asking someone if milk is tasty and then finding out you have extreme case of milk allergy.
What I want to ask is "Does anyone have link for trial/demo/pirate version"? I need to see of my toaster will run it, Steam's system requirements section is always filled with random shit three times more powerful than game actually needs.

That too.
And I don't mean it in a negative way when I say "entry-level", Remilia is my waifu after all, but for most people it's easier to sexualize a loli that has child-bearing hips, is actually 500 year old and acts more mature than an actual child would.

Tewi and Clownpiece are drawn lewder and more frequently with child bearing hips than the scarlet sisters.

This makes me wonder
Which 2hu is the harderst to sexualize?
Hard mode: no men 2hus
My vote goes to Chiruno

True, but Remi and Flan have no lack of art with great hips either.

Eirin is a good girl, she's a productive member member of the society and contribute so much to Gensokyo despite not needing to do that at all. Eirinhaters btfo.

shes pretty easy to sexualize, bro

It's actually Maribel and Medicine.


unpopular != hard to sexualize

>both blondes
they are already sexy enough.

The y-axis is a percentage, so popularity is not really a factor if you ignore the x-axis. No 2hu is hard to sexualize.


That can be said about most "lolis", people just don't know what they want.

I don’t know okuu isn’t higher up on the lewd percentage. She seems pretty lewd to me

Is this official?