/alg/ - Azur Lane General #97

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Touching fluffy tail.

Reminder that this harlot was responsible for the worst war crime of WW2


Remember to be faithful and just marry one boat. Otherwise the doors of heaven will be closed.

Isn't it a Chinese dev?
The Chinese had ships to speak of?

Reminder toot sisters are the prettiest botes in the game

Not this again.

This is my wife. You shall respect her.

>married 4 botes
go away christ

E-chan a cutest!

A few, yeah.

Marrying many boats is heaven though.

Do you have scripture to back your claims?


As you can see it says one boat many boats equals to closed doors.

Kisaragi is my wife

She is not a harlot just man-killing longhouse who carriers disease and parasites.
Especially ticks and fleas along with all their associated diseases. Also remember to remove her ovaries. Cutting her tails off so she doesn't knock down anything is recommended if you want to keep her inside.

Did they give us 200 free gems straight into the resource pool for the emergency maint?

check your mail

There's no apologems for the second emergency maint.

just pretend you got 150 for the construction one and 50 for the one server one

Can I like merge dupes into existing boats or do I just scrap 'em

Scrap only if your other bote is MLB and you don't want to have 2 for different fleets

>farm 5-4 for another tenzan
>finish it after a bunch of runs
>check shop
>1 japanese gold box on sale
>buy it and open it
>get a tenzan
Th-Thanks I guess

Why should i use SB2C over suisei and Ju-87c on saratoga? Both of those have higher dpm yet are lower than SB2C on the memelist
Also should I use purple corsair or purple hellcat? Using the gold kraut plane now but read from some anons that it should only exclusively be used on unicorn/lusty

absolutely, sb2c has better bombs
nazi fighters dont have bombs

>1×2000lb Bombs 2×500lb Bombs
>1×1000lb Bombs 2×100lb Bombs
That's why.

so, who is going to get the submarines first CN or JP?

Also I only seen suisei being used on ark royal due to it being a gold (+20 plane stats over purple) and slightly faster than sb2c. Also probably to do with having only 80% weapon efficiency with bombers.

Well they'll need to be beta tested right? We all know who has that job.

I see, thanks kind anons

SB2C strictly has better DPS in a way that the bombs have much bigger aoe and overlaps each others radius. Unlike Suisei and TBD which has much much smaller bomb radius, and they're just very slightly better in bosses that you'll just want to equip SB2C anyways.
Purple hellcat/reppu/seafang>purple corsair.

The nazi planes have no bombs, and that's a deal breaker. Fighters do still have some bombs that contributes a lot during airstrikes. The gold one is the fastest though, but that slight difference in speed does not outweigh the dps loss from the bombs.

>take off all of saratoga's planes
>sortie her
>she still has an airstrike, and it still drops bombs
How does this work?

Literally magic planes that scale their stats, but still do negligible damage.

If you don't equip anything in the equipment slots the game will sub in the basic 1 star equipment for the nation your bote is aligned to


What are the odds of actually getting a gold box from a transport node in world 6? I'm farming 6-3 for some BB guns and autoloaders, and I'm wondering if I should do these even though they can't drop the equipment blueprints.

Do weapon BPs drop from all nodes or just boss nodes?


I've never gotten gold BPs from normal nodes.

Gold BP only drop from boss nodes, and I ?think? boss nodes are the only nodes which can drop 2 copies at once.

I got a meido gun BP from a regular node, so I'm pretty sure they do.

You're absolutely remembering wrongly.

started running x-2 hards to prepare for jintsuu, legit can't remember the last time I actually ran a HM that wasn't x-1

Normal nodes only drop purple 155mm

Maybe I am. Always did have extremely shitty memory.

Would I get more purple plates if I farm world 8 than world 6, or is it all the same?

Reminder that you can check equipment drops for a node by clicking the icon before a battle. If you do, you'll find that only bosses drop golds.

And you'll also see that transport nodes and ambushes don't drop any at all. Which is bullshit.

At least transport nodes have that 0.0001% chance of dropping a gold box.

Has anyone here ever actually got a gold box from one? I prioritize the transport nodes while farming for doggo and haven't got one yet.

Craven is underrated

I've gotten like two in the countless times I've done transport nodes. Meanwhile I'm pretty sure I've reached around 3 of each faction's gold box from world 8-9 bosses.

New player here, I'm really lost as to how to build my fleet, I'd like to hear some suggestions. Pic related is my current girl rooster.

Indy, Portland, and Ayanami make a good frontline. In the back Illustrious, Rodney, and Saratoga.

Guys, help. I can't stop thinking about Nagara. Her plain design and caring personality is somehow very attractive to me. What do I do?

Wait for Wakaba and love her instead.

unicorn and sara in the back will do fine, lusty too
indi gives portland a buff so use them together, houston functions okay as a standin for the stronger CL gunbotes you'll get later, ayanami is good but her remodel which is a long ways away is what makes her shine

Scrap her so she doesn't bother you again.

kc has won again and al is dead

Both of them equally dead


Thanks for the input, I have other questions; which ships should I try to build and should I be farming, I'm currently just clearing the normals maps.

Whatever ship makes your dick feel funny.

Try getting Enterprise and Hood, for farming Akagi, Kaga and Vestal.
Try doing daily hard it will make tertrofitting easier latter

Unironically, your favorites. The esports and team composition thing isn't that big a deal until you get a good understanding of the game.

saratoga and Cleveland combo alone can bring you to world 8, provided they're sufficiently leveled enough.

You don't really need to actively farm/build when starting out, good stuff will naturally come as you play.
If you want an idea of what to be pleased about if they appear, Cleveland, Helena, Phoenix and Belfast are all really good frontline and can come from light construction. for backline, hood and enterprise are the BB/CV jackpots.

Some actual advice: You don't need to, and in fact you probably shouldn't, fill up your entire backline. One backline ship per fleet is sufficient for a long time. Maybe 2 ships in the fleet that fights the boss. You just kill a lot of oil if you fill your backline.

Furthermore, CAs are bad, so don't get too invested in your CAs unless they're your waifu or something. Portland and Indianapolis are respectable, so you can level them though. Overusing them will hurt your oil, so plan accordingly.

Ships that you should look to farm, in order you should farm them in:
>Phoenix: 4-1
One of the earlier accessible good boats. Only a rare so you should get her quickly.
>Cleveland: 4-4
One of the best allrounder ships, useful in almost all situations.
>Helena: 5-1
Another really strong CL accessible right after cleveland.
>Akagi and Kaga: 3-4
Strong pair of CVs, very good in PVP and PVE.

Also for construction, use your cubes on heavy construction if you want to fish for Hood, and use them on Aircraft construction fi you want to fish for Enterprise. You already have Illustrious so you should probably do heavy construction so you don't get a dupe SSR.

Finally, in the early game the equipment that's on your boats is more important than the actual ship you're using. Refer to attached image for recommended equipment to use, and what maps to farm it. 3-2 and 4-2 are particularly good to farm early.

>CA are bad
Fuck I've been using 2 CAs all this time, do I have to lvl new shit now

No, it's not a big deal. Sometimes you have to use them so having some leveled is still good. Just don't go too crazy with them.

I don't like battleships, sell them to me

well you can still do well until you hit world 9
>fag with a fleet with pudding, Maya and Takao

The bote that started the theology war. True wife material.

They are tankier (this is important later), and do very respectable single target damage once you get a good gun for them (purple 406mm). Additionally, Hood in particular is very good because when she fires she has a chance of triggering a barrage that clears the screen just as well, if not better, than an airstrike does.

Battleships get big power spikes after their first and third limit breaks.

so you trying to say, I should start using my lv 1 hood?

Yes. Skill her up in the academy too. Best gun for her in PVE is purple 410mm, god speed.

would you look at that, I even have purple 406mm in my inventory

I have that one too, so 410mm or 406m?

For Hood 410mm.

For almost any other BB, 406mm. The reasoning is that 410mm shoots faster, and Hood's skill trigger is based around her shooting.

What does the skill that pudding has do if you use hipper too?



Is there some kind of table showing what frontliners have good barrages, or at least what type of barrage they have?
I know I can preview their barrages on their LB screen but I can't do that for ships I don't have.

JP wiki shows a gif for each barrage.
For example here's tanikaze's page, which shows her barrage (which sucks, by the way).

Cheers. Does any kind of tier list for them exist too?

Best would be those that fired straight(cleveland, z23, yuudachi), followed by a cone shape(ayanami, z46), worst would be those with a curve pattern(javelin, vampire). Everything else fit inbetween.

Cheers again. I'll keep it in mind for when I pick my guns.
Also, for anyone else who happens to be interested, here's another page on the JP wiki which shows a lot of different barrages sorted into categories: azurlane.wikiru.jp/index.php?�����ͻ�/����ȯ�ʹ���
It doesn't have every barrage and you might have to check individual character pages for that (they may not have a gif even then, though) but it gives you a good overview.

Woah, I got lucky lou

CAs are not bad, just more situational than CLs, mainly because they don't have evasion and so most of them have to be protected in some way. Portland and Indy are fine.

holy trinity of god tier USN CL

Honestly speaking you can make do with anything until worlds 9 and 10 as long as they have levels and good equipment. Though the better botes are going to be better at lower levels with lesser equipment.

>catching the time right when then thread archives before the new one is made
C'mon now, that's a bit sad. It's obvious you're watching the threads.

Since Z46's barrage seems to fire AP rounds, does her skill affect it even if I'm not using an AP gun on her?

It does.

This is why I don't like giving new Shikikan any advice against CAs. They work fine and Indy and her psycho Oneechan carried me through the Crane event when I started out armed with just a few 203mm SKCs.

By the time it matters, all Shikikan worth their salt will understand when and how to use CAs.

Posting some official old dork celebration


My wife is the cutest and most underrated bote.
It's a shame that she will never get voiced.

Yeah advising against CAs isn't really necessary, but advising FOR CLs is definitely good advice.

Can someone give me a rundown how probability of dodging scales with evasion stat?