EVE Online General - /eog/

Permalink: orph.link/eog

>Can I make enough ISK for PLEXing?
Training 5M of a selection of 20M SP is actually F2P now (as well as the full amount of the already-trained latter). The skills listing is here:

>I just started, what should I do?
Do the Opportunities then find the Career Agents & run all of their missions. They give you ISK, ships, skillbooks and teach you basics. Talk to players and try to find a corp.

>Is it too late to start playing EVE?

>Read the (outdated) /eog/ pastebin:

>Focus Group Logs:

>EVE Online: Arms Race
>updated F2P
>Daily Alpha Injectors

>EVE Online: Lifeblood:
>Alpha ships re-balanced.. minigames, moonmining, refineries, and more!
>Foozie makes a bunch of stupid, pointless changes (don't ever remove this from the OP, because it is always true).

>previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:



>posting in /eog/

Since when medium ACs sound like artillery, they flipped the sounds of the turrets or something?

you don't need to keep linking the focus group logs kevin, they haven't had an active focus group in a year

So, botting theoretically becoming fine..

Topic: ISK inflation

MV = PQ, where

M = money supply in the economy
V = velocity of circulation
P = price level in the economy
Q = output produced by the economy

Bunches of ISK multiplies spending, as it is responsible for funding activities. The incentive is also there for logging in.. and client-server interactions, as well as some toying with the actual botting. So, with that, pricing levels of goods are increased through niche demands; but SP limits industrial production. ..Potentially so much so that the focused, competitive hubs are drained of what's (relevant to botting) popular, the optimized production and marketing entities defining authority on prices.

tfw no harbinger gf

>not ferox

>7.5% bonus to rate of fire per level

*burns out in 20 seconds*

>go to Serpentis Prime to check out the LP store and agents
>plan on doing some nullsec exploration in my Imicus
>undock from a station in a neighbouring system after checking the Angel agent missions
>Imicus gets OHK'd by a Hecate
g-g-good fight

Concord LP to ORE lp, possible ?

>serpentis LP

Ships, ammo

Shit like that I can get myself first hand from them while trying to live in null

>trying to live in null
>unironically dies within dock range

A ratio of 1:0.4 (60% loss) for non-pirate corporations that aren't part of the empire, such as Outer Ring Excavations, Sisters of EVE, The Syndicate and Thukker Tribe.

>doesn't reply to comments with references to post numbers

Not much I could have done famalam when I got scrammed and hit with more alpha strike than my EHP

>10:0.4 (60% loss)
What do you mean by this?

Eve is not for pvp, stop this shitty meme!

the ratio that you train concord lp to to ORE lp is 1 concord to 0.4 ORE lp.

are the remaining players all autistic or are there some worth teaming up with?

your autistic

That's shitty


Yeah it is but the items from sister, thukker and ore are objectively better then empire factions items.

At least you haven't lost much ISK-wise, right? Right?

Around 1,824,347.37 ISK according to ZKillBoard, so no, not really. b-but I still only have around 60mil isk in my wallet

I have no PvP experience either so perhaps I should just go get one of my Incursi and see if I can give anyone a bloody nose.

>She doesn't carry 5 large skill injectors in her Imicus at all times

Hello Yakuv Aurgnet.



wow such a h4x0r

>Polarized Light Neutron Blaster

I guess it's not interesting to farm incursions then convert to ORE lp to buy excavator bpc

Speaking of losing stuff, is it worth it to buy blueprints of and manufacture the stuff you use often, like ammo or damage control modules? Some things are systems away and there are only one or two per system so I can't even buy them in bulk to save time.
On the other hand materials are sold nearly everywhere.


buy what you need from humble merchants you stupid salad


>Not much I could have done famalam when I got scrammed and hit with more alpha strike than my EHP
you are invincible for 30 seconds after you undock. you can hit ctrl+space to stop your ship and it wont break invul. any other action will break invul early.

>you can hit ctrl+space to stop your ship and it wont break invul

please don't fit stabs, tank or weapons if you are exploring.

What corp do I join? Are there any Veeky Forums corps?


If you like exploring and want to get into pvp, you should unironically join all-out.

Who are they? Will they accept people with a theoretical understanding of some PvP mechanics but poor experience with fitting and with no PvP experience besides getting killed once in a venture and once in my Imicus?

they are one of the worst corps ever to exist

Absolutely. The corp accepts everyone, including alphas. Only real condition is that people show a vague interest in pvp and a willingness to learn. The corp has some very new players, and also some older ones with different degrees of experience.

All-out live in a lowclass wormhole, and baiting/ganking is our bread and butter. That said, we also take 'proper' fights with other pvp entities when we have the manpower. Kspace roams are also done when there's interest in them.

And of course, we have people hacking or running wormhole pve to pay bills (and because they're shameless crabs).

Culturally speaking, you can expect a mix of degeneracy and far-right LARPers.


So it's a regular w-space corp then?

>degeneracy and far-right LARPers.
Neat, I'll make a note to apply in the morning. I've put off joining a corp for ages because it felt like too much commitment but that sounds chill.

pretty much regular w-space corp that attempts to accommodate new players without becoming a *total* shit heap. On rare occasions, it succeeds.

Cool. Public chat is 'doomedfromthestart' if you want to visit in the meantime. Remember to include you're waifu in your app.

>On rare occasions, it succeeds.
that doesn't sound too promising

because it isn't. A-O is total garabge.


Think about Eve Online
Think about Veeky Forums
Now think about a corp made by Veeky Forums users

a barely functioning shithole overrrun by redditors?

Think about Eve Online
Think about Reddit
Now think about an alliance made by Redditors

I fucking hate test

I can't believe that siegmund is still mad, all these months later. Sad!

TEST is an alliance, A-O is a corp
Dreddit = A-O

>Dreddit = A-O

This is a solid description of both E-O and 4chinks

that's why i type in alliance where you typed corp

Reminder that industry is the best career path in eve.

i7-7700HQ for 10 accounts low res + isboxer
Good enough ?

Any way to make my grid load faster? Especially after jumping.

I'm in a much more warp capable hull, some guy warps off one gate to the other 10 seconds sooner than me.
I land on the destination gate first, I make the jump some few good seconds before they even landed, and when my grid loads on the other side of the gate he's already decloaked and almost fully aligned.

I have good bandwidth and low ping so I don't think it's a matter of connection especially since I recently upgraded my internet plan and it's exactly as it was before.

reported to ccp




>/eog/ is this bad on a sunday afternoon, the time when eve is the most busy

It's shield systems are also state-of-the-art.

There's something in the 5th response.

I left EvE again. Been out for about 3 months.

A quick rundown on the last news?

Bots everywhere
CCP makes bad design choices like always


>Be in *gewns*
>Got word from a fellow corp member that someone was being rude and persistent after being told we are not currently recruiting, in our public channel.
>I decide to try out my first recruitment scam.
>offer him a vouch, since we need armor capital ship pilots so badly. This is conditional on some sort of security from him, and that he comes down to Delve to join us.
>He then informs me that he does not have a cyno alt so he is unable to bring his capitals down on his own
>Offer the "Goon Pandemic Horde Buyback", I extend to him the unique opportunity that we will take his ships in Horde space, and replace them for him when he arrives in Delve.
>Get him to contract his assets (a FAX and Carrier) to my Horde Alt.

FAX: evepraisal.com/a/fl3cm (this one had a contract name of "Trust :)
Carrier: evepraisal.com/a/fl3n8

I Inform him that he should make his way down to our home and he sets sail. At this point I twist the knife, noticing he had been in Horde for what is now 1 day off a year, I get him to leave. What was unknown to me at the time celebrating this initial haul of the two capital ships, is that the ship he was on his way in contained a few other surprises.

He is invited to fleet and told to warp to the fortizar, where the welcome party awaits him.


It's you who has been scammed

>someone was being rude and persistent after being told we are not currently recruiting

The guy was pestering the recruiter how he saw Goons Capital feet and how he wanted to be apart of it. Since Pandemic horde doesn't have a functional cap fleet and FC's aside.
We weren't recruiting at the time so the recruiter got sick of telling him no and just passed the guy to me to do what I liked with him.
Basically I said since we need cap pilots desperately I would make an exception.

why are you people such massive cunts?
Holly shit

Goons have been doing for over a decade. If you don't know that you got only yourself to blame.

>Since Pandemic horde doesn't have a functional cap fleet

The shithole region known as Delve.


What are Goons' plans ?


days of glory are upon us

I have just participated in killing an Abaddon class battleship in holy Providence

Hail Satan!

Gently caress people in the north

Newbie starting EVE. Tell me about your first week of EVE. Any advice?

>titans to kill a tengu
this is why you guys are just as shit as test

- Don't buy PLEX with dollars and buy fancy ships
- Don't train into mining/industry, at least not at the very start
- Don't fall for the 'I need to train more/farm more before I can PVP' meme
- Don't trust deals in local chat

try out all the starter missions, which one do you find most fun?
Find a corperation that does that, dont become a mining drone unless you want to semi-afk play, in which case join a mining corperation with lots of defense available.
High sec isnt safe, no where is
Dont join goons / pandemic unless you want to be cannon fodder and are okay with that.

My first week I sucked skillpoints from my old characters head, skilled up three characters and formed a corperation with my brother eventually joining an alliance. Made one mining character, one logistics character and then one character for all the fun stuff like battleships and cloakie wormhole fits.

When I started Eve I wanted to be a hauler. I first started out doing small hauling runs in my Iteron Mark V but found it to be very inefficient and that I would need a DST/Freighter to really make a "living" doing it, so I shelved that for a while. Instead I did a bit of exploration, making about 100m after a single wormhole dive. I then went to Jita and started doing market trading. Within two months I had enough isk to reliably stay plexed and buy whatever ships I wanted. I then trained into DSTs and now spend most of my time running courier contracts.

Lievathan or Vandetta

Missile caps never.

I'm not sure if any of you have experience in it, but I always thought that the intercorporation politics aspect of the game is really, really enticing. Is that still prevalent?

What's wrong with missile caps ?

you mean caldari caps never

Yes, "diplos" are in every large nullsec alliance, however getting to that position will likely require months if not years of trust-building.

It can be fun, but it can also be awful drama cancer. It depends on the corporation you're in.

being a goon diplo is sorta like being PR for a real corp.
as in it's awful drama cancer as you say.

Especially when your dealing with drama between blues.

The shit that pisses me off is we have rules about no blue on blue attacks not even on neutral alts. Then being told to let Group B do it because they suck goon diplo cock.