/tsg/ - The Sims General

And We're Back Edition

>Gallery Tag:
#ts4vg (Enable Custom Content in left pane)


>Links, FAQ, Sims, Mods:

tsg.booru.org/ - Old Booru
thesimsgeneral.booru.org/ - New Booru

>/tsg/ Creations:

>Mods and Custom Content: A lot is out of date

pastebin.com/wS3a2En9 - Maxis Match for Sims 4
pastebin.com/TBqj7S7b - Sims 4 and 3
pastebin.com/eYZvWXYs - Sims 2
pastebin.com/Qr7a989F - Adult CC

>Game Cracks:

>Parenthood Crack:

>ZLOrigin(Origin Emulator):

>Previous Thread

unintalling wicked whims was the best decision i've ever made

yes it was


Do trans sims have to dilate their nu-ginas?


>destroyed doll house
what color are her kids?


i want to continue but i kinda dont want to continue, its just boring at this point but i dont want to leave my sim die out


>Not serving Tacos.

I've been living on ramen since my first day at the office i will stand tall on my love for ramen.

why did you make a sim of me


>laughs in #BLM

literally who are you

tiddy massage

what tids

it was a joke.
Have you heard of them

her small planky tiddy that i like

Odd. Does your husband look like this?

>forever alone

no, who is she?



its just a sim someone made


So whats everyone up to?

Not much my man. Just another chill weekend.


helping you keep your child alive


Being bored, dicking around with the randomise button and editing the shit outta faces I like the look of.

Dey took our dergs!

i wish they made them medium doggos
they look weird so smol

bruh shes been preggo for like 3 sim years

i know. it really is driving me crazy



>community for a game whose demographic is mostly young women votes in a stuff pack about a domestic chore

I'm gonna download Sims 3 and see if I can remake some of my Sims 4 characters.

>a survey taken by 377 people that consisted of 72% women voted Parenthood their favorite gamepack at 48%, vampires a 2nd favorite at 20%
It's... it's almost like...

most of the people in this general are men, according to a strawpoll

post pics

That's because that poll was taken on Veeky Forums.

>Tfw no arcade pack
It's a shame because the arcade cabinet in the game is aesthetic as fuck. And it would be cool to have a pack with a similar kind of synthwave look.

most of the people who play the game don't post on Veeky Forums

WW pregnancy was a mistake

I know user. Now the women of my families are back to being faithful pure waifus and male sims actually focus on their business and things like gardening instead of spending their whole days in gangbangs and being impregnated in clubs by strangers

any news on the adventure pack ?

Looking pretty fly, Vlad.

Is there a mod that let me make sims unhappy instead of happy after WWing with them?

>That waist to boob ratio on the one on the left
The weight of her boobs will snap her in half

Nah it's not that bad, it's just the cleavage that makes her boobs look bigger than they actually are.

Pretty fly for a dead guy.

The shit you find at festivals.

Not yet sadly

Why do people approach me?

anyone can point me in the right direction for a good skintone pack for ripped girls?
I like stuff from RemusSirion, but despite releasing liek 25 different skin packs, he avoids abs like a plague

what are sims 4 challenges?

neighbors are squatting again

Does TS4 not have a family photo album feature for each household like in TS2?

nope, story book was exclusive to sims 2.

God all those rando townie generated outfits echhh

don't remind me of him please.

I have 5 GB of mods and I still feel like I don't have enough to dress them properly
feels batman

Is that Powder

It was. It's liberating. Can finally go back to playing the sims.

>my CAS is full of cc that looked real good in the blog pictures, but actually really shitty looking in the game

is there an easy way to delete shit you don't want?

nope gotta dig around and figure out what's what.

Get sims 4 tray uploader, then put on every bit of bad cc you have on a sim, then use the tray uploader to zip that sim with mods, then you can compare it with your mods folder and delete

That'll work. Faster then going through my mods one by one and opening them in Studio to see what's what which is what I was dreading.

anyone have screenshots of animal lover from ts3 oniki kai's kinky world?

Have I missed any Sims announcement for 2018? Op is light on news and I would really love getting me into some life simulation again but Sims4 was too shallow for me.

Alternative - any good modding that would increase the life simulation aspects?

How in tarnation do you put downloaded Sims into your game?

Well... we're getting a laundry day stuff pack, so there's that. There's gonna be an adventure game pack coming too, I think
what game

Crappy laundry stuff pack out next week.

Alleged "Adventure" Game Pack which appears to hint at raiding jungle ruins, possible Meso-American/Indian Jones inspired. Spooky Skeletons.

Adventure Stuff sounds nice, I enjoyed Sims 3s travel addon. But there's no date for it?

Laundry sounds like another mostly item pack with some gamebreaking or ignored features inside, am I wrong?

Why is Bella Goth such a slut?

>Adventure Stuff sounds nice, I enjoyed Sims 3s travel addon. But there's no date for it?

It was apart of the Winter 2018 teaser, so probably by February/March.

Basically a stuff pack with a few 'rustic' items in it and the worst element from Ambitions as the gameplay
I can't wait for LGR to tear into this one...


We all know what this really means.

>part of the Winter 2018 teaser
Gonna watch that now then, thanks.
Well then. What I find odd is that there aren't even indie titles trying to take a piece of the lifesim cake.

Does anyone knows if the position your sim is in the tech guru career affects their success when live streaming games? I want to make more money live streaming but I don't want my sim to be promoted (currently leve 8, pro gamer)

that was so cool, why does the sims franchise seems to get worse (as in less complete) with each new game

Shouldn't effect it as long as it isn't the daily task

Sims 4

Copy paste into documents>electronic arts>the sims 4>tray

You can freeze your career position with MCCC to prevent being promoted/demoted.

Oh dang, I had them in another folder. Thanks, user!

Blame the players.

It's tradition to cuck poor Mortimer in every game.

>put a keyboard near the window in an apartment
>start getting money every time I play on it for no reason
>after a while I realize it's because the townies all the way down the apartment building are giving me tips because my instrument is at the edge of the lot

Well that's new.

Kek. What a strange game.


>these fucking idiots set fire to my apartment while I was out working

That's what I get for giving my keys to my retarded neighbors I guess

Soon, I just haven't been playing as often. Once Laundry Day comes out I'll probably play more and she'll have the kid then.



>new sim moves into town
>first person to come round and greet them is Bella
They keep putting temptation on a plate. Mortimer must be the most cucked video game character ever.

what to do if this glitch happens? I can't see any objects in live mode, but everything looks normal in buy mode.

Wow. Never had that happen before. You playing a legit copy? Have you tried pressing "M" for the map and then going back? Or out of the household entirely and re-entering?
