>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>Heroes FAQ and Links
>Links and Resources
>SoV Links
Best build for Oliver?
Is she even good? I just wanted her because she's cute
mommy is dead
Don't you want me in your gacha game user...
>>>>>>>>>>>valter revival
Do you have your eye on anyone? Just tell me, and I'll use my bow to turn them your direction.
Is neph supposed to have bad str in PoR, or is mine stat screwed?
>refine weapon quests
>No orbs from TT
What. The. FUCK?
I hope Valter's lance gets a refinement eventually.
They're just not listed. Would take up too much room to list all of the rewards. Also, they're not known, otherwise we would know the seals from the TT too.
only from the quests, not the actual tempest. We've never received orbs from tempest quests.
the actual tempest rewards will be orbs.
>those chain challenge rewards
Somewhat worse than neutral, but you can still nuke armor/cavshitters with her.
Those are the daily TT quests, I don't think they ever have orb rewards.
Go away ugly bitch
That's because Valter is cuter!
>Just 2 more hours
>complaining about more Panic Ploy
>almost done grinding all the 5* shitters I haven't had time to train
>nothing to help train oliver
mommy don't go
Valter > cav subhuman
Valter is beautiful! Valter is strong! Valter has a c u t e wyvern!
>+DEF refined Blessed Bouqet +
>sacred seal panic ploy
>already received three valters
why more
Only 207+ more to go!
God I want to rape the shit out of Catria
Imagine throwing her around and pounding all her holes
Panic Ploy is a C Skill and the best seals are A skills (Heavy Blade, DD, CD). Also improves arena score since Panic Ploy is among the highest SP-cost C skills you can have.
Damn that's one empty schedule, guess I can finally take it easy.
First of all, Panic ploy is much better in C slot than S, there are a lot of fucking awesome seals.
Second, you can never have enough panic ploy. Never.
I would rather kill her with arrows and axes
Est too
>not waiting for the TT to efficiently farm HM
>not using shitters that you never normally use
>not using an actually attractive character
Are you even trying, user?
Slight variant behind the link.
I saw a post last thread saying something about a "1 time purchase" by dataminers? Can I get a quick rundown?
This user gets it.
You can only reply to this post if you make AT LEAST $40 an hour
>Everyone expects to get some broken unit for free for the 1 year anniversary.
>They invent some legendary banner of equal worth to the Brave heroes CYL banner
>Not realizing that rather than give us a free Bride Cordelia/ChristmasLissa/Zelgius/etc. for free, IS would rather give you the option of picking a free elemental hero.
>They reveal the Earth and Fire elemental heroes and will let you decide from getting one of these two, Gunnthra, or for some reason another Fjrom.
>Expecting IS to give us one of every one of the elemental heroes when in reality, they never even wanted to give away Fjrom. Now, they force you to choose between which of the elemental heroes you want.
>zero new banners
imagine the hearthstone welcome bundle, it's to give you a taste of buying power so you'll go mad and spend your entire paycheck for the full meal
there will probably be a "super bonus pack" that gets you 40 dollars worth of orbs for 20 dollars, or something.
we really jsut don't know
Speaking of Catria, could a +Spd/-Res one be good with a Firesweep Lance?
I know something bulky with Fury would probably be better for her, but I already have a +Atk Tana built in that way in mind.
This was found in the datamine text
>MID_ERROR_APP_EXCEED_LIMIT_EXTRA_BONUS: This pack cannot be purchased. You have already purchased this pack, so it may not be purchased again.
You can make your own assumptions.
Training Nowi was a mistake, I remember when this was engaging and challenging. Now I just Move Nowi to the spot.
Me: Hey, you move back into college in two days, you need to finish that RA application, and you haven't even started packing, you should go to bed to get an early start to finish all your important shit tomorrow.
Also me:
Banners are datamined, we just don't know what's on them until they actually launch. Banners with new characters don't have the character data actually uploaded until a day or two in advance.
Seems like a free ticket
They are preparing something good for the anniversary right? thats why this month is shit r-right?
Did I fuck up somewhere?
Here's my rebuttal: suck my dick
What's your Nowi build?
I haven't played a mainline yet
Are they related?
heroes needs more male healers
>not just autobattling them while doing other stuff
All of them would be pretty fucking based honestly.
I wouldn't say worse, the extra speed saves her from getting doubled and killed by many units, her res is already great
I have 2 more with +atk -hp and +atk -res, unmerged because I'm not sure If I like the Speed Meme or not yet.
no but they are husband and wife. they have five childen, Ninot, Nina, Ninno, Neeno and Alvin
Eldigan, your hand size isn't an accurate representation of how big your dick is, no matter what your sister tells you.
Nino is Arden's dad, who is Lugh's sister and father to Raigh
Yeah, you fucked up big time
Me: I have two red units at 5*+10. I should invest in other colors.
Also me:
spicy meme friend
When is she getting a banner?
there are some others
MID_SHOP_ORB_RESULT_PURCHASE_WARNING: $aThe Bonus Orbs included with your purchase\n($a0 Orbs) can be obtained from your\nPresent List. To obtain the Orbs, tap Accept\nAll from your Present List.
Better than December, not that it's saying much.
Yeah, she's not +spd
Not really. She always asks that whoever she's supporting with not to die, but the levels of her concern rise depending on who she's talking to. She's a bit more professional and aloof when talking to Oliver, but stuff like Tibarn and Naesala have her lines read like she's on the verge of tears.
Her variants on "what would happen if you died" are
>"would be... distressing" (Oliver)
>"wouldn't know how to carry on"
>"might not make it"
>"might go crazy"
>"might go completely out of my mind" (Naesala)
>"might go mad"
>"might go TOTALLY mad"
>literally can't finish the sentence (Sigrun)
Type 12 has the "totally mad", which feels stronger than "mad".
Caineghis, Tibarn, and Naesala already have lines reserved for them. They're Type 5 ("might just go mad"), Type 9 ("might go crazy"), and Type 11 ("might go completely out of my mind"), respectively.
Fury is +Spd for sure. +Atk or +Def for Steady Breath only. Do not switch to -Res.
Someone explain Desperation+BA to this brainlet. It requires the user to be at 50% or less HP in order to work, but in this one-hit-kill meta I just don't see the appeal, especially on a unit like Micaiah. Either a melee/archer is going to kill her in one hit thanks to her shit def and HP or a mage is going to do not much at all thanks to her amazing res and therefore not get her down into the proper HP range for BA. It seems more practical to just give her QR.
>Firesweep Lance
>No +
>Not +Atk
You done goofed several times over.
I love forced memes! It reminds me of my home country, Reddit!
Everything else is K right? Ill just wait for a +spd cord to drop.
Maybe this common knowledge but i thought id share: apparently the ai is completely deterministic so if you find a starting configuration that clears mommy’s map on autobattle it will always work. Im currently using a weaponless gunnthra and healer to farm sp on miccy + soath (all basically default builds)
Roddy didnt teach her the way of the plus
yeah, you're playing grand blue fantasy on mobile
Miccy has a skill that instantly brings her to 1hp. She can probably get into desp/ba range easiest of all the units out there.
>Firesweep Lance and not Firesweep Lance+
You fucking goofed more than once you imbecile.
>>literally can't finish the sentence (Sigrun)
I'm so glad Snacki's mothers love each other very much.
Yeah this is how GHB tutorials work, the only thing that can fuck it up is that the increasing stats of the character can throw it off if you're level grinding.
RD's supports may be cut into """supports""" but I'm glad they at least put an effort into not making them exactly the same between characters (see: Females and their offspring in Fates)
>not LaD and Heavy Blade seal
Maybe it's because he is out of SP. He has very little time to fix that, though.
Mine is currently +spd - res, which I believe in the past was considered "the best" IV. I do want to build up a Fae so I think that I'd prefer -HP on the Nowi because I'd l like to Infantry pulse the Fae.
>Saul goes fast
>Moulder has ridiculous bulk
>Rhys gets base 40RES
I want my Priest team already.
>tfw the absolutely most likely candidates for a bride alt this year are Lucina, Tharja and Camilla
2 hours is plenty of time to autobattle the heroes maps, I've just finished getting SP to like 8 units that I've been putting off training by just autobattling
>implying this year won't be groom candidate
This would be absolutely based and I would suk ISIS dik for it.
>Saul powercreeps Lucius
>Moulder powercreeps Azama
>Rhys powercreeps his older self
Make it happen, IS.
/feg/ will never admit it because "ree nuemblem" but atk is better than speed on firesweep, since you should be using firesweep for free damage to chip away at bulky units on defense tiles, who you will consistently double anyway (unless you're using florina). things that you need high speed to double are frail, and die to a brave weapon.
Would you rather have
Fe switch being fates a sequel with kozaki fanservice through the roof with even more shit story
Everybody on the earth dies a slow and painful death
Sacred Stone banner when i need Moulder the Boulder
Should I give Olivia or Palla Wo Dao+? I don't want my shitty IV athena.
How does this cuck know feeling that Sigrun is fucking based Haar?
>all that I'm missing to build Fae is Steady Breath
>have so few orbs that I don't see myself rolling a Brave Ike even if a banner with him comes
It sucks bros. Even have perfect IV's and several copies for merges, but I'm not doing Aether+Fury or Triangle Adept