/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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Peroid: 2018-01-11 04:00 - 01-18 03:59 UTC
Login once in that period for:
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x1 3* All ATK Fou
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>Saber Wars
2018-01-04~01-18 3:59 UTC
Read the guide below before you ask about what to do in the event

>Saber Wars Summon
5* Mysterious Heroine X
4* Artoria Pendragon (Alter)
4* Nero Claudius

>[Event Guide]
Altrium Calculator: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F0sr4mocLHeQk0MZIBWal9gq_WapjcBXXpNu74-LOAQ/edit#gid=0

Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones


Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA

Rate ups in JP FGO: imgur.com/w6VAowU
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742
Servant Planner: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfEa5k-sB5btC8905kZKPfRC07IokKM1sXnoXo6-YQo/edit#gid=537592975


Other urls found in this thread:


>animation update
>NP interlude
Hopefully NA will get it sometime within the next decade

Sasuga /alter/

>/alter/ in charge of making threads

>NP interlude
I hope to fuck it gives him guts or protection from arrows. That'd be super fucking useful. If it's just a damage upgrade then what the fuck mang

never change /horta/


post kinsake126

You fags are going to get /alter/ purged at this rate

Probably gonna be damage and guaranteed stun. He needs a real third skill more than anything.

>NP interlude
What's the point?
His NP is already a "bust your nut" OHKO NP that breaks the bar of anything it touches.
Unless the interlude gives it a charge effect which gives him NP per turn or something nothing has changed.

Just finished Fate/Extra for the first time, made me appreciate Tamamo more than I did since I chose her as my servant. I didn't mind the rps system really and I enjoyed the story quite a bit, even though the ending was a bit flat. What do (you) think of Extra /alter/?

blame discord


Reminder that rate up is a fucking lie.

>Even bothering with Extra at this point when the anime is coming out and being animated by a half decent studio (unlike apocrypha which was bad source material animated by the kind of budget studios)
The gameplay is ass.
Hopefully the anime will do well enough to give us a CCC and Extra anime.

where that qt from

>Three threads
Must be the work of DRAGONS!


Do I save for
>Nero Bride
>Void Shiki
>Jeanne Alter

>your waifu becomes real and grows old with you and she dies 10 years before you
>your waifu remains 2D and never ages and never dies


I've rolled MHX, Nero, and Alter on this rate up

>NP interlude
So he's still one-pump chump

I just wanted to play it before the anime, for comparison
Also because I don't like Nero and the anime is going to be about Nero


Keep saving for APEX

>skin fang
Tamamo has fangs, she does not have skin fangs.
Skin fangs are the shitty budget half assed art technique used by people that suck at animating so they can keep the fang present at all times instead of just remembering to include it when the mouth is open

>I always roll the 5* but never Alter

>Nero bride
Redditfag and arguably the most cancerous typemoonfan considering Extella
>Void Shiki
Great taste, Shiki is the best girl in TM lore
>Jeanne Alter
Gameplayfag, end it now.

Follow your heart, user.
And if your heart isn't telling you Jeannu Alter, it is wrong.

One of them is an evil retard that attacked God's people, another is a fallen saint and a dragon. You only have one choice

Vive la France!

This has me excited for what they intend to do for other release servants.
Many could really use a strengthening or three.

Get altera sister

>Try to quit by burning 6 tickets and 93 quartz so the crushing disappointment causes me to uninstall
>Get Drake and 2030
I hate this. The last time I tried to quit I got Tesla.

Void is the rarest so if you are a collector then I'd say Void. If you are a gamplay fag I'd say Johnny Reddit. If you dream of arts memes then Nero Bride. Otherwise go with who you like the most


>I don't like nero
Well I for one am glad that I will have a folder filled with dozens of Nero reaction images in the coming months
Even if I now like Tamamo and Nero equally due to Tamamo loving me enough to grant me NP4

who do you like the most as a character? go with that one

Congrats on getting the best girl in the game

Feel free to post a Tamamo with proper fangs

I know, right?

>one of the discordfags is my friend
What do I do lads?

Apex is a NP interlude away from being 5.0ish actually, due to the charge effect of his NP.

Could I save Brynhildr with the power of cock?

Raping Arthur's boycunt again and again with big fat 10+ inch monster cocks! Making him cum dozens of times as you batter his prostate! Watching his gaped and red hole tightening back up to a supple pink asspussy because of Avalon!
Arthur Love!

Nobody gives a shit, stop trying to turn the thread into a heap of fucking shitposting again.
Kill yourself.

>Grailed Alien 10/10/10
At least not reddir. Keep him

>extra damage to giants


Liz love!


probably kill yourself t b h nigger

Discord nigger scared

I'm getting bride and ryougi. Surely they'll both show up with 480~ quartz.

Do I waste AP farming the Saber daily for proof of heroes?

Or just stick to Scat farming still?

Even if you did her wish for the grail is to be reunited with Sigurd

How the fuck did you run out of them?

Yes. The dick saves all.

Fucking how

why is he so Marik Ishtar in appearance

part 1*

part 2

you new?

>Women, fags, trannies can be heroic spirits

Nice soyboy tumblrshit game retards

>command spell her to forget about sigurd
>another command spell to make her love me
What now soycuck beta hipster faggot?

proofs drop like candy in okeanos

At least suck his dick and give him some ass every now and then.

>np4 10/10/10

>This was literally the first thing I noticed about him.

Roll for the one you like most
Bride is the best 5 star version of Nero, and you basically require either her or archuria (since you'll borrow the other one) to make super high damage artsmeme viable.
Void Shiki is awful and her only niche is an AOE artsmeme for a few months until shuten and davinci a couple months after that.
Horta is excellent for gameplay, but again, choose your favorite character over gameplay.

Try harder with that bait.


why do we have such a big problem with discord users, while other generals don't?

>doesn't even have charisma
Even seiba is better than him, tbqh
It's her np that makes her the lowest

Latelet, only playing like 18 days

No cleared story chapter 2, user told me not to bother and to wait for 1/2 AP story.

the giants damage skill also boosts his NP by 20%, that's why he's ranked higher than 3.5
If he gets an NP interlude he'll get a slight buff since his charge effect will make his NP better than 3.5's

Arthur Love!

Go back to your quarantine-board, /pol/.

holy shit


>want to add nothing but my /alter/bros to my friend's list
>somehow end up with discordfags

Fuck off, Gawayn

>It's her np that makes her the lowest
No actually it's instinct and Charisma only being B that makes her the lowest.
Excalibur as a NP isn't awful because mana burst is a thing, it's that instinct is an awful skill and Charisma B is beaten out by so many other 5 stars.


Try Marseilles in Orleans. Or just wait since we get a shitload of proofs just for logging in.

i feel like someone would do something this extreme if we had the discord link in the OP

>other generals don't
This is not the first time, but you can be sure, the moment something gets popular, the shittier it gets by the second.

>not gaywain
completely missed it


Yes, those too
But atleast seiba can increase the party's attack unlike arthur

Because we dont have a discord trying to shitpost alter to death we can do that on our own. Just like they arent shutting down the servers and people rarely actually post their bind code.

what's the point of this servant?

why does golden have a trick weapon anyways


How do you people recognize discordfags in the first place? Don't you have to be a discord faggot as wel? This is like saying X is reddit. You have to visit that shit often to know.

cum dump

Other generals DO have a huge problem with it.
Specifically because other generals were taken over by their discords, where the discord is included in the OP and the 'high ranking' members of the discord basically control discussion / any events that happen.
Generals become reddit-lite when the discord reaches the OP and it pisses off people that just want to post anonymously. It's why there's so much hate towards discord and discord users here, because when they go unchecked they destroy the "Veeky Forums feel" of generals.

Best Alter!

Based redman poster speaks the truth.

How will you convince her that she can rely on you /alter/?