/dg/ - Destiny General
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Too many people were expecting D2 to be Borderlands but less wacky.
there's nothing to fucking do, xur gives you free exotics, there's no REAL reward for completing a raid and there are literally only 2 raids. there are only 3 classes and no incentive to make another one, mercury was a mistake
god how do you fuck up this bad
i paid over 90 dollars for THIS????? you can get more content out of fucking World of Warcraft for that price AND a level boost
nth for Awoken Warlock gf
What are the best legendary and exotic guns post-patch?
I didn't expect it, but that sure would have been nice.
got so caught up trying to get the crucru helm ornament that I forgot to screenshot 666 kills on my better devils. Time to MW another one then I guess.
This is what I was hoping for. Instead it's somehow worse in a lot of ways which is in its own right impressive in a bad way.
Literally just got the ornament for my Titan. It's a shame though as I prefer the original look...
>tfw no tomboy Titan gf
>tfw no dorky Warlock gf
>tfw no tsundere Hunter gf
>Just found out today you can signal directions and do tricks on Sparrows in D2
Why was this never talked about, this is cool as fuck.
why would someone here talk about 4 year old mechanics?
Don't think this game will survive til September desu they fucked up real hard.
Because it'll just get you excited for SRL (never ever)
landing a trick succesfully also regenerates boost
on Keyboard, arrow keys. On the ground, they'll make your character point in a direction, in the air, you'll do tricks. Left and right arrow keys do the same trick, just in a different direction.
Yeah it's pretty average for all 3 classes. God that comp grind was excruciating though. Had so many games with noobs that don't know how to hivemind against 4 stacks.
All things must come to an end.
But some things return...
fuck off
What is that
Marathon was shit dude, get your head out of your ass and fuck off.
A W40k Tau symbol.
The Tau are not cool.
>exo warlock
>not rolling exo everything
>I'm going to reserve judgement on that front until I see what's going on with Anthem.
begone robot, back to r9k with you
>tfw Watching D1 montages
>tfw Remembering when we had good raids
>Even Destiny posterboy is washing his hands of bungo.
Bungo is ded, is finish brhu
>Found: Legendary Engram
And I can't type, Exotic.
Is the division good
Isnt it what they wanted, to get rid of the fans and hook casuals instead?
Well, i mean fanboys would buy it anyway.
Now they dont have casuals nor fans to stick with them for another 2-3 years before Destiny 3.
I remember old r9k, back before it was deleted. It was a wildly different place, like a much slower /b/ than what it is now. Since the robot meant you couldn't have identical posts, it was a land of green text threads, some of which would hit bump limit over several days. There were some great threads, like people telling stories about shit that happened at work, from which arose memes like "I'll never forget the night I met you, black jesus", or board memes like the tent user (slept in a tent in his apartment in his bedroom, had no bed, because everything was cooler in a tent), hole troll who lived in a root cellar, etc. Have fond memories of those times. I have no idea what changed and brought all of the pathetic and hateful fucks to congregate there now, but all that is left of the real r9k are my memories.
I'll keep you posted, be sure to smash that fucking like button.
Anyone getting a PC group together tonite/day?
>enemies in cruicible always seem to know where I am, despite this game's total lack of footstep noise
>realize after hours that there's a radar that just automatically shows you, and for some reason it's not turned off in pvp
Almost forgot I was playing consoleshit
>running the nightfall, teammates keep getting dunked at the tanks fight
>I'm going around pushing the buttons, getting blindsided by the fallen and tanks
>fallen end up taking the top tank out with the help of a few cluster rockets so we can advance
>survive my way to the boss up the elevator with them dying every 30 seconds
>fail with the boss at a sliver of health
>I get a blue, one of the other guys gets a legendary, third gets an exotic
> I have no idea what changed and brought all of the pathetic and hateful fucks to congregate there now
the fappening
2016 election /pol/
Do you have brain damage?
The radar is basically a footstep indicator m'lad.
If you're crouching, you don't show on the radar as often, so it's best to crouch slide everywhere in Crucible :^)
doesn't help that the maps are small and teh spawn points are static and work in a rotation. its been an issue from the beginning, but people who have enough map awareness (certainly not me) can fairly accurately predict where people will be respawning. nothing like respawning in to so one with a better devils nailing headshots from behind you, so you can respawn to someone shooting you with uriels gift from behind, over and over.
>Isnt it what they wanted
And I didn't say fanboy, I said posterboy.
He's the one that guest starred all their PVP event and public reveals during all of D1.
>The radar is basically a footstep indicator m'lad.
Except it requires you to look away from the part of the screen where you're supposed to be watching for enemies, which is fucking stupid
No retard, I'm saying it works off how much "noise" you're making, it's not just "automatically."
Also, if you can't glance at the radar at all times without losing any performance, you probably have brain damage.
pretty well summed up video. i still log in every weeks for my clan engrams, maybe the nightfall, then bounce since I've already paid for the game and first expansion. i won't put anything else in until there are major changes, maybe by this time next year. there are plenty of other games to play in the mean time, sure they may not scratch the itch that destiny 1 did, but I know for a fact that destiny 2 in its current form isn't scratching it either.
>OP made 5 hours ago
>Last post 15 minutes ago
>Not even any alpha team shitposting
D2 is fucking dead, they left it in its sorry state for too long.
>tfw you're the only one to get an exotic from the strike
Also, the coin boost form Xur, that work as well as it did from D1? Also, at the cost of all those shards, i'm better off just buying a damn engram
>3 of coins doubles your chances of an exotic
>exotic drop rate figured out to be between .3% - .5%
>doubles it to .6% - 1%
I genuinely feel sorry for fans of the first game.
I don't play console games, so I didn't play the first and had no expectations or emotional ties to the series. But, man, I would be bummed/disappointed beyond reason if the first game was my jam and I had to suffer through this dismal, abortion of a sequel.
So, about the chances of getting an unusual in TF2. I'll forget this and go back to making 18$ profits from unboxing furry pandering hats.
Lmfao I wish.
Three of coins would make a 0.3% rate change to 0.45%, shit's a joke.
No one likes you booster gold.
you pretty much use then when you turn in powerfuls to get exotics, they are pretty worthless everywhere else and bugged in heroic strikes
so you spend 37 shards to get a .15% greater chance at exotics when you turn in rewards all at once?
didn't three of coins stack after each unsuccessful use in Destiny 1?
It's a 50% greater chance though user :v)
0.3 to 0.45 is a 50% increase, it's massive. I thank my lords Bungo for allowing me this opportunity every day.
dunno you could stack them, but it was better to use 1 at a time, seemd to be about a 1 in 7 chance of getting one, you could hoard exotics in your vault too
Is the Perseverance energy AR worth a masterwork?
What're the 'good' Prophecy weapons? I've only really played with one (Infinite Path 8) and it feels really solid in most environments, got a lot of PvP kills with it in Trials and general dicking about in Quickplay. Range is a touch weak but I like it a lot.
>inb4 they're all bad
They're all actually bad though, only thing Prophecies are good for is increasing your PL.
Does PP count as a Prophecy weapon as it happens
Garden Progeny is probably the best high impact scout for PvP. With all the stability mods applied your scope will settle down just in time to fire another shot. I find it easy as hell to land 4 quick ones to the head from range.
I think that's one I accidentally salvaged, no way of getting another, or does Vance have a chance to replace them with tokens?
I could go get them on another character maybe unless it's 1-per-account
Nah you can get Prophecy weapons as regular drops after you've finished their Prophecy.
Oh good, that mean they can be MW too? Thanks dude
>Null Calamity
>Travelers Judgment
>Garden Progeny
Everything else is literal garbage
>hey, lets make you have to jump through hoops and put in effort to farm the consumables to unlock these weapons
>but we can't make them good, it would be toxic to the people that don't have time to work towards them
Word, I've gotten every Prophecy weapon, I'd say nothing in this game was quite as cancerous as farming for all of the required items, yet not a single Prophecy weapon is better than my regular.
They look nice, I'd have rather an Ornament for their design to put on any gun that matches their build (or just replace outright) than a gun that I'd shelf when the game already has its bread-butter insurmountable meta guns like Uriel's
>got the stag from weekly 3 heroic strikes engram
>get it again from nightfall engram
Well it can power up my new helmet I guess
>get exotic drop from cayde maps
What the fuck
>flashpoint engram
>Crucible clan engram
>S T A G
>clan XP engram
>S T A G
What the fuck is going on.
weighted R N G
this is what will happen for the rest of your natural life. you'll need one or two slots upgraded to reach 335, and those items will never drop. then the new dlc will come down, the power cap will increase again, and you'll get to do this all over again.
I've been siting on 335 on all 3 of my characters for a while now though
fake news
just a jape friend, just a jape
Stop acting entitled, they never said you'd get usable gear, just gear.
Where is that iconic Bungie armor design?
Where is this people gone?
Did they come to V1 interactive with other old Bungie devs?
I need this classic aesthetic, tried to see Halo5 and its the same shitty Bungie wannabes design as in Destiny 2 which made by High Moon.
They no joke farmed out the armor design to a different studio. They rebooted the game a bit over a year before launch, so they had no time to do it themselves.
also Isaac Hannaford and possibly Shi Kai Wang quit and they were in charge of art
also the flavor text sucks dick now as well
nth for Destiny 1
>Did they come to V1 interactive with other old Bungie devs?
will they finally deliver the Destiny we were promised?
Which one of you fucks did this?
They under 2k Private Division indie support thing, making creating sci-fi FPS, Kiki Wolfkill already interested in what they doing, so peobably will be Xbone oriented project.
Thats from reddit.
So I've got no one to try nightfall or raids with. Anyone available? BT: Dragonaut#11963
>Still the easiest way to win Trials is to use a potato internet
wow, good job bungie
Go away oldfag.
>88 posts in 12h
Is it finally time to let the thread die?
I think it's time to let the game die.
I know that feel /b/ and /r9k/ used to be great entertainment. /b/ is probably bad for ones health though so i haven't been there in many many years.
How did they make the faces look so much worse in D2? All the Human Female faces look like literal, actual trannies, and all but one of the Awoken Female faces look retarded.
That webm was pretty much my Destiny 1 Hunter, but I moved to PC so I didn't get to take her with me. Anyone with that face/haircut that did that "Returning Player" thing that let you keep your D1 characters got a pic of it in D2? Cause all the faces and haircuts looked nothing like that to me.
Anyone want to do a PC Leviathan? Taking a new friend so have to explain everything, though.
Sure, Astora#21976.
may I join? Dragonaut#11963
Err I sent you an invite but we filled, sorry mate
But Exo girls need love too.
Humans are boring and the Awoken (space elves) are garbage.
Exo girls don't need love, they're just fucking wires