/lhg/ - Light's Hope General

Light's Hope is a Vanilla WoW Private Server, it's the new and (marginally) less corrupt version of Elysium! New realmlist, same worldsave.

Open realmlist.wtf and Set realmlist logon.lightshope.org

>Veeky Forums guilds
[A] - 2 40man groups clearing BWL every week - seeking new paladins and casters

>part Veeky Forums mostly normie guilds

>Server info
LH Discord (discordapp.com/invite/mraKxcU)

>Vanilla WoW database

>Addons pack (some out of date like KLH Threat Meter)

>Leveling Guide (specs unreliable for some classes use at own risk, play what you want or ask in the thread for more info):

>Download the client without torrent (direct download):

>Raid/char/item drop info:

>WoD models (place MPQ in data, rename file to patch-3.mpq)

>AQ war effort progress
expcted finish january 25th

Old Thread:

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dead server dead game

*blocks your path*
what do? and why are druids so based?

MoH and DBC are having some organised PvP in hillsbrad on the 19th at 21:00 ST.
Outsiders of any level are welcome to join in on the carnage. Contact Havetts (Alliance) and Shamalot (Horde) for more info.

>level 4 60s
>feel empty
>nothing to look forward to but raid logging now

>wk makes 6 figures
>if he wanted to make money off of lights hope, he would say so
>his gold selling was 7 years ago when he was in school
>lights hope survives solely on donations
This is super weird, it's almost like every single thing he says is a lie. And whoever is talking in the stream (i dont know these people, sorry) are eating it up and throating his dick.

>javel goes online
>this immediately gets posted
don't forget to cancel your auctions next time, faggot


what stream?


night gum gums

god i can't wait for when classic drops so i'm not relegated to playing with any of these people


is this the ultimate tranny raid comp?

gummy's scripting is flawless, why havent you taken the gummy pill user?

what's namedropping gonna do

Shut up

Reading between the lines, in case anyone gives a shit.
WK has a hate boner for twinstar, much of the current lights hope staff does as well. He's already alluded to a fresh server being in the future that would have a faster timeline and merge with lightbringer eventually.
You can bet, right now, on LH opening a fresh server to cuck k3. It's as good as confirmed.

You can take that further and consider some obvious things like k3, should it be successful, would cut heavily into WK's scheme and essentially turn Lightbringer into a chinese only server (more than it already is) but i guess that can be debated. I know whitekidney and I can tell where he is going with this, you can literally hear him making up lies in his head as he goes but you can pick out his intentions from that.
Believe or don't, I don't care.

wait k3 is real? I thought it was a fucking meme

if twinstar was smart theyd push k3 out within the next couple weeks. build up some hype while the lights hope corruption is growing. if they can get it out before aq releases and everyone is bored as fuck with bwl they'd certainly draw more players. if they do it in march/april then i can see lights hope opening their own to compete as lightbringer will be approaching naxx at that point. i highly doubt lights hope opens a fresh realm until lightbringer is further progressed.

Without a doubt Light's Hope would release a fresh to compete with K3 if they hold back on it til April. Lightbringer will be approaching the final patch and Light's Hope will do whatever they can to keep their place at the top. The issue is that Twinstar has shown they don't really give a fuck.

do people event want fresh?

Yeah, but i don't know the extent of it.
I can say that it's pretty worthless, or at least considered worthless, to roll on lightbringer right now if you're completely new.
The exception would be if you have friends already playing or have a guild lined up and ready to play with you.
It's just way too obnoxious to gear up or suffer through 50 to 60 grinding gy rep. Most guilds don't need people. It's still possible, but it's a hassle and if you're someone completely new then the effort/benefit isn't going to make sense.
Whether that attitude is right or wrong, that's a pretty prevailing attitude.

k so he really did finally come out and say.
"fresh is coming".
He didn't say when but the above about fucking over twinstar sounds right.
It was on twitch talesavo - this is the only time i've listened to stupid twitch so not sure if it would save as a video or something? or be on youtube? Or maybe one other of you was listening so you don't think i'm making it up.

I have no idea who talesavo is but holy shit, the fat-breathing. WTF is wrong with people, sitting through that was torture.

I mainly want to pvp but'll end up raiding plenty as well. Thinking rogue, ele sham, or warlock. Of course I'd have to go resto for raids, but the burst of ele sounds like it'd be a lot of fun. I've heard it gets outclassed by warlock, though. And rogue is rogue. Opinions?

>and this is our son's room, he's a retro-mmo enthusiast

Yes. AQ blows and servers always fizzle out when it comes out.


Come the fuck on you guys. We're at the point where every new power play to score new players just drives more people away because of how fucking fickle and destructive you are. The fate of this community is now 100-2k pop Molten Core servers and utterly abandoned Naxx servers.

I'm not talking to players, I'm talking to developers here.


Stop it.

Consolidate, focus, and treat people right. You are working with a VERY LIMITED pool of potentially interested people that have, at this point, been around the block a few times now. There is no "winning", only the murder of passions of new and old players alike.

how can people tell when they're getting the spirit of the zandalar buff? i saw a bunch of people waiting for it on booty bay for like 20 mins until it happened

This is easily the most intelligent and reasonable post I've ever seen on this subject.
I concur -- STOP. The community is split enough.

>p p please dont leave my tranny chink server before we have server 31st fastest MC clear
Wouldn't an accelerated timeline fresh server that merges with lightbringer be a form of consolidation?

Need some help choosing my race/class, I've narrowed it down. I will go with whatever wins but would appreciate the help a lot.
Thank you, friends!


Nobody cares, faggot. We're not voting in your stupid poll. We are not your friends. Languish and die.

*tips fedora* aaah my fellow gummy poster

No, dumbass, splitting a portion of a userbase and then later recombining it is not player consolidation.
We're asking that dev's stop stroking their epeens long enough to work together and create a healthy environment. The constant server warfare shitposting is ruining us.

*tips again*

Red pill me on the puppers. Why are they getting guild sigs on gummies?

What's the least cancerous/toxic server

Gummy Puppers

nothing wrong with a few solid traps

is gummys still all alliance?

maybe like 20 horde, but yea

there's a horde group rolling there but its led by a sperg

weird, why?
I'd make an orc shaman but i don't feel like getting farmed by 80 alliance.
who is the sperg?

he goes by Best on discord and he's a huge fucking sperg

What's the best race for a horde rogue?

UD, unfortunately.

Classic should have dynamic Toxicity based realms.
The more you swear and get reported the lower your Ranking goes, when your ranking is 1 the ~2500 people in your dynamic realm are 1-11.
90-100 ranked players will be nothing but the worst maga chuds

question for warlocks
How many lashes of pain can your succ do before going OOM? Are they useless for the rest of the fight after that?

orc for pve/pvp
ud for pvp
troll for pve

Tauren rogue would be bis. FUCK BLIZZARD

Gummy is better. Fuck lights hope

is there anything to do in wotlk other than raids and dailies

Play nighthaven or you'll regret it!

What are the guilds on nighthaven

Lightshope staff sells gold on epicnpc. Then they ban buyers and offer them to pay 60$ for unban a bit later. You don't even have a guranteed unban as they still can scam you after payment.
Also they dupe and sell lvl 60 characters

>it's the new and and (marginally) less corrupt version of Elysium
no, they just don't have to share money with previous owners crogge&shenna
that's the only reason why this server exists

The server is mostly advertised by shills from alliance guilds mandante of heaven(here) and progress(reddit). Despite high population, it's 60-70% chinese, so beware of playing here.

K3 for me regardless, enjoy your fresh with chinese


did warmane WOTLK just get nuked?

Everyst and Kronos. Wait for Kronos 3.

hello everyst admin :)

Hello, don't be a cuck or you'll never be rich like me and own a server.




We are all monkeynews

why do 90% of chinks choose that human female "bored" face with blonde hair?

because chinks dont have human emotions, thats why they pick the emotionless face

it's not just "they pick that combination when they go human female"
it's "the majority of them goes for this over other races"

they all want to be the blonde Western emotionless slut, ponytail 70% of the time
it's so fucking weird

Lads I'm getting that itch again. Haven't played since november.

How's lightshope doing? Did the horde guild tear itself apart again?

>horde guild
Salty Dogs and Dindu Nuffin been dead for a while

really makes you think huh

Anyone have a character on Darrowshire Horde that wants to trade for a 60 on LH?

Reading first then posting dramatically reduces the need to delete posts comrade.

>i cant read

>mfw classic skips expansions
>mfw I'm playing MoP 15 months after Classic lunaches at level 70


>get to level 20
>already burned out

just release fucking fresh already

Kronos 3 just got a release date, its march 31st


So between Everyst, Lights Hope and Elysium what is the best choice

which server is the most /clout/

The one I'm in bruh hit me up in Lightbringer niggy I'll hook you right up gotta go alliance though dude with all the trannies n shit lmao yo hit me up when you have the time tho for real bet excess out

tottaly bruh im a complete chad yeggity diggity

If you don't want to play on pay to win server then Everyst. If you want biggest pop and pvp then LH. If you want big pop and people still clearing early content then Elysium. Basically one is kinda dead but not pay to win and 2 others are pay to win with a big pop. LH has people clearing late content so probably not the best place to start leveling now unless you care only about PvP.

fuck man. this gives lights hope plenty of time to release their own fresh. i can already see it. lights hope releases their fresh in early/mid march and steals all of the thunder and the only hope we had at a non-chinese realm goes to shit because the mob rolls on lights hope fresh. why are kronos admins so fucking dense? they've gotten cucked how many times now? by nost, by elysium and soon to be by lights hope...

Nobody gives a shit about LH anymore, everyone is waiting for K3. Once reddit starts to hate you it's over for the server.

Why would anyone even play on Lights hope ? its Elysium 3.0 thats 3 times youve been fucked over by corruption

reckless abandon

everyone thought nighthaven would be dead but its ended up with 4-5k peaks. the fresh meme is real and unless they release very close together i think you'll see whoever releases first taking the majority of the population.

why the FUCK is the view distance on lightbringer so fucking LOW? between the lag, disconnects, corruption and now this bullshit im about done.

I dont want non blizzlike pop of liek 5-10k players
And kronos banned chineese vpns ages ago. so its still the best choice regaurdless of time

If Kronos picked up a legit 4-5k players then I'd be happy. I'm just worried that Light's Hope will steal the hype and end up with the lion's share of playerbase, like what happened to K1 when Nostarlius released a month earlier.

>why the FUCK is the view distance on lightbringer so fucking LOW

Welcome to Nost it's been like that since 2015

Everyst should be considered as a cult at this point. The lead is said that they fake population, /who returns results of something around 200 people, with fake population included.

We already have near that pop on a Dead (already naxx progressed server) Im not worried about lights hope at all people who keep rolling on elysium despite all the past problems is defining insanity , doing the same thing over and over and expecting a diffrent outcome

So is there a guild on nighthaven?

Dankk Budz Collective will be playing on K3, faction is still not decided

benafflock the saltydog has a darrowshire boomkin

mandate of heaven will NOT be playing on k3. we are happy with the way our loot council works here and do not want to re-establish our clique. we are content playing on a 90% chinese server.