/srg/ - Let's Play General

AGDQ 2018, Day 7

Schedule: gamesdonequick.com/schedule

Current game: Zelda Breath of the Wild

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4 hour finale.

y-yeah... Hype...


lobotomy chicken

honestly more interested in this than i would be in any FF game

you forgot about the sub mode goyim :^)

worst gdq ever desu

Why would you make a new thread?

5:11 AlphanumericSpam: LAST YEAR YOU DIDN'T COUNT SUBS TOTAL THO Jebaited
This nigga's right they didn't count subs last year, no gigantic 100k spike at the end
this shit's rigged


how the fuck did this go from barely 1 million on Friday evening to over 2 million today?

wally stream


Well did any of you get interested in running any new games?

but legitimately

>cheated run
>cheated donation total
How do they plan to defeat cancer? loading a save they prepared earlier?

>subs just happened to be the exact amount of money needed to go above last years total


who will save us from this tranny hell?

It's really obnoxious that every moment of dead air now has to be filled by donations. Like can you guys just STFU for a few minutes and let the audience watch.

bring back fumos

please say nah

Just another avenue for the PCF money. What's it gonna be for AGDQ 2019? Where are they gonna beg now?

Worst GDQ ever, but at least it met my expectations instead of leaving me sorely disappointed like GDQ 2015, where I was hoping it'd be as good as the previous year's.



>there will NEVER be another year for GDQs like 2013

What do you think, you fucking nigger?




>actually speedrunning
who the fuck cares

Best runs this time?
Jedi Academy, Diablo, Warcraft III, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario Sunshine, 007: Agent Under Fire

you surely are obsessed

AGDQ had Runnerguy do blindfolded child dungeons in oot, but SGDQ i will agree sucked

>Ocarina of Time

>zelda game
that's where you're wrong, kiddo.

They've never added sub donations before. Why'd they have to do it this time? It was literally just for the validation that they exceeded the last total? They are setting the expectation to beat records themselves....

Our boi ZFG is always good

what does nmg stand for?

just trying to save confused young people from mutilating themselves.

Who gives a shit?

No More Gays

no major glitches


No Major hownewRu

thanks! so this category surely must be forbidden at gdq?

>actually caring about the well-being of others
I doubt it.

They planned this. They made this GDQ all about beating all records, with insanely high incentives and most of them paid off, but they're probably not going to get more than this in one week, the audience is already completely tapped out as it is (and the raw viewership is down). That's why they had to jew people to chat as well.


I obviously do since I took the time to make a nice tranny watch image. Jesus how fucking dumb are you

I've been tuning in for past 3 years but I never bothered learning the acronyms and shit
I also don't run anything
please don't bully, I just enjoy how tense some games are, it's fun to watch

Cool obsession

well the folks who encourage young men to chop their dick off and take hormones certainly don thave their best interests at heart. It makes me sad honestly. these young people are being robbed and too many people cheer them on thinking its progress when its something far worse

Have they not done this before? I mean, I know they took subs and bits to donate to PCF afterwards, so I'm assuming you mean they never added them to the tracker. But I thought they did, I thought there was always a little bump at the end of the marathon from money that was donated in other places.


Don't listen to him. You're doing the Lord's work.

thank you

I don't care about what others do with their lives if it has no bearing on mine.

same for me how can you even still watch that shit? it is boring and wasted time imo

money money money
and you are not allowed to complain that they turned the event into shit because "the good cause"

the good runs are still good, and I enjoy shitposting about the trainwreck aspects of the rest. It's easier than working on my own runs, anyway.

Every day we stray further from God's light.

thanks for housing us shitposters, may you be blessed with good splits

yeah agdq is one of my favourite shitposting events of the year

and thats exactly whats wrong with the world

It always hurts me inside when I see people being so extremely short-sighted and ignorant.

*flicks clit*

Is there a scientific link between being trans*/gender non-conforming, and being into speedrunning? Seemed to be a disproportionately high number of trans* people.

speedgaming requires being on the sprectrum and transgenderism correlates loosely with the spectrum. Also since all the males are turbo-betas and non-threatening it becomes a safe-space for trans “people”

Yeah both are linked to autism.

what did you xe mean by this?
I would assume there is some corelation, but no casual relationship

I hope this thread dies before reaching bumplimit.

so, any solid post event drama already? any tranny incidents?

I don't impose help on others who didn't ask for it or want it based on my own personal biases. If I did, I'd tell you two to move out of your parents' home and seek treatment for your social disorders.


See you cucks in 6 months.

true more people have to think like it annoys me that being trans came into fashion but I shouldn't care

>missing the point this much
>that second part being a sign of total asshurt
I called you ignorant, but you are apparently also retarded, upset and very insecure


hey guys about to run BoTW 100% wish me luck

what a literal retard. now the tranny gets to play victim.

Don't forget to call me autistic too while you're projecting.

why isn't there "speed" in the title of this thread LOLO couldn't find it !


>complains about people complaining GDQ is "sterile"
>says people who need to have fun by "cursing and being offensive" has different problems

Then why are you trying to dispel the perception that GDQ is sterile when you think the people who say it's sterile have problems? I'm very confused. It's like telling someone you hate their fucking guts but they still better hang around you anyway for no particular reason.


>not searching "srg"
Also, captcha's getting sassy

they are unstable at best user, what do you expect

you brought autism
good job proving the retard part

>It's like telling someone you hate their fucking guts but they still better hang around you anyway for no particular reason.
Welcome to /srg/ every GDQ event

What was the worst run? I think it was the Ultima VI run? Where the streamer? Spoke entirely in questions? In a monotone voice?

>Is there a scientific link between being trans*/gender non-conforming, and being into speedrunning?
Nope. You can even do the math. There are something like 30 tranny speedrunners at best, and well over 20,000 speedrunners.


Didn't meant to hurt your feelings

projecting again?
this time proving insecurity by the way

and yet none of those speed runners are dedicated enough to show up at AGDQ
while all the trannies are


People are simultaneously saying GDQ getting more donations per event is indicative of its success and also saying it doesn't matter because it's going to charity. Really makes you think.

Again, how others lead their lives doesn't matter to me. You be you.

Is some hot srg girl givin him the succ?

can we get all the post-2018 agdq memes compilation going?
I'll start with this historic Darbian signature


GDQ isn't "the speedrunning community", my dude. Believe it or not, the vast majority of speedrunners don't go to GDQs and never will.

I really wonder how much of it is just people in the speedrunning community donating and making themselves poor for uyama

you are going to regret this in the future you and your like create for yourselves and others indirectly, but ok, lets cut it there

yes, so what you have here is a correlation between trannies and GDQ, not a correlation between trannies and speedrunning.