/dlg/ - Duel Links General

Duel Links General #225

Wheelchairoids when?


Latest News
>A selection box that contains staples from old boxes is out now. Better open your wallet if you want anything good out of it.
>Zane is roaming Duel World (GX) until the 16th
>Little Yugi will be added to the gate in the next few days
>Lots of skills are changing in the 24th of January. Check the ingame list for specifics
>Woodland Sprite/Bamboo OTK will likely be nerfed before the KC cup
>Expect a PvP Tag Duel event late January

Useful (Duel) Links
>Sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc. (Partially outdated but it's the best we've got.)

Future content (No release date but it's in the files)
>Syrus, DINO DNA, Sartorius, Yubel, Solomon, and Tristan have the most data and are likely the closest to coming
drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8mP_fxnqSU3NDVQ (Voice lines contain proof of new summoning mechanics)

Android emulators (or just use the Steam version)

A few tips for new players
>You can change the resolution of the Steam version with DuelLinksConfiguration.exe in the game folder
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>When sending Vagabonds, always choose the 1 card challenge because it gives the most XP.
>Decide on what deck you want to build before spending gems.
>Level up Mai, Keith, Alexis and Odion first to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua, Metalmorph, Spell Shield Type 8 and Curse of Anubis respectively.

Other urls found in this thread:


5Ds world when???

>tea has brown eyes in duel links
>blue eyes in anime
>sometimes green or red in other games
I'm confused. How hard is it to get a character's eye color right?

I wanna play as Divine and see a summon animation for Thought Ruler Archfiend

How do you guys keep track of who you sent the Vagabond to? Sometimes there are dry spells where he doesn't ask to get sent for day so I forget who he got sent to last.

Tristan Taylor when?

big cattle drive or valkyrion? got fucked up by a valk deck earlier, but apparently this game is turning into "funny draw deck hell" so i don't know

overdone burial because

What a chad

best OP in a while


You will be able to farm Valkyrion soon. Take the ticket exclusive.

oh he'll be in the pool? sick

Now that you're asking I am not sure. Yugi would be the first Gate LD to have two URs (Valk and Gandora).

There is any way to build a Chaos Dragon deck?

I'm surprised his hair is perfectly shaped like Chad's

>farm like 100 duels with tea in hopes of getting duel standby
>switch to another character to autoduel in the Gx world to level him up
>Aster Phoenix can now use LP boost b!
>Aster Phoenix can now use Draw sense: LIGHT!
>Aster Phoenix can now use Draw sense: Water!
>Aster Phoenix can now use Balance!

>fucking Lightray Daedalus fucks up a good Zane farm
>Restart drops for Jaden
Thanks Zane?

>ninja deck perfectly otks me in a way that i had no means of preventing
>next match
>mailet with 8 monsters in her deck and no search or draw power surrenders turn 4 because she can't get anything out
legend is a shitshow

how do I make this better? I see a lot of people running flame tigers in their hazy decks, should I just drop the fire fist stuff completely?

What uses does this have?
I mean, I guess it stops Mirror Wall.

MST for ninjas.

it's a quickplay spell so you can just chain it onto things you've already activated for ez spell or trap destruction


Where is this from?

Datamined from XOF

So new box after KC cup then?

>monarchs without monarch support
why bother

>Auto duel in gx world
>Getting skill drops from standard duelists


I AM 2800/1000 MAN

>next draw
>fuck i need to finish or i am gonna brick
>excactly the AMA i needed to finish

heart of the cards

Why are Monarchs so expensive? The only Monarch that's easily available is Delg.

Its funny, because for a time Monarchs were one of the cheapest meta archetypes in the TCG FreeMonarchs

Well Thestalos will be in another pack as a UR probably a big 200 pack that will introduce along with him Raiza, Mobius , Kuraz , Zaborg, Granmarg and maybe Zephen along with monarch support. Will probably be one of the most purchased packs as all will thirst for 3 copies of some certain monarchs.

It's bait for people thinking TCG relevance would result in Duel Links relevance. Like Lyla being an UR even though it can't do shit in the current meta.

There's only 3 so far and they're spread out.
angmarl UR
delg R card trader
thestalos UR currently in event box
treeborn UR
firestorm vassal SR event box
soul exchange UR
mausoleum SR trader
that other event SR

i'm hoping konami releases structure decks that aren't character based

I can see Mobius Raiza and Zaborg doing good work in duel links.

>5 win streak into my KOG promo match with good old hazy flame beatdown brainlet deck
>lose to a shitty phoenix because i call sphinx wrong twice despite my deck having 15 monsters
haha well ok next time
>lose again because i call wrong again
>one more match
>lose and you'll be demoted
>draw 4 spells in the first 4 turns

Legend 2 is a fucking black hole

Pls no, I'd fucking die if that happens.


>Not making it character based
>Not making it an event

Maybe, instead of trying to call it right you should try and call it wrong

>Hazy beatdown with Mausoleum, Sergeant Electro and Fenghuang
What the fuck are you doing?

most people that get to KoG with hazys are using APKs with permanent aroma to see their top card
why do you think there's a bunch of pair of socks playing it with 3SD calling spells/traps despite only having 5 of those cards in the deck at most?

Is it worth burning through all 15 packs of the anni box? Restarted after burning a bit too much gems (failing) to get snoww/lightnings and now I already have a simple beatdown deck after pulling for WoD.

i could shit in my hand and clap im so angry
what the fuck kind of a turn one is this for a BE deck to have
just give me a fucking win again

it works, like, 80% of the time
feng and electro are filler for 3rd EAN and AMA though

>Activate Darkworld Dealings
>Opponent Discards Phoenix.

Alexis has a nice theme, always a fan of some good piano

lmao who cares you should be OTKing him this turn



The effect doesn't even activate though.

It wasn't destroyed.

you deserve it for playing a brainlet deck

>Level 40 Zane shows up for once
>Turn 2 Cyber Twin Dragon with power bond
>I hold off the entire round somehow
>Not even Daedalus fucks me up
>8k score
>Not a single rainbow pack

>Me unga
>Game bunga

listen here u shit
ive got the cards to make pic related happen
if its not hazy flame im grinding to kog with its this
you wanna be responsible for another shithead burn deck?

>it works, like, 80% of the time
>gets demoted

>Look buddy, I could either be a brainlet or a brainlet, you decide!

>going second
>draw 2 pyramids of light an Andal and a draining shield
>only one pyramid of light in my hand
>he takes it and i take his phoenix

It's fucking great. I wish the game had a theme like this though: youtu.be/NC4zekDypa4

This is a hard sell, user. I was going to build this, but with 3 EAN, I could nearly build REZD instead.

thats whats so fucking unbelievable about this loss streak
statistically the deck is very consistent
generally i win aside from turn 1 burn shenanigans
but as soon as i hit that kog promo some fucking switch must have flipped because the cards that should show up just don't
this is the worst fucking luck ive had playing this game and if it had waited ONE more match to kick in i could at least be playing a more fun, less conssistent deck

>get otk'd by double wild natures release dimacari
This is fun

this is what im running and its clearly enough to get kog, just need to run up the wins again without that fucking horrible streak
3x EAN would help consistency but it isnt strictly necessary

also gozuki is the hard part of builing rezd's deck, right

Welp now I need to make a Cyber Dragon deck

Good thing Zane will be playable soon.

You mean in like 6 months right

Thanks, I already saved it from last thread. 5-6 turn 1 sac outlets shouldn't brick that often. Probably.

I already got 1 gozuki from the selection box so it might not be too bad. Primal Burst also has volcanics and dinos though and I played those in the past so idk.

as long as they show no intent of nerfing bamboo it's a good idea to buy into primal anyways
also gaia plate or whatever is good
lot more versatile stuff than the crimson box imo

>level57 phoenix fire king SD
>uses kirin to mill pheonix every time

dead game

Nah our general is just a bit slow, especially during these hours, also keep in mind that most of the people here are always plat 4 and up. Remember that the majority of the people play with their feet.

What does their rank have to do with the dead hours?

>plat 4 and up
with the amount of complaints in here I don't think so

I'm plat 2 and I just like to complain.

i am plat 3 and i assume that most of you are on a lot bigger rank than me

Quality over quantity ( i guess )

Always member, you have a 50% chance of having a card in your hand going first and 60% going second. Assuming 3 cards and a 20 card deck.

speaking for myself i complained because compared to everyone else I was way behind missing out on events/cards/gems and calling everyone whales if they had a staple like mirror wall when it's only natural to get better cards the longer you play. so I'm assuming everyone will grow out of their complaining stage. if you made a new account since the anniversary you'd get at least 4k gems on day 1 so imagine all those other missed events

I started like a month ago, so I can understand what you mean.
I missed a ton of useful cards...
Who knows if some will ever come back to the card trader.
At least some event cards are available with tickets from time to time but dang... Still doesn't make up for missing so many free gems and events.

yeah it feels like the gap between new and old will never close. power creep does exist so the older boxes will look worse than the newer ones so it's not too bad but some cards are still good since their release like sphere kuriboh and mirror wall, but there are cheaper alternatives such as reg kuriboh and wall of disruption

From what I've read here Konami used to hand out apologems like candy when the game started. So unless you started with this game when it went live you're a latefag.

>when the game speeds up a litle and heavy synchro support comes, everyone is gonna start puking his whole deck youtube.com/watch?v=8--s25Ckd5s

>tfw no Phoenix deck to wipe out all the backrow of these Lava Golem shitters.

>having trouble against lava golem fags
Fag beast are even more reliant on backrow to do anything anyway.

Are Pendulum mechanics used at all in modern YGO?
Seems weird that they would add a mechanic like that just for nobody to use it a few years later

>that single Dig Beak in the middle of all that broken shit

What's a good and versatile auto-duel farming deck

Before the last "season" pendulums had their own slot on the field. Now, ever since Links were introduced they make part of the 5 trap/spell card zone, which is heavy nerf. Extra deck monsters now have zones as well which changed a bit the dynamic of the game.
I don't actually play this is just my general idea of the recent changes so I might be wrong in something

Just wait till the infernities hit. They will wipe the floor with everything, you will see fucking synchro into synchro into synchro

pendulum magicians

>not blackwings
lmao at your life fag

>Blackwings not Karakuri

you are both , it will be some weird special tuner + fast monsters that will go probably either to formula synchro ---> something else
either to formula ---> stardust or if it gets even faster to formula + stardust

Is synchro spam summon possible considering we can only have 5 cards in the extra deck?

Yes you don't need more than 5 if you go for a very specific combo, expect to see formula into stardust , hyper librarian or black rose. What could be limiting is getting further than that due to only 3 monster zones available. All synchro decks will get shat on by Ojama.

>All synchro decks will get shat on by Ojama.
Truly the Chazz is ahead of his time.

Post Ojama decks. I'm at plat and haven't seen one yet. Started a week and a half ago.

Ritual missions suck.

post a good gem knight deck
