Fine I'll make the damn thread edition
>>> What is /v/scape? >> Wikis Main Website Steam Group Pastebin for OP Staff
Fine I'll make the damn thread edition
>>> What is /v/scape? >> Wikis Main Website Steam Group Pastebin for OP Staff
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med clue rewards getting spicy
what kind of anime do you guys watch while playing /v/scape?
you do play vscape on a crt right?
here's a small list of QoL updates;
1. protection farmers for calquat tree & spirit tree patches
update; idk
2. tool leprachaun at belladonna/nightshade patch, west of draynor manor
update; idk
3. two nightshade spawns in gu'tanoth
update; may 7th 2003, alongside watchtower quest, gu'tanoth and nightshade itself
4. adjustment of ore spawn times to regular spawn times
update; idk
note: server difference page says respawn times are altered because you CANT hop world, but the respawn times for all but granite are actually HIGHER than regular
5. fletching string-all option + animation
update; june 18th 2007
note; this is only for stringing. a string-X option was added alongside string-all
6. cave horrors & black mask
update; feb 7th 2006
note; includes opening mos le'hermless island and optionally adding jungle horrors
7. greater demons in brimhaven dungeon
update; -
note; original location replaced by mith dragons, currently no greater demons outside of deep wildy and entrana. proposal to replace wild dogs in brim dung
8. zahur, the babe in nardah that cleans unnoted herbs for 200gp ea, but also decants both noted and unnoted potions for free into (4) doses
update; dec 5th 2005, alongside nardah itself
9. bank pin for servant (who can retrieve a lot from the bank)/ costume room in POH
update; feb 6th 2007
note; safety first guise
10. ability to log-out or leave pest control
update; july 17th 2007 (to leave, logging always possible)
11. items kept on death
update; idk
12. move bank tabs as a whole
update; idk
note; i think odelhi wanted to work on this
friendly reminder that we already have 2007 content from june, july and august (onyx jewellery, void knight armour, clan chat and more)
According to all known laws
of aviation,
there is no way a bee
should be able to fly.
Its wings are too small to get
its fat little body off the ground.
The bee, of course, flies anyway
because bees don't care
what humans think is impossible.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Ooh, black and yellow!
Let's shake it up a little.
Barry! Breakfast is ready!
Hang on a second.
- Barry?
- Adam?
- Oan you believe this is happening?
- I can't. I'll pick you up.
Looking sharp.
Use the stairs. Your father
paid good money for those.
Sorry. I'm excited.
Here's the graduate.
We're very proud of you, son.
A perfect report card, all B's.
Very proud.
Ma! I got a thing going here.
- You got lint on your fuzz.
- Ow! That's me!
2. growing nightshades at draynor is ass and as much as i tried i only managed to harvest one per plant
3. there is one nightshade spawn near gutanoth that i'm aware of
4. agreed with granite respawns, tested it myself once
6. you can already access mos le'hermless after certain quests
10. just close the client
11. nothing to "fix" here
Some of these maybe, others no.
3. there should be two spawns in front of the cave entrances. one inside on the north wall, the other inside on the eastern wall. both aren't there. Which one do you mean?
6. you can access mos le'harmless, but i believe the gate of the pirate base is closed, so you cant go into the jungle or cave
10. tru
11. items kept on death menu*
which ones mr bitter
3. one spawns east of gutanoth, i figured this was the only place to gather them in vscape?
i was wrong. there should be two spawns.
one inside the most northern cave entrance, just south of the yanille-west entrance
the other is in the southern most cave entrance, just over the bridge.
it is currently impossible to enter the caves, because Watchtower quest isnt implemented yet. as a temporary alternative maybe just change the spawn to in front of the cave.
nardah possiblity, pal
Gay mods wanting to code things is how things get coded
Nobody actually gives a shit about "period accurate"
t. Wiggins
>altered because you cant hop world >higher than normal
yeah no shit this is intended
you ok bro? got hit on the head recently or something?
>heli51 super high on highscores
>thought this cunt quit
>check his stats
>200m thieving
do we not ban bots now or something?
>the rate they respawn is increased as the rate of collection with worlds to hop would be far higher otherwise
>somehow this is bad
are you sure you werent the one that got hit on the head recently?
asians have a lot of talent with doing simple single task assembly-line-like operations
But the respawn rate has been decreased, not increased.
is that why he only has high exp in woodcutting and thieving, the 2 easiest scriptable skills in the game?
>higher than normal
m8 ur wrong, fuk off an dont go full retard yeh?
just to clarify the ore respawn rates;
Granite respawns in 9 seconds (5 seconds in realscape)
Gem rocks respawn in 30 seconds (105 seconds in realscape)
Mithril respawns in 3 minutes (2 minutes in realscape)
Adamantite respawns in 6 minutes (4 minutes in realscape)
Runite respawns in 20 minutes (12 minutes in realscape)
respawn rates in OSRS have been unaltered (afaik, cant find any update in archive)
>also i said granite was the only one thats lower, but it's gem rocks.
mental retardation
a lower rate means slower retards
>respawn times for all but (... gem stones) are actually HIGHER than regular
the TIME is higher, not the RATE in which they respawn
proposal is to lower the RESPAWN TIME (so MORE ore per hour), because you would expect that if you CANT hop worlds, that more ore/hour would slightly compensate this
also yes.
rate = amount/hour
>banning bots
Only a fool of the highest caliber gets banned for botting.
any rsps hoster can see mouse behavior of a certain player in the logs. with a little script that tracks absolute xp increase per user per timespan you could see logs for abnormalities.
should be easypeasy to track players that bot certain skills a lot in a short period of time
>update; idk
"Regular" definitely has buffed their own ore spawn times considerably relatively recently. I can't find the dev blog about it, but you can find old lists of spawn times that match our servers respawn times. So I'd say we just need to remove that from the server differences page really. Buffing respawn time seems unnecessary to me. yeah, you can't hop worlds, but you also very rarely have to compete with other players for ores.
I'd approve of this, but you realize it would be the end of rerolls, right? As I understand it we don't have black masks because the damage buff combined with the ability to choose whatever slayer task you want would be too op.
It would be nice to have access to greaters, they are an underrated training monster imo
That'd be nice
Remove robot
>me waiting for bank search function
>implying you make any decisions for vscape
More than you lmao
vscape is dead lmao just play a real game
Yes real games why not
I just came by to laugh at you lmao
>being triggered by 20-30 autists playing 3d cookie clicker
/v/scape haters must truly have nothing good in their lives.
>needing to search your bank
>having fuck all in his bank
being so poor and unorganised you don't have two of everything.
not using meme arrows.
>trying to be the knight one but isn't funny at all
>The autist who made this plays on the same server as you
vyrewhore here we cum!
please 8
5 5 5 5
What is this?
>He's never played flower poker
Newfag out
Is this real? Please let this be real.
i just snapchat wildy i have to know
mfw all these hot n spicy memes
my sides can't take it
>Gem rocks respawn in 30 seconds (105 seconds in realscape)
Dear god make it stay this way otherwise there will be at least 60 seconds of downtime when mining there.
>not updated version featuring darango and co.
darango's coming back soon btw his client got fucked up and he was too lazy to fix it but he wont get on fucking discord reeeeeeeeeeee
gotchu senpai
excellent maymays
>Only thing bumping the thread is the same 3+ year old memes everyone's already posted and seen a thousand times now
Dead game
Its almost like its dead hours on a sunday or something wew
Post something original. This shit is old and unfunny
The only thing i've posted so far is responding to your autism post to be honest my man
fuck this game guys it's nothing but an endless treadmill of goal setting without the material irl benefit FUCK
Kill yourself