How about a drink edition
/lolg/ - League of Legends General
>I will never cuddle with Shyvana while her dragonpussy slowly and forcibly milks my dick
xth for my wife Syndra
First for Femgot
first for hash is sensitive
Behind this veil lies exactly nobody's favorite champion
Theres one girl who loves him at least.
Kennen is one of the most OP champions in the game. His ult is as good as his skins are shit.
She's a big girl.
>tfw no qt petite gf
tell that to ego ignaxio
Why dont you play singed, user?
What's your guys personal best top lane champions atm?
Why aren't *you* playing Singed?
xth for tight redhead of many kegel exercizes
I feel bad for the 2% of the playerbase that are lorefags.
Not only do they have to keep up with the lore changes while drawing conclusions from the 3 pages of generalistic shit writing that gets produced every 4 months, but they also have to see their favorite champions get destroyed/forgotten if they're not popular or a big titty red haired pirate girl.
He's boring
>play top lane
> only have 1 ban
>jayce the faggot
>All these champs exist can one even fathom having fun in top lane? Its such asinine cancer.
WOW Ekko did NOTHING in that cinematic
is there any legitimate way to argue about this
Teemo, Yorick, and Klepto Viktor
>or a big titty red haired pirate girl.
Trust me, I'd rather they just ignored MF than what they've been doing with her.
He stopped time in a small area and made woohoo noises
GP, Riven and Jayce are worth a ban
All the others are easy to deal with
>I need to solocarry or I will flame and int
inb4 faggot for me
>Chad ranged main
Who are you trying to play that loses to all of these guys user? Your champion must do SOMETHING right? You didn't pick a pincushion with no abilities right? Also
>Anything resembling a problem
>In the year 2018
Illaoi is fun. Fuck you.
I hope you all have a swell day, Anons!
>jinx with short hair
We need more of this asap
He can't be THAT bad, can he?
He falls off in a role that is supposed to scale.
He isn't that great right now.
Stop playing susan like a little bitch
>pick evelynn support in normals because why not
>win game, only highlight was a spot of lag
>enemy gp says "at least we know eve support works vs silver bot lane"
>didn't think to check his rank immediately to see if he was plat for counterbants before he left lobby
>could have said "at least we know the limits of plat gangplank" or something along those lines
feels bad man
We can only hope.
please name one match-up inside of the current meta which nigger priest wins
Why does no one ever play Amumu?
>playing norms solo
>get teamed with a premade
>all goes well and we almost win
>suddenly one of them votes to surrender
>they all say yes
I played him the other day and managed to win, but I felt useless lategame and I essentially got carried.
who remembers the old lore where he was a reckless soldier which captured j4 and decided to execute him then garen managed to discover where j4 was imprisoned, finds urgot and cut him in half with his sword, and then he got rianimated by viktor and after that he joined the league to finds out who cut him in half?
i do remember
>short ranged
>doesn't scale well
>in a role that is literally defined by these two characteristics
yeah he's that bad
top 10, well done
amumu is a worse sejuani
>Your match is already lost.
werent top fighters buffed yet?
he's boring as fuck, has no personality, and is on the rework hitlist.
Speaking of which, who is lolg sad to eventually see go?
Singed is fun! FUN!
I do elo boosting for a lot of niggers and I only abuse Amumu and Gragas when I'm Plat, Sejuani when I'm Diamond. He is so piss easy and does so much damage, its absurde. Hope Riot never changes him
Most girls look pretty nice with short hair.
>Will never get champions in casual clothes now they won't do esport theme skins anymore
Sad days these were the best
petite girls with short hair is the GOAT
mini gnar is among the biggest bullshit in the game and you know it
Have you seen his jungle clear? It's not very good. Personally, I like having him on the team because of the Q and ult, but playing him is suffering
I also do remember. Not even sure why they changed it now, the whole "J4 was captured and was headed for execution" plot is still there.
So this was the secret all along to be able to climb, just pick Nami.
What happens if I hit gold before the season starts?
We got Soldier: 76 Azir out of that. Its a good decision.
>Cocky fuck, but probably understands what he's doing
>A bit of a lowkey masochist
not true unless u have a small face ur gonna like a SJW
I pretty much agree with all of them
However seeing how long Riot works on them means that ~50% we wont see until the games is dying/dead.
>trying all game to get jungler to get rift or drag
>warding their jungle and telling him where the enemy jungler will be so that we can do soemthing other than afk and jack off while the enemy takes over the game
>they towerdive the enemy mid who's still half health
>eventually after losing two inhibs and baron, just lose it and afk
>first words out of jungler all fucking game is "report support"
>t. gnar player uncapable of winning without exploiting his cancer champ
How long have you playing Vayne when she wasn't meta?
We need more skin swap art.
>Pool party was one of the most successful skinlines AND did this surprisingly well
I will still understand why they decided not to do it last year.
shiphtur is so good why isnt he on an lcs team
these r eerily on point
is it really that obvious or do u know who i am...
Is for sexual cuddling
Mafia Jinx deserves more love
didnt play much in preseason
what are some nice memes? prefer top and jg and full damage builds
suggest away!
>Roll Skarner in ARAM
>They have Morgana to Black Shield people
>And Yorick and Camille to trap me in the Thunderdome when I try to pull
>And Sona to stun or blow me up when I try to pull
>And Gangplank in general
Assasin Wukong with these runes
Why does Riot answer these stupid questions?
I've never had problems with Gnar desu
Just lock Akali or Nasus every time I see him and collect my win
What top laner do i play if i wanna interact as little as possible with the enemy laner and my team? Yorick and nasus seem to fit that criteria,anyone else?
>not out of combat ms
You're right, that pic is outdated
>Consume (Q): Well Fed now additionally grants 3/5/7/9/11 (+5% AP) magic damage on basic attacks.
>Blood Boil (W): Now additionally increases AP by 40% for both targets. Max: 40/60/80/100/120 AP
so, barring significant changes, what are the chances nunu will be freelo once again?
>Every other monster champion has a mecha like skin but shyvana
Karthus, and if anyone complains just remember
>ult global pressure.
Singed. Nocturne isn't a terrible champion either, but Singed is only on that list because people don't know how to play against him. Which is sad because he's one of the most interesting champion designs in the game and something everyone should try out.
I was kinda surprised he didn't get a look for an academy team but then I don't see a reason why he would want to go to be a whipping boy for Jensen or Hai when he could just stream himself slobbering at food vlogs all day and make money for it.
Camille jungle
Crit Gnar
Quinn jungle
ARAM builds counter-comps.
i agree with everything honestly
all of those need a real VGU
I'm a Kayle/Mundo/Amumu/Wukong main so it's all good for me.
Too bad they're a bit slow in doing the VGU but hey it's like a new hero. Hyped to see those 4 heroes i mentioned reworked thought.
if azir/kayle are ever in favor nunu will be with them
Female magical power in league of legends is now relative to breast size.
How does the lore change?
Done, this way you can cover more ground after Wing and get away or engage faster
> What top laner do i play if i wanna interact as little as possible with the enemy laner
Lulufag dies of heart attack
scorch or manaflow?
>Roll Lee Sin in ARAM
>Can't farm CS
>Farm the enemy team then
I'm gonna need some photographic evidence to believe you, user.
I really liked the new cinematic.
>halfbreed bitch literally le unpure dragon
>not deserving violent rapes until she likes it and breed her
>assassin without coup de grace
False, Shyvana is for sensual penetrative cuddling with constant eye contact and affectionate touching