/bdog/ The MMORPG Black Desert

>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is an Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, p2w rng mechanics, zerg pvp, infinite grinding and a sudo sandbox experience.

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NA: Sardine, Baka, Inner_Circle
Eu: Pettanco

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Many guests passes are available for those that wish to try the game for 7 days.

Previous Thread :


I want to do bad things to a tamer




Post more sleeping tamers.

Speaking of sleeping, what's the best way to get a bed? Just raising 1000 amity with furniture merchants?


Is the game as dead as this thread?

or spend pearls


it's a problem whenever we make a new general at weird hours

not really
lots of people play, thread just sucks til someone shitposts

weird hours?
It's 7pm in america

I want to grind with this qt tamer.

be my friend user
not like we'd ever talk because there's not much reason to in BDO

I'd rather pk honestly, grinding is soul crushingly boring.

i thought the bulk of this general was propped up by the euros

Nah they just erp with each other in the thread and bump it a lot
usually NA people talk about the game

So did they ever add Sorc's Key Sleeve armor set to the US version?

what does it look like?



I never saw it on the cash shop so nah not yet.

>I'd rather pk honestly
God your amazing

Are you okay?

What should I change?

Start by cleansing yourself of aposematism.

Would that skin color be considered sherbert?

Hard to tell from that angle about face shape, but try making your lips more recognizable as such and your body less shiny.


it's a slightly tan one
So a normal hair color?
I think I have the shine at the minimal levels but i'll check. The lips are pretty pronounced just kinda hidden by the black lipstick which i kinda have a thing for
yeah but where should i start?

Does anybody want a gay and depressed friend on EU


Band of intrepid tamers take over Heidel arena, more at eleven.

Depends on what kind of gay you are talking about

bf x bf

Ew disgusting
Learn some Jesús young man

Yeah but I gotta reinstall windows so ask again tomorrow

Too gay for me.

too bad youre on eu

But I die tonight user
Good bye

I rather you didn't

>p2w rng mechanics
Is this only for PvP or does it apply to PvE, too?

there is no PvE you silly boy
there's grinding the same mob over and over and over so you can get gear to do PvP

the p2w doesnt affect pvp directly, it affects how fast and efficiently you can grind to get good gear for pvp


>he lips are pretty pronounced just kinda hidden by the black lipstick which i kinda have a thing for
I get it, user. I use dark lipstick too. Might be the settings or the lighting, but I messed with the shine options a bit to make sure the lips stand out a bit even with the dark lipstick. You could consider looking into that.

post elves, please.

It looks fine in the creator but in game lighting it looks a bit off. Also any lipstick color that isn't skin tone or red looks a bit weird in this game. Almost blotted.

Your eyes are 15-20% too big. You should make them and the iris smaller if you want a more proportional face.



you still haven't taken responsibility for my maids user

I'm depressed, don't bother me

nigga damn runescape looks like that?


I'm sorry user, is there anything in specific that has you down? anything you might want to talk about?
you still have to take responsibility, I won't raise your kids

this is some of the gayest erp i've seen in this general

I get lonely when my bf doesn't talk to me all day, and when he does it's barely anything because he has a hard time bringing up a topic to talk about. I have to turn down people because I'm stuck in a relationship and dont want to hurt him

user that seems pretty unhealthy for you, especially since you're even talking about being depressed now. It sucks making people unhappy but you shouldn't be unhappy too for their sake, find someone you can be mutually happy with.


me want lahn....


>I need a new class that Koreans call mediocre and the only redeeming quality is the ranged grab
>I want to spend lots of money gearing up and slutting up a class I will only play for a short while before going back to my original choice
>I'm a dumb retarded sheep who would be better off playing WoW or team fortress 2 along with other people on my intellect level

I'm just being a butt complaining. It's my fault for getting stuck in this stuff


>Consoling another man on the internet when you won't even get erp out of it
That's what you call a cuck ladies and gentlemen


And this is how you misuse a word

t. cuck

Shouldn't you be consoling your boyfriend?


There's nothing wrong with complaining when you're down. It's not your fault, just try to value your own happiness over someone else's especially when it gets to dangerous levels like it seems this is.

Is it worth getting back into Black Desert Online? I quit 2 months ago because I got bored with the game. My problem was that i couldnt really find a character I liked the most as I liked many of them and was in a shitty PvE social guild that did jack shit so I didn't even try node wars or anything.

I couldn't decide between a Sorceress, Tamer, Valkyrie and a Maehwa. Got them all to lvl 57, I bought weapons and sold them so many times I lost count. I did some decent progress in terms of armor and accessories and amassed probably like 150k of raw materials I need to process but due to not having a main I never did anything with them.

I was considering getting back and trying the Mystic but I'm afraid I'll fuck up again and will still be stuck in the shitter zone.

I still don't know what to play. I guess I wanted something decent in 1v1 but something that is not absolutely useless in node wars and something that grinds decently.

Should I come back? I think I wouldnt have so many problems with the game if I didnt have to invest so much money in a character and rerolling is very painful for the wallet.


thanks user

nothing about the game has changed. your same issues are still here.
either change how you want to play and what you want out of the game or forget about it
devs show no signs of wanting to change either

>Thanks cuck

oh good point, i should shrink em a bit.

Choosing a character is the worst part of the game by far for me too. I used to have that issue a lot but finally settled on one myself and everything is better. Though until then I just tried to make the best out of my alts, doing a decent bit of grinding on them until I could at least pay off the taxes of rerolling again, and that at least helped me get further in the game.
That class for me was Mystic, so maybe it will stick for you, or maybe not.

I don't want to say you should come back because things are still mostly the same, but if you don't have much else to do then is there really much to lose? If nothing else BDO is a great pass time.

Any time user. I'm usually around thread if you need to talk through stuff another time but for now we should probably not continue too much off topic. So tell me instead how BDO has been going for you? Have you been playing NA any more? Found an EU guild?

I haven't really played in the last few days. They took away my fishy suit and now I dont have the good rod either so I feel gimped. I'm just sitting around in a friends house in heidel now. Maybe I'll try to play my DK again on NA tonight.
I really do enjoy DK because swords are cool

Yeah I get that. I didnt really have any problems with the game. I didnt experience half of it anyway.
My problem was that due to not being able to find a main I just kinda lost the will to play the game. Looking at how much money I spent on the game and how little return I got... I just quit.

I was in the exact same position as you. Exactly the same. I also managed to get further in the game thanks to some clever buy low, sell high tactics managed to not lose that much silver in the end. I also have a Kzarka box a Dande box and a full set of boss gear (not enhanced) Also various Kzarkas for many classes I tried... Mystic looks very fun honestly and looks good. I kinda dont want to waste the time on the Olvia channel that I will get if I return.

What are the current Outfits available for the Mystic? Is there any reason to return now in terms of sales, events or loyalty rewards?
The winged Kibelius is gone now right?

2 weeks too late for winged kibelius

Are you EU?

So how does failstack work on armors and weapons? If a piece says it requires 7 stones to 100% upgrade does that mean making your failstack +7 guarantee success on that piece?

Why are your legs missing?

Are you a girl

Mystic don't even need to bring anus tea for desert shivers, such bountiful sustain.
Fittest girl for laziest players, nice.

That bf x bf gay thing really implies he's a girl doesn't it

why even ask that

You're a bit late to get good value out of the current event or the calendar, and unfortunately you missed a lot of limited costumes for mystic such as Halloween ones, Santa, and winged kibelius as the other user mentioned. You can get normal kibelius or the basic outfit/awakening outfit, neither of which are really favorites of mine but you may like them.
Oh so that was you that lost the outfit. That's unfortunate but maybe you'll get a permanent one soon! DK is nice, that was my last main.


Yeah as I thought, I missed everything. Well no matter I was expecting it. I didnt really liked the winged version but I thought maybe that would give me a reason to login. The awakening outfit looks quite good though.

Maybe I should actually wait till valentines or something. Then again I do have the itch to play BDO now.

Honestly based on last year's Valentines I wouldn't expect much by waiting for it. If I was going to wait on any event it would be the anniversary but that won't be too soon. If you're feeling like playing I'd say just do it. Worst case you want to stop again but then every time you return you'll have more silver and new things in the game. BDO makes it so nice to return I wouldn't worry about it much.

I'll return then, thanks. I dont have anything to play now anyway. I just could use some kind of a sale but I guess I missed that.

this game is dead

she looks really good, maybe try a longer hair style? and what the other user said make her eyes over all a bit smaller.

every server is CROWDED

It's all afk people