/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2632

This cutie is now your lover!

>Recent News
Kirin and dong weapon 4*'s
Qilin and Huanglong Changes - 1/10 - Gold Bar droprate increased for Host but will be removed from MVP Chest.

>NewbieFest 01/10-01/25
Daily single gacha ticket starts 01/11
1.5 RP and EXP for Ranks 100 and below(Non-HL)
1/2 AP and BP
1/2 Free and Extra Quest
All Elemental Trials are open during the period

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January:
12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You
1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses)
1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

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That already exists, and her name is De La Fille.

Monika will have Quatre's buff extend and dispel immunity for the whole team, but in Wind. She'll revive High IQ wind and finally destroy Nio.

If I have SSR Yoda, how long am I good for in the story?

Last year June and September were the only months with less than 4 events. Since 2015 and there has always been 4 or more.

not for cummies

Post monki lewd

This is my plan to becoming a veteran player, feel free to give me pointers on anything I could've missed.

>17 more nuggets to go
I'm... not going to make it. Tell.... my second Jewtenshu... she has cute breasts....

It's adorable.

step 2.???

A shitplan.

autism cute

>Veteran player
You're barely going to be out of the first tutorial.

things don't ever go the way how you want them to in this game


Monika is going to be sword/kattanah spec buffer in dirt that gives DATA and cap up.

Fire Cerberus, Fire Forte, more Fire characters for 2018 that I can sink my teeth into Cygames.

>Art changes when uncapped at some point
My dick.



>Monika WeissWIND

Any sub-rank 100 newbies want to duo my magnas with me? I have complete magna grids now, so I just do it for SSR fodder.

>rank 130
try again, cutie
might work if you wait for magna summon uncaps

Host 11 dongs so i don't have to farm more 80k pendants for another train

How long does it take to 40box if I'm not autistic

All SR/SSR units get new art on their 3rd uncap as well as anyone who has a 5*


>40 box
>not autistic
does not compute

>if I'm not autistic
Several GWs. You're not supposed to be 40boxing efficiently as a filthy normalfag.

Why do you all keep saying Monika is going to be Wind when she's not only Wind in the story, but the complete embodiment of Wind, just like Lecia's Dad. Also her name is WINDWEISS.

Will Pholia be 8.5?

Multiple GWs. And don't forget about those 500 silver certs.

4-6 gws

>he's wasting time mvping every chev raid while I'm sitting here wanpaning my way to the last sword I need
Lol thanks for the swords nerds



But that's exactly why we say she's going to be wind

It doesnt how bad she is, Im getting her then licking those eyebrows

Depends, i need to see her ears first


You do have a cute ribbon, don't you user?

What's the best raid theme?

>Pineapple eyebrows
Is she Vajra's sister?


Shiva's theme is nice.

DE73FB raid coop

>memerolled 2 (two) ribbons as soon as they came out
>reduced both because I thought they were shit
Well, at the very least Zoi herself is still here.



>Why are people saying Io is going to be light when shes water in the story
This is you in 2015

We'll become the best bros, and so in sync with eachother's charge attacks that we can shoot them off at the same time

She is also the True King's daughter

She is an erune you fucking retard.

Go sort the journal by erunes


She even has similar hairdecs to Vajra

But Kat was Water and there's no way they would give Water another story limited when they had Kat set up. Cygames have long since thrown away this tradition since Earth still only has 1 Grand while Dark has 3.

>thinks he can do Ubaha HL once he reaches 130 without chev swords
>even thinking he can get 5 FLB chev swords by the end of February if he wants to be ready for Ubaha HL
This user is very cute and dumb.

Post your ID now


I used to think OG Rebirth and Destruction was better but I've since changed my mind.

>shoot off at the same time
(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ))

Damn, that's adorable, but let me tell you my story.

When I first started in early 2016, wind was the strongest, with light second, and fire (sticks) dead last. I started fire and wanted to grind out swords because I found wind at the time to be boring.

Korwa got released shortly after, making Wind uncontested at anything for several months. A few months later, the dark summer began and stayed until March of 2017; you can still see remnants of it. I finished my Chev Sword grind and all my magna grids during this period.

Fast forward to late 2017. Light is in a shit position, dark whales all switched to another element, and elements who got good 5* GW attackers with additional utility dominate every raid. Magna is a joke compared to whale primals, and Cygames continues to outdo itself with more and more element of the month shit.

tl;dr by the time you're finished with that plan, Chev swords will be outdated.

I used to do that with my lil bro when we'd spitroast Celeste during strike time. That was before the changes to her fog though.

This brings the question, how would be a 5* S. Zooey

Fuck off back to discord. Why in the fuck does Veeky Forums think this is spam?


>he doesn't get vice MVP with wanpan


Also, both Ferry and Korwa eventually become outdated and powercreep within about a year and a half of their release.

What is this "post ID cutie" meme?

Playable when?

post id and I'll tell you cutie

Not the case. Until you have both GW 5*s she is still a must-have. Ferry, on the other hand, really has been outclassed.


That is true.

Siete 4* used to be the best character in the game as well, now his 5* isn't even on the level of Ayer.

literally just Nio

I actually smiled a bit at this.

No more FUCKING homoknights

post your ID cutie, and you'll find out

>The 3 most popular characters from RoB are shit
What did KMR mean by this?

You only need tiamat for fodder?
I'm actually in need of Ygg swords

christ, when will the powercreep end

More homoknights!

Did you DP chev together too?

Would probably be better than dog. Imagine a perci kit in water IMAGINE.

>stopping with the powercreep
I doubt they even know or understand how to.

In the end of the day though, despite all of the MASSIVE power creep, the only people who can actually race are multiboxers and whales.

my friend got me into this game and told me to farm grand order to drop the summon and i've been at it for a week with no drop
what are the rates on it??

>Completing my Light grid easily
This is my favorite part

What's the next collab?

Being better than Dog is not really an accomplishment considering the only Water SSRs worse than her are Chat Noir and Lilile.

Pretty low mate

There are two choices:
1) Keep powercreeping
2) Keep releasing weak characters

Both choices suck.

Shut up waifufag, too many females in the game already.

This is where your suptix went.

Probably Cinderella Girls because all of the other IM@S variations are ignored.

Might be Shadowverse, RoB or Horsegirls, though.

It took me a week and a half to get mine. Keep up the hard work and you'll get her eventually!

Post JK

I'm not even a waifufag, we need more guys that aren't homoknights

Idolm@ster SideM

Tanpopo chang soon