/fhg/ - For Honor General

Daddy Centurion addition

"But I don't speak Japane-"
>Season 4 Hero Trailers:

>Season 4 Info

>For Honor v1.18 Patch Notes

>New players:
>If you plan on using a controller, it is highly recommended you go into your settings and shrink the dead zone

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character values

>Gear modifier values

>Gear Stat Help

>Gear appearances

>Max Punish Guide

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

Other urls found in this thread:



I'll write it properly, next time.

:think: why no cat wardens?

>Only use for cucklander offensive form is to cancel it into instant guardbreak and get more wall throw top heavys
Where did it go so wrong /fhg/?

bumping for webm need

so i gotta wait like, a week for fucking sadpanda to let me get what i NEED. any good places for PK porn?

OF heavies needed to be faster & DF heavies needed the fucking hyperarmor to kick in TWICE as quickly.

give me more details on this

What do you mean, user?
if you can't log into ex, use your sign-in on hentaiverse, same people that run ex.

Don't even worry, the for honor album is not even that big. It's only 60 images

"Whats Da Matter Cross... Blackstone Legion got you Puushin' too many Pencels?"

HL's offensive form is curayzee strong in a gank. He has all the tools to either sparda kick someone off the ledge, into a wall, grab a attacking enemy from his blindside or throw unblockables to create a steady amount of dps against a turtle.

Nobushit is CUTE! CUTE!

Wow he sure is strong when he's attacking someone who isn't looking at him wow

is there anything there that i cant find of r34 or xxx?
i dont have one because i was always able to find enough high quality wank mat everywhere else

>there's nowhere near enough high quality for honor lewds
why must i suffer

There's a few things that's not really that pornlike so maybe

You can sign up through that site, and once you login you just put in sadpanda and you're good, my dude.
t. spoonfeeder

>t. assassin
Way better than the faggots that attempt to steal your kill and fuck it all up in the end.

>It's another 'ethernet cable disconnected' with 2 minutes left a match episode

So did they break PVAI or is it still superior to the D/C shitfest that is regular PVP?

Better than literally as they're losing & screwing everyone out of their rewards.

>about to rip out the throat of somebody
>faggot roach or ara comes along and interrupts and the enemy revenges



And yet..

>gb someone as cent
>gonna do a wallspalt/finisher combo
>it'll kill the enemy
>some teammate fag hit me from the back, trying to somehow reach the enemy from there
>breaks my combo
I hope he dies in agony

>So did they break PVAI or is it still superior to the D/C shitfest that is regular PVP?
You mean with just AI? I normally use AI if I can't complete contracts because people still crash the lobby and matchmaking is still fucked. There is steel to be made and until they fix the servers then multiplayer be damned.

If you're talking about PvsAI, only newfags who forgot to turn off MM are there.

Although my needs aren't as intense as yours, I'll still follow you through whatever you come across. I'm a fan of her myself. It makes me wonder if sadpanda even has Western art.


what does her face look like

We don't talk about PK, she's a little touched in the head

Is there more of this?

>If you're talking about PvsAI, only newfags who forgot to turn off MM are there.
HumansvsAI used to be better, if you could find a group.

As used as the shopping carts in walmart.

Judging by her lore, probably late 20s cute cake face.


squat head confirmed for how to draw ZERKER

Reminder that Shaman is the purest virgin maiden
All others are likely to have fucked, but shaman sits in the woods killing and eating people. She probably hasn’t used a penis for anything but a first hot dog.

>implying she doesn't cut off fingers to use for fun times later

Who gives a shit. She is crazy.


i think this would be about it

>Shaman eats dicks
Who would've thought.

>adult azula face
I could fuck it



Name my band.

Yeah but not in a sexual manner.

The Kill Yourselves.

Menstrual Paint
>Yeah but not in a sexual manner.
Yeah, she really does suck dick.

>claming anyone else is brain dead


Nah she met a real man



>unblockable looks like a warning sign for waterfall in pants

>die as conq
>goes into yamcha pose
truly glorious

>die as conq
>come back

Who is the Vegeta of For Honor?

>skeleton is the one who killed you

pls, someone must have it

Me I am vegeta

Berzerker. He wants to be a MC like Raider but always gets shown up.
Also he's short.
Shaman is Broly.

>MC like Raider
>Raider in this instance is Goku
>Shaman is Broly
Was Siv a Shaman this whole time

Which one of you niggers made this trash




There's just so much wrong with that.

Stupid question, but do the past rarities show up for rare+? I kind of like some of the common designs for certain characters.


first time i've heard mgoldie talk, is he german? accent is odd

Yeah when I saw the reddit post I was betting it was someone from here 'merely pretending'

>reddit posters now outright say they're from reddit on here
What has Veeky Forums come to?


kinda a different situation when the only two places you can even mention this shitfest of a game is here and the fh sub. if i discuss it anywhere else it's a big bag o' "HAH FOR HONOR DEAD GAME" and it triggers my autism

Is it just me or does warden's side light not always throw out the second guaranteed hit? I feel like it only works half the time. Not sure if I'm missing something here.

Either that or it's ubisoft dickriders that overlook any sort of complaints or suggestions about the game to spam about how you're shit and need to git gud.

Why else would he "point it out"?

I wish the artist for these pics would draw more qt heroes.

Revenging as PK is heaven because people get spooked and dont expect 6 consecutive zone feints

there's cum all over her tits

Half the reason I bought this game was because I was scrolling through character art I had saved for something entirely different and came across that warden pic, which got me thinking about how much I wanted to play a dueling game.

Also I dunno what it is about FEM Orochi but everything about her is insanely cute.

It's the Shredder outfit with the feminine eyes that stands out.

I think it's her stance. I just want to sneak up behind her and hug her from behind.

>go in lobby
>people are ganking like crazy, can barely do anything
>put on some Castlevania music since I like the OST
>need only one more fight until I reach rep 1 Cent
>this happens
Fucking hell, man.

unpopular opinion: berserker is either not at all low tier or the people who play him are really good because fuck this bullshit

>in 4's
>play nobushi
>enemy team is 4 centurions
>when one knocks me down all of them can jump on me

it's a 4v4 mode man. What do you expect? 4 separate and simultaneous 1v1 duels in 4 different parts of the map?

He's not low tier he was never low tier. He's not top tier like PK and Shaman but he's easily as good as gladiator

i just got flat out embarrassed

>5 million feints in every direction
>cancels lights into dodge attacks
>top attack literally nuked 70 percent of my health bar


I expect ganking at this point, but any fucking time I'm about to get an execute, a faggot shinobi or a faggot berserker shows up and heavies me instantly.



Your (You)s sustain me.

I'm going to bed though, don't you fucking die you sick fucks


That's the cent gank for you, it's all they'll ever rely on.



I'm violently gay

