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>General Resources:
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the end is nigh
First for elves
>tfw finally got to solo the Soft Hands achievements after so many tries.
- Moon Guard (US - Alliance)
whats the point of playing wow anymore
incoming pajeet meltdown
>he doesnt make mad gold and buy other games with it
i got myself d3+ros and overwatch goty edition
It's week 6 of Argus
If you still haven't managed to get AotC this late into this easy as fuck raid what the fuck are you doing with your life
poe is better than d3 and overwatch is a meme
i got 666 hours in poe and got bored of it and i only got into poe because of the d3 trial where i made myself a demon hunter qt
Getting hyped for the next xpac when the shit isn't coming out until at minimum august
I'm ready for my 110 preorder boost and Allied Races.
i gues
i haven't played the game in like 3 years though
So people in my guild were saying the new patch drops on tuesday? Is there something new for someone who only logs in for raids or is it safe for me to play SFV:AE on tuesday?
>Go on low pop server
>Cross realm never puts me with others besides the opposite faction
>Go on high pop server
>Get even more cross realm shit while more of the opposite faction join
>Do a pve event
>Instantly get attacked by other faction
>Do a pvp event
>Nobody to fight or track
I don't know why Blizzard put in this system when half the time it doesn't even do its fucking job. Then you get server hopping faggots who just take rares and any other special event. Any sense of community is dead.
i'm gonna drop my load in your mouth if you don't shut the fuck up
>Drink diet Monster and a 40 oz. back to back as I watch Urban Exploration vids on Youtube
>Masturbate to Overwatch Futa thread on /gif/
>Tab back to /wowg/ and see gross pictures of fem panders
>Go lay down on my couch, seeing if the new Family Guy is up on the Fox app
>It's not, so I take a shitload of Melatonin and go to bed
Literally the only thing coming tuesday is Blizzard making the leveling slower to make more people buy boosts. Retards think Allied races are coming but I'm 100% they're going to be locked until later
So is it mandatory to run this game on an SSD now? My game just stutters all the fucking time when it has to load shit, so CONSTANTLY in Dalaran. Loading screens are godawful long.
Cool, thanks.
Who else forgot to get their Dread Pirate Ring today?
"But it's going to be fun since the OVERALL EXPERIENCE WILL BE BETTER!"
>I got mine a week ago
>You all idiots call me gay, idiot, etc.
>Now all you cum-babies are doing it too
Already had it LMAO
>get kicked from pug by raid leader from quelthalas after 1 wipe because he said i Don't know how to tank the boss
>They already wiped 3 times before
>Join another pug 2 minutes later and one shot Argus on the first try
felt funny as fuck
You reminded me to get it before the allied races were released, thank you pissado you have done something good for once
>less then 20k cheverinos
>ring not even upgraded
What font is that on your healthbar?
Heirlooms are getting nerfed so you wasted your time
redpill me on italian trannys
should i buymyself 3 tokens for 260k each right now
play on moonguard
I know everyone that plays on the server
People/Guilds have reputations
For some reason top end PVP'ers play on this server
No Cross realm bullshhit so I always find rares while leveling
I get grouped in LFG with people form moon guard more and the conversations are funny
Um, STATS on heirloom gear are getting nerfed, not the exp boosts themselves. Before you spout some uninformed nonsense from your cumhole, google it
>play on moonguard
Wait did they bring back the fishing contest? Is it still the same where you can just server hop?
Anyone on Illidan able to give an idea on the community there? Also, is WPvP ganking/camping still a thing or do you just get bopped every now and then? Looking for a chill guild, usually get those from RP servers. Considering WrA as well.
Moonguard has the worst people I have ever had the misfortune of meeting.
>top end PVP'ers play on this server
No they don't
>I know everyone that plays on the server
>People/Guilds have reputations
Wonder if you would know my former guild. Not going to say here for obvious reasons.
I've probaly been in almost every moonguard guild at this point with alts.
slut let me cum on that smug face
>Wait did they bring back the fishing contest?
Yep, brought it back in 7.1, it starts at 1400 PST every Sunday
>Is it still the same where you can just server hop?
What do u mean
Basically if anyone got the fish you can just hop and turn it in instead of being the top on your server.
Cum closer...I want to show you something
any good anime guild that watches anime together and levels up alts? not looking for hardcore guilds/raiding guilds.
O..I thought the top 50 people get the rewards now, not just the first person to get it
Well I don't know that if that is the case. If it is that is awesome and will definitely try it out next time.
Well I don't know if that was the case. If it is then that is awesome and will totally try it out next time.
it's basically a world quest in stranglethorn now, took me 10 min tops
dosen't wow realse their patches on the same day as FF14 does
>joining a pug with a raid leader from quel'thalas
>joining a raid with anyone from quel'thalas
Yeah, now its basically the first 50 people in the region who turn it in get the achievement and rewards. I must have been number 48 or 49 because three seconds after I claimed my ring, the goblin questgiver announced that the contest was over. I'm surprised I even got to it in time, I had someone shadowing my pools and also what seemed like the longest cast times ever
basically every MMO deploys patches on Us Tuesdays
>need weekly 15
>17 upper
>this should be free only 1 hard pull
>brb doing drugs
>everyone but myself is an elf
>druggie priest dies on 1st boss
>spams rez when I brezd before 1st message
>took so fucking long it stopped being a safe spot and died again
>lock rezes
>monk dies
>get to shade
>steals my arcane kicks and makes archimonde trinket do 0 dmg
>get to final boss
>monk and priest die again
>both rezes now used
>monk dies on 2nd plat
>gets 950 eye of command
holy fuck I hate elves never again
you faggots have an argument about who gets to use the glowing anal beads first and you expect me to clean up after you?
get fucked
Ur just jelly cuz you don't even have an anus anymore
can you still make custom chat channels? instead of guilds, why not make one we can all use?
So why's your character a girl mr. user?
i like girls
therefore i am not gay
ERP, mostly.
I ended up just doing half male and half females for my characters.
Just variety. I try to make things of as many race/class/gender combos as possible
fellas do you think i have a shot?
Male transmogs are trash.
>dwarf with mountaineer transmog
>playing mm hunter with sniper shot in battleground
>running through the underbrush camouflaged flanking the enemy
>day off work cup of hot chocolate at 7am
its almost like i dont have no one and nothing
Some classes should only be played as female characters (Priests, Demon Hunters, Mages)
i have 24 max lv characters, and only 1 female because male draeni is absolutly dreadful looking. and she just sits at her order hall doing gold missions, i dont even like playing her.
What transmog should I use
7/8 Hunter Tier one, with Firelord helm off rag with a scout's tabard
youre right, im gay i admit it
>tfw have to go do a world quest now because I clicked it and its stuck on my screen
gives no option to stop tracking with right click
Better voice lines, less bulky armor, better animations.
that sounds comfy as heck boss
let me know if you wanna jam some dwarf adventures
Disable bars 3 and 4 dickface
This, I got it on 2 characters, both horde and alliance, so it's not like I was carried by the same guild. Heroic coven and aggrammar are harder than argus. Don't pay for your aotc wowg, this raid is >easy as fuck
Hello? what is OP image
what are some stereotypes of each race?
side note: i love the new captcha, no more clicking cars and signs
fem belfs are all trannies IRL
I'm still on Emerald Nightmare and have to progress up from there desu
fem pandas are intellectually superior beings
fem tauren druids are almost always middle-aged women
dota or wow?
Where can I get more fun
Invest in an exit bag instead
Or you could just fucking left click it again you autist.
the fuck are you on about i just clicked through 5 pages of signs and cars for this post you hecking liar
I'm too much of a coward for that
You're using mods to make the armor skimpier.
This is actually really good advice, I've played both and can confirm that this user's advice is the best course of action for your life.
how are my ass rogue's stats and what do I need
this helmet?
I'm gonna make a new Alliance character to play with my buds after Tuesday's leveling change.
I'm playing with a Femhuman Outlaw Rogue new to wow and a ManPanda Enhancement Shaman. I was also planning Shaman but i'm curious what people think before I jump into the shaman pool. Priest, Shaman and Mage are the three I think I like the most for a FemDwarf.
No, Crown of Destruction, my bad.