/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Previous: >Saber Wars
2018-01-04~01-18 3:59 UTC
Read the guide below before you ask about what to do in the event

>Saber Wars Summon
5* Mysterious Heroine X
4* Artoria Pendragon (Alter)
4* Nero Claudius

>[Event Guide]
Altrium Calculator: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F0sr4mocLHeQk0MZIBWal9gq_WapjcBXXpNu74-LOAQ/edit#gid=0

Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones


Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA

Rate ups in JP FGO: imgur.com/w6VAowU
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742
Servant Planner: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfEa5k-sB5btC8905kZKPfRC07IokKM1sXnoXo6-YQo/edit#gid=537592975


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I should have listened......

its gonna take me more than 1000 ap to get just 10 secret gems, and they are only on ONE DAY




cute boy! CUTE!


Artoria Pendragon!

If you're happy user, Im happy.

>even the mermaid scales
fujos never disappoint

Is Ginka currently the best artist of F/GO?

Not even close

if you read this you are gae xdd

no Takeuchi is



oh no no no

Final Episode is approaching. How's your preparation against Darth Vader? You're servant are capable that you don't need to use those command spells aren't they?

Fuck off ESL.

I'm just glad the next few events don't have retarded bonus servants.


Behead those who insult Wada.

Can someone fucking explain to me why CES have the BEST FUCKING ART. I mean shouldn't it be the opposite

Vivu Ra France!

I bet this is the work of an enemy stand


Sorry. Craft essences. I see a ton with better art than servants themselves.

ummmm sumani lets?

can i pet this cute book?

Just finished an exam, so I can focus - "focus" - on getting ready for Altera tomorrow. I have a bunch of ideas, but I might have to spend some AP grinding Hassan.
I could also just nuke her with Kay's grailed Arash. Which would you prefer?

Fuck you, you'll buy it.

Damn mash looks great here

Don't get me wrong, i like Wada as much as the next guy, but holy shit, he must really hate Redman for some reason.

Same, I spent all my Christmas gems on Nero and now have none to prepare for Bride, why is it always goddamn pieces/monuments in the shop but not gems?


you shouldn't post this super rare sumanai for no reason

Vive la France!


Why'd she give him a mullet? Well, it's Nameless and not Emiya, but still

Wada's a chick, user.

Post your queen

Women in my waifu game? You won't ruse me this time, /alter/

Allegedly, she based Nero's bodytype off of her own.

She's a shortstack too

CEs are more creative, servant arts is just like a profile pic for them.

But I get what you mean, most CEs are better than servant art in terms of quality. Just look at Nightengale and Boobdacia art, theyre shit

Ded thread
Ded gaem

just git gud faggot

Better dead than a festering pile of shitposting.
Enjoy this time.


wtf i hate wada now

its 4:00 AM retard

You hate Nero's body?

Why didnt gil kill altera in extella . She called him a whelp

Take your pants off

6* prototype Cro-Mordred when?



It's not 4AM for 5 more minutes, dummy

I'm talking about doing this to her: youtube.com/watch?v=1dx5_4i8-rk
If I just wanted to win, I can just run my main team and stomp her.


>when newfag-san falls for this age-old meme
Lurk more ya dips

No male could consistently design so many delicious waifus.

Im going to sleep then. Enjoy having one less contributor keeping this sinking ship alive

I hate Nero and everything associated with her. That would sadly have to include her body.

Please dive face first into a toilet and stay there.

Always pet the book, she's a good girl just misunderstood.

I'm not wearing any.

>wanting a fucking girl in your chaldea

>he doesn't know

>American NEET hours end
>shitposting abates, thread becomes peaceful, no OP wars
And people blamed Australians for it. Protip: this is Australian primetime

>Tfw grailed altera to 100 without knowing the memelist

Dont remind me

I'm not gay, user.

Viva las Francia!

Reminder that being mad is bad for your health!


would autistic proto mordred pretend to be a girl then?
this would get way too meta for my taste

hurr durr

Classic Aussie deflection. Everybody knows 1am - 8m are prime burger NEET hours.

Wada must be a qt

>ywn pound nero from behind
it hurts

Stop caring about that, you can win with anyone.


nero quick drink this special waifu juice

Well this is different. I can't stop laughing at that mspaint stache.

Just burn her and you get all your grails back.

Why are Saberfaces such shitty parents?

da waey!!!

But Nero's body is solely for ravaging and leaving pregnant on the side on the road

dumb male master can't even find his way

Where iz da queen

I dont like this kouhai

wait, does everyone get sad because nasu doesn't want to write tsuki?


Sure smells like REDDIT in here

Google says something along the lines of "its not underwear, it's a leotard"



Is that a-

Goodnight /alter/
you will summon your waifu or husbando