/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

Waiting for World edition

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is coming out for PS4 and Xbox One Jan 26, 2018, with a fall 2018 PC release.
↳Third PS4 beta with a bonus Nergigante quest announced for 19th-22nd of January, no PS+ required.
↳Elder Dragons + Deviljho: youtube.com/watch?v=lmwxyM3sPwc
↳Full 2018 Winter Event Livestream: youtube.com/watch?v=FuxxrCmLi58
↳Weapons: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ALSpmx2A8sAdeuYKMnrCt0xCpwPyPbC
↳Moveset Changes: pastebin.com/Pc4NsdxP

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Password: rage (7243 on 3DS)
XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集
Gen, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

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fuck off with the chibishit



Make me

chibi with the fuckoffshit

How can I get into a coma until release?

In 37 minutes East Ausfags will be in SINGLE DIGIT DAYS REMAINING

pills probably

what r u namin ur palcat?


Shoe. He was my bro in MHFU.

Good job



Are we there yet?



Ask him to help you


i always forget about that

Urgaan 2: Electric Bonejangling

More like Worstagaan

please stop posting frontier monsties, you'll trigger the anti-frontierbabs

>nutes East Ausfa
>10 days 31 minutes at time of typing

>tfw no Monster Hunter World for Nintendo Switch

I'll just play something from my childhood instead, sim city 4 ought to work and is time consuming enough.

user that doesn't post here usually.
Is Tri worth emulating or should I just play my PSP ones if I want to try it again?

3U on Cemu

That trailer is always super satisfying to watch. Goodnight, /mhg/! Hope you all have a good Morning, Afternoon or evening.


Tri was great back then but P3rd has basically most of its contetn

>buy PS$4 for World
>still can't play World for at least 2-3 weeks after launch

I'm gonna be left behind and miss all the fun, right?

t. tribab

probably not, it's hyped beyond belief and will sell like mad so there will be players starting in hordes at all stages of the game




dw user, there will still be alot of people around

P3rd is the one in the pastebin right? Would be good for just having it on PPSSPP.
Since that's PSP again, how does it handle the view controls?


Just claw or bind the d-pad to your right analog and it's all fine with a real controller.

Dragons Doga for Worlds!


chubby girls!

why is the music in monster hunter so forgettable

>Just claw

>bind D-pad to the stick
Yeah guess I'll just do that then

post handler now


I want to be post-release



I just had a full team get stomped and leave individually on a lvl 126 GQ.

Like, we all have off hunts, but don't just bail because you sucked.


Look for magic PNG tutorials.

all i can remember is that you need tweakpng

What the actual fuck user


So from the multiple videos of the introduction cutscene, it looks like you just approach this eccentric girl and pair up with her, no recommendation or anything? It kinda sucks that it looks like you were already paired up before the game started

Me too brother, me too. 3DS was kinda ok, but Nintendo home consoles are absolute worthless garbage. Sold my Wii U after I was done with 3U and I'm so glad I won't have to get a switch for MH. It's literally the only franchise that would have the power to make me buy one.

dw guys, there will be a cute loli hidden after an hour or 2 of playtime so all the sjw can move on to another game while we enjoy in secret

4U, good ol' shitter destroyer.

No fucking shit.
I just posted apex jang with a new group and that did not go well either. At least only one person quit this time instead of all three.

Most people tend to kick and block anyone who carts in GQs though so it is understandable why they bailed out. It's either you get kicked or called get called a shitter then kicked. The worst I had is I've been given a garbage then got kicked.

*sniff sniff*


So in MHW do the hunters still do the "Scooby Doo Run" when they're near large monsters?

This is important to me.

Lol I had these Italian players give me garbage because I tried telling them in Italian that I planned on rotating quests.

They called me racist. Lol fucking WoPs


Well that makes me sad.

He's kind of lying, they still do it a little. Not as much though.

Well that makes me kind of sad then.

>The worst I had is I've been given a garbage then got kicked.

Nothing wrong with that.


>this shit way of doing something is good because muh nostalgia




No? It's just not really bad like the memes say. Don't shitpost.

no pedromiles!

there are new silly animations to make up for it

why is it taking SO LONG

Grandpa Hunter is so cool


nintendo literally made an entire revision to the 3ds so people didn't have to claw, not to mention the add-on

The 3DS is fifty times more unwieldy than a PSP and a hundred times worse than a dualshock controller, though.

What revision?

>clawing on the 3DS
Clawfag is that you?
You realise no one actually clawed on the 3DS because it wasn't nearly as easy to do as on PSP and the reason they added the nub was so that you could have any camera control at all, not because they didn't want you to claw, right?

the n3ds nipple

>When you're so tired you fucking give up and stop caring anymore
I wonder if that does damage.

I'm going to miss the beta wenches once it's all over.

Also, the N3DS is pure fucking garbage. You need a grip and to replace the shitty nub with a PSP analog to make it not shit to use.

I just did :3

nope. it's just what happens when you run outta stamina on a hill

these? i might just use their preset, they're too good.

MHW honts soon! Yay!

I want to hont in Gen...


Would love to but I just finished playing and a little depressed because Asstalos killed me.

not him but just imagine a handheld so fucking awful people had to buy that many accessories to avoid karpal tunnel and to have a good time

imagine a handheld that fucking terrible

and it's the most sold handheld in the world

It wasn't that bad you faggot.

But asstalon is a little bitch....