/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2634

Olivia is a cutie!

>Recent News
Kirin and dong weapon 4*'s
Qilin and Huanglong Changes - 1/10 - Gold Bar droprate increased for Host but will be removed from MVP Chest.

>NewbieFest 01/10-01/25
Daily single gacha ticket starts 01/11
1.5 RP and EXP for Ranks 100 and below(Non-HL)
1/2 AP and BP
1/2 Free and Extra Quest
All Elemental Trials are open during the period

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January:
12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You
1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses)
1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event

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Previous Thread:


Is Olivia blonde?

post botes

>Olivia gets buffed
>Olivia is now a cow

So lads how are the chances for a fenrir rerun in February? I can't wait any longer, I finally want to play water.

Nah shes ginger

Would you commit a crime, /gbfg/?

Good, red hair is my favourite!

Waiting patiently for monki

RotB is almost over and then we're jumping straight into GW. I'm filled with joy.

Why the FUCK do baha/atma weapons need so many SSR is skill up

New dirt here.
What do I swap for uriel fist?


I can finally take a break. Good shit.

A sword and fix your fucking pluses holy shit

>fix your fucking pluses
I refuse and thanks.

wild, rough sex with olivia!

Fuck you and you're welcome.

Not me, I'd never ever set foot in that place!

That's very unsportsmanlike behavior. Did he get some sort of punishment? Did this even really happen or is it a skit?


This is a blonde girl

It's skit footage combined with real footage.

This is my treewife.

What the fuck can they do to make Wind Guns even better than they already are?

post id!

Small hp.

Im sick of this shit what should I play instead

tfw olivia will never dom you

17 minutes to save this poor dude

Ah, makes sense.

Azur Lane

Elves(race) doko

I did it!

This is a cute, blonde treegirl.

You should leave the fucking thread.



God damn, for a second there I thought you were using a medusa harp before realizing it's a skin.

>chops mountains in half with one strike
>filthy ningen
>touching Olivia

Good job brat


Nothing beats the HL baha curve of consuming multiple pools worth of SSR and SR fodder for a measly +2%/3% att/hp.

Good games

Real games.

So, you're telling me that once Birdman and Siegman hit 100 their buffs become unique and this will make them hit even harder?
The fuck? Time to use some books!

Increased defense on low HP or increased chance to triple attack on low HP.



post seanigrande

Birdman isn't shit anymore?

Which Qilin weapon is worth getting with a grid like this?

They're going to break every magna grid and make you farm everything you've used as a fodder. And 50 seraphic animas for FLB summon.
Sorry, I just assume every F2P game being developed by assholes.

His buff becomes unique at 100 and he hits like a truck even before that. Also, echoes.




Harp for mainhand.

>you will never wake up at 4 in the morning to Lennah's ragged breath and sweating body, watching her being tormented by a dreadful nightmare. Such an image, although more uncommon now that she has escaped the tendrils of her curse, still tears your heart apart, and you wish you could shoulder her burden and relieve her better. You kneel on the bed, and gently put her head on top of your knees, caressing her soft hair and whispering comforting words to her ears. You don't want to wake her up, so the best you can do is hope your voice reaches her, wherever she is, and remind her that you'll always be by her side, fighting alongside her, no matter what
How do I cope, /gbfg/?

It's a 45% unique modifier with an downtime of one turn.

Get the harp so you stop playing mememaster

Like I give a fuck.

Harp is a good ely mainhand and the bow is for double lb4 baha memes/slotting into hades builds because 10% cap up means 10% more damage.

>copy code few seconds after
>This battle has already ended.
Fuck you

That looks sexy.

oh lordie im retarded

But isn't white/grey just shade of blonde? And dokkan is definitely blonde too, just with a hint of orange. And Kat is super light too.

Post ID cutie

>10% cap up means 10% more damage.

Forgot pic.

How can anybody not like Vira?

I want to cum inside this boipussy

will this cute blond tree regain her voice in 5*

he got:
-attack buff moved to unique mod, also grants 100% debuff res
-data buff changed from 60/20 to 100/20
-20% charge bar on ougi changed to 20% echoes for 4t on ougi

pretty much the winner of the december balance patch


>tfw those aegis magnas will be core

How can anobody like Vira without being a secondary that doesn't know how shitty she is?

did i stutter, dumb tree

Should I start on my Baha weapon or save this so I can host Baha?
A horn is a horn, but if I host baha I could get anything; Even a horn!

apollo hl

>isn't white/grey just shade of blonde
Clarisse you can call strawberry blonde if you don't want to admit she's ginger but Kat is clearly brown.

Hosting normal Baha doesnt require a horn.
If its your first Baha weapon start it asap.

She can't regain something she never had.


Make your baha right away

Why do twitter Baha HLs always fail bros?

Take one fucking guess.

hollow knight

wtf bros i really wonder why.......

wtf m8s
I was lied to
I guess I'll start on my Baha weapon then.

Host more dongs



Huanglong for reals this time

>She can't regain something she never had
Not canon


>Accidentally spent jounery drops on Weapon EXP instead of Character EXP

I need to go to sleep.

How about you read her fate episode, retard.

Does it help level up weapon skills?


Your definition of "blonde" is too broad. no wonder that you think there are blonde girls here and there.