/rwg/ - Rimworld General

Shitposting edition

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those images get worse and worse

make a thread yourself lazy cunt

I want to cover my entire map in tables and chairs for colonists to eat at.
How far apart do they need to be?

It would be cool if they actually did build dams in rivers :DD

Just installed Hospitality on an existing save. Somehow I don't have the option to make guest areas in the area manager. Anything I'm doing wrong?

i like OP's pic actually. well done OP

Colonist check in a range of 30 tiles I believe. So every 60 tiles an emergency eating table should be fine

that's a lot of tables and chairs

there's a mod called table diner that lets you adjust the range at which colonists check for a table.

Do you have any of these mods:
>Known incompatible mods
- Refugee stats (fine if you load refugee stats after Hospitality)
- Any mod that gives guests animals (or slaves)
- Colony Manager (you will need to start a new game)
- No doomed newbies
- RimSlaves 2.0
- GeneticRim
- Custom storytellers that are not fully / correctly implemented (guest tab won't show)

Fuck, I have Genetic Rim. Any workaround?

>- Any mod that gives guests animals (or slaves)
so no giddyup and no genetic rim, that's a fucking shame, hospitality looks interesting but i aint giving those up.

Yeah I've seen it, but I decided to just leave it.
I just give my colonists smokeleaf when they get pissy.

Dunno mate, that's just from the steam workshop page, I don't use the mod myself.
The dev seems active though, so just leave a comment there.

These are some great mods, I installed all of the besides miniaturisation

How did your first colony die?

meant to quote

I have both hospitality, megafauna. dinosauria, genetic rim and giddyup. My guests and traders show up riding giant dinosaurs and centipedes. Just start a new game.

>besides miniaturisation
why, it is one of the best

what kind of issues does genetic cause with hospitality?
i use both but cant tell whats not working..
i get visitors and so on, they leave stuff if they are happy and sometimes they help with chores

>gunshots have 80% survivability
Because most firefights happen between retarded niggers who want to empty their low caliber glocks sideways at eachother, not actually trained people attempting to kill eachother. Most hits will be superficial damage with obvious exceptions like unlucky hits to head or heart (wow almost like in rimworld huh?)

I don't even have or want CE, I have much better mod which increases firearm accuracy making firefights significantly deadlier without stupid shit like ammo.

it didn't

>Just start a new game.
I have 3 days ingame on my current game. No way I'm starting over for one mod.

That's just from the mod page on steam, you'll have to ask the dev.

Burned to the ground because I was retarded enough to build it entirely out of wood and my electrical shit short circuited into a massive explosion while everyone was asleep.

cool, i'll give it a shot on my next colony.

By version incompability.

When I think about it, I was much better at the game when starting out, probably because I wasn't speeding through everything on 3.

was it autism

Do you have a guest area designated? Because I can set guest beds and such, but not designate areas.

I forgot to Food

I tried to hunt a thrumbo.

It makes the game easier by allowing you to not rebuild everything once you commit to a base. You could even miniaturise your whole production chain and migrate to another tile without much consequence.

But again, maybe I'm just autistic. When you rebuild you only really lose 20% of resources I think because you deconstruct the old one

Where can I get a mod where my colonists get PTSDs and bruises for using a rifle?

"Apparently the implants from Genetics Rim can spawn on guests and will then cause errors."
someone already asked. errors dont seem so bad
where is this tool supposed to be located?
all i do i assign beds, cant find any area designator

In the same place you make new colonist and animal areas.

It's 25%, it's mostly an issue in the case where ressources are rare (wood in desert/steel in ice)

By opening ancient tomb.
I savescummed

Yeah I also try to avoid mods that give a direct advantage, but like you said, you only lose %20 of resources when you rebuild, so for me the the fact that all of my micro-managed bills just stay there when I re-install was worth that.

That said, I didn't use the workbench mod then, so you can use that to copy the bills actually.

yeah no i dont have that.
i think i can live without it tho since i got a trading spot i can place down

Years ago when having carpet in all of your rooms was considered an achievement I had dug out a thriving 6 man colony into a cave complex and was working on refurbishing all of my rought-cut stone rooms into rustic wooden homes when a zzt event blew up a portion of wall towards the entrance of my base and roasted all of my colonists alive. Wiped in one fell swoop because I didn't know any bedder.

Alright. Have you tried leaving stuff in the guests rooms? Does that make them buy it?

i have not noticed anything like that. i always trade manually

>Comes visit his friends
>Gets greated with a human leather cowboy head and a fresh heart

Makes sure he will never try something stupid

Fair enough. Thanks for the answers.

Key colonists died fending off a raid so I gave up the map. I needed a fresh one anyway because I had too many starter-errors that I couldn't build around.

>Landed with three people
>Old lady
>Toxic Fallout came
>Should be easy but I am a newfaggot so I don't know about zoning
>I don't even know what the fuck toxic fallout is
>the old lady is the first to drop
>she dies like a bitch
>the daughter is constantly falling down, but the father always picks her up, and takes her to bed
>all the food is gone, but they can eat the old lady's dead body
>the daughter eventually dies
>dad is always on extreme break risk
>dad eats his daughter to survive
>he actually manages to survive a month of toxic fallout somehow
>he starves to death because there is no food anywhere and he can't hunt
It was a great first game. Seriously.

what did he mean by vampires don't work with ce

Sounds similiar to my toxic fallout. And when my first vulcanic winter hit I went full panic mode and in the end I wouldn't even have to change anything

What sex mod do you use?

He's just trolling. He hasn't tried to use them together. He's probably that one bloatposter faggot.

>wild animal sex

Does WAS create lag?

if you find a map with copybaras.
i think i had 300 or so at some point

My game is lagging like a motherfucker. I'm gonna clear away all of the mods except for the ones that I refuse to play without.
Geneticrim is unironically bloat. There is no need for it.

>30 something muffalos are having an orgy in the corner of the map and my zoophiliac gardener keeps abandoning the harvest to try to join in

>+5 Nuzzled

>using them to make raiders/visitors to go insane
Does this really work?

Has anyone tried to go full Factorio with Androids, Automation, and Industrial Rollers yet? What happened?

factorio dev came in and broke my legs

How do you feed corpses to prisoners?

Put a stockpile in the prison for corpses and untick "gets food" in the prisoner options.

>"Is that Rimworld shortcut on your desktop, user?"


>not actually trained people attempting to kill eachother
Wow, almost like rimworld, huh?

>Fucking around on Steam
>CE that there's an alien race that's already compatible with CE

They get mood debuffs as well when they see rotting corpses, so its a rather obscure strategy to drag off the corpses of freshly dead raiders to the edge of the map to try to force raiders that are setting up mortors/waiting to have a mental break either go on a mental daze where they dont participate in fights or go berserk and wreak havoc amongst their peers. This mood debuff stacks so if you can funnel raiders into a certain area where there are dozens of corpses and force them to hunker down so they can be shot at and mortored there is a good chance of several of them having a mental break during a pivotal moment in the gunfight.

>it's furries

>furryan race

Is there any way to make all factions hostile to me? I'm planning on playing a villain/pirate colony

It's not worth the effort and most of the time doesn't even work. At least in A16 some people experimented with it and the only real valid psychological warfare are tinfoil hats and psychic ships you don't destroy. Will give raiders instant -75

Beggars can not be choosers, user. I'm a little disappointing that it's not crystaloids, or ANDROIDS, but that is fine.

All alien races are derivatives from one bodyplan. Why cannot CE have one patch to account for all furries?


fuck yeah orc user, keep up the good work. I want muh elf slaves.

or you could just play with androids and ignore the errors by disabling the debug log

>colonist can't beat his own fire out

The most retarded "mechanic". Drop and roll, for fucks' sake.

user are you going to go for a futuristic style on the elves or medieval stuff?

Why would he do that? The fire creates chemtrails so it will start to rain anyways in a few minutes.

I mean if we are talking pure min/maxing its actually more effective to give a useless colonist a denture to make him disfigured and them executing him for the mood buff than it is to feed your colonists fine meals for the length of "my rival died" buff.

>My rival died: +2
>Cooked cannibalism: -20
>Butchered Humanlike: -6
We did it again, how will Tynan recover from this? At this point he might aswell just deactivate cannibalism

>furry race incapable of bloodlust
Why though, wouldn't it make more sense for them to be like that?


>also incapable of pyro
Yeah it's probably a self-insert. Might aswell give them all hard working and optimist.
The 60/40 female/male split also absolutely makes no sense

First time using RJW, I have a one month old useless baby and 2 more on the way. What can I do?

get genetic rim, apply age pills until productive. or just throw the babies in the furnace, that'll shut em up.

Sterilize all females and use dev mode to age the lil' shitters to age 16 or kill

Ooh, I have genetic rim, but didn't occur to me that age pills would be compatible. Thanks for the idea

comfort ?

You can send pregnant women into combat to make them miscarry. It carries no mood debuffs for some reason.

Any of you fags have a sort of beginner's guide? I feel like trying to get back into this game, but I was really shit at it.

Install the Age Morphosis Cell mod from the loverslab page of RJW

just google how to make a killbox

I don't want to do a killbox though, I just want to enjoy the game normally, I feel like that's too cheesy. Some of the bases I saw on /v/ and here look really nice, I want to learn how to do shit like that.

most nice looking bases just use mods that can kill entire raids singlehandedly like jedis etc.

Rival died: +10 for 10 days
Colonist died:-3 for 6
Colonist executed:-5 for 10 days
Costs 1 denture
+3 for 6 days, +10 for 4

Ate fine meal:+5 for .5 days
Costs .5 meat and .5 veggie for 1 fine meal
Average +2.5mood per day

It is more efficient to give dentures to useless prisoners, recruit them and then execute them before they can build any relationships than it is to give every single colonist a fine meal and have that extra prisoner rot in jail waiting for his organs to be harvested.

That's kind of disappointing then, especially since I can't use mods to have that kind of advantage. I guess I'll try to make as nice of a base as I can with vanilla.

oh my

I guess playing on low difficulty would make it so you don't need to cheese enemies

this game has went too far

>Colonist executed:-5 for 6 days

Also if you enlist that colonist and have him punch your cook or something, it becomes

>Justified execution of colonist
at -3 for 6 days

Making that an effective +5 for 6 days then +10 for 4