/wowg/ - World of Warcraft general

>General Resources:

>WoW Token Price:

>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io/blood-money
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Other urls found in this thread:


>no allied races coming in 7.3.5
>literally nothing to do for ~9 months

whose the autist that keeps using the same image? also, what are they doing to my totems, im a brainlet and dont understand what it means

>no allied races


920 just a game lmao cutoff
940 brainlet_wojak.jpg cutoff
950 lfr hero cutoff
960 respectable cutoff

Mages fire artifact is autistic?

>burgers will sub tomorrow for no content


* inhales *

i dont know why you retards thought allied races were coming, they literally said 5 times they comes with BfA preorder

Allied races will come with the preorders in February.

Also, should i drop all of my gold in tokens now before the price goes up this week?

* exhales *

price will plummet when people realize there's nothing to do

>the absolute SHIT state of retail

Why are gnome warlocks so popular?

>5% more mana on one of the only dps classes that actually uses mana


>i prefer elvui

Started playing again in october (on Sargeras) and I've seen maybe a handful of gnomes since then. Not complaining tho, i prefer seeing femelves everywhere

>not knowing how supply and demand works

The price will go up for this exact reason

>ascension classic servers release soon


>Self-oriented photographers rejoice! Your S.E.L.F.I.E. camera is now easier to obtain, and it has new background filters. Selfie Cam Mark I is available at level 15 in Stormwind or Orgrimmar via a quest, and you can upgrade to the Mark II Selfie Cam after completing a new level 30 group quest.

the absolute SHIT state of retail

Go ahead.

Tell me my girl isn't the holiest thing you've ever seen.

>main got the 100 OH/AP bodyguard token, the same as I have currently equipped
>alt got the 50G/100OH token, the one that I'd need on the main to finally get 150G/WQ
fucking rng

not nizbun/10


and the fuckin execute ring will be my last fury legendaryn

not amirelevantyet/10

you're not lightforged

bros ... blizz jewed us again ... no allied races tomorrow .... this can't be happening

>came back 2 weeks ago
>heard fury warr was good in PVP
>level mine from 100-110 and then grinded to 940 ilvl
>go in rando BG and get kills but feels glass canon as fuck
>go on my prot paladin and switch to ret at 910
>top dmg and HK and killing blow in BG with no effort
why isnt paladins a hero class

Post your face when you realise that there's a 9 month content drought incoming

I would be mad but all the free gold is enough reason to keep playing.

>9 months

>melee class

You mean a one month draught while races are tested on the ptr

i just resubbed and wanted to play the allied races tomorrow ..... blizzard betrayed me ... betrayed us ..... what are we gonna do bros

>Blizzard is trying it's hardest to forget WoD ever existed guys!

yfw sub doesnt expire if you are offline

Now that the expansion is over can we all agree on two points

1) Mages got the best order hall
2) Death Knights had the best campaign

>blizzcon: allied races with BfA
>blue posts x3 allied races are not part of next patch
>wowhead datamine: BfA preorder required for allied races


off to /v/ with you

>i just resubbed and wanted to play the allied races tomorrow
have you done your rep grind yet
wow in chinkland is minute based sub rather than day and it only goes down for time spent online


no shit

ive farmed a million gold in 3 weeks on gold missions and enchanting mats

/xivg/ is laughing at us again ..

>you have to be a nerdy no life faggot to understand this blizzard should just say to begin with


/v/ is making fun of us again, what are we gonna do guys..

>mages get to port to their order hall with a spell, get ports to every zone for fast world questing, get the strongest followers and combat ally.

>DKs get the best campaign

Yeah, I think we can all agree on that

Well I think thats me done for Legion, how about you guys?

Not going to sub for 6+ months of some meaningless Azerite bullshit.

>male class
umm what? you're wrong unless you mean it's an IRL males class

which combat ally and why


>no mention of allied races


i need to catch up with a few alts, get a few achievements that I haven't bothered with yet and I want to have some downtime to farm stuff without worrying about getting gear to try to raid and stuff like that

The goblin, he is basically an aoe proc that does about 10 million damage if the enemies sit in the aoe for its full duration.

>no allied races in 7.3.5
>6 more months of nothing

Nah I joined the party late so I still have some catching up to do. I want to level 2 more alts to 110 so that I have 6 characters sending out champions for gold missions. I still haven't gotten the Antoran Charhound, so I'll be spamming LFR and Normal pugs in ABT until I get that bastard. I also need to get all of my heirloom rings from my shipyard missions


do your best wowg
let's see how creative this place is

Dwarf Paladin, Shaman or Priest? Why?

I'm feeling like I want to level one with the new leveling really badly but I can't decide. I have levelled a Shaman before and boosted a Paladin but neither went anywhere past level 90 and I have only done Priest to 55ish before. All three interest me so I am doing the 100 trial on them at the moment to see if anything leaps out at me.

Is Khadgar going to die of loneliness? He'll be all alone without us to keep him company.

I'm sure Moroes is going to be his friend.

>reddit memes

fucking leave


Same here. I put off making any of the cloth classes so that I could level each of them up as a Void Elf. I really don't want to miss out on the Mage tower/Mythic 15 appearances, so I'm just going to level them up now as filthy humies


The bottom Jaina look cute. CUTE!

Same. It's one of the one's I'll probably level. I'm having a crisis of what to level because I want to badly but Ive kinda already done everything but Warlock.

Thats not funny at all actually

>knowing its from reddit

fucking leave

go take your adderall



Who is "El Hermano" of World of Warcraft?


I find it hard to believe that so many people care enough about racials to play a shitty meme race

Why is most of the WoW r34 dickgirl stuff?
Pic related.

you're wrong though, look at the achievement colors, the top ones are grayed out
the user who made that made it unironically

illidan verde

holy shit is that THE potatosock!?!?!!??!!? in this thread!??!?!?!!?!??!!?? im like your biggest fan (attractive asian girl)

You mean draenei, right?

most wow players are so beta they can't insert as a masculine male and therefore need a soft feminine insert but still need to see a penis


haha yeah its me glad to hear you enjoy my work look forward to more (not samefagging)

fixed but unironically

windwalker is objectively the most FUN spec

haha hey man hows it going?????

>[20:04:58] ExRT Who Pulled: Crashin' Thrashin' Racer [Bjerka]

Other than leveling new waifus, what are your goals with legion before the new expansion?

Currently 20/36 challenge tower and 7/12 M+15 achievements. Trying to finish up on all of them before they get removed.

literally who

fake news, toys cant aggro

hey best brother gruxx! its going well how are things on your end?

What bot is using /v/ after hb died?


I just account share with an underpaid chinese slave

Hey pissado is it true that you're the draenei poster?

>no allied races
THIS CANT BE HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahaha pretty good best brother potatosock! just listening to nizbun and his new tranny gf in voice lol!!!!!!!!!!

You are too late! With the Focusing Iris under my control, I can siphon the arcane energy from Azeroth's leylines directly into my magnificent self!
Drained of magic, your world will be ripe for destruction by my demon masters... and my power will be limitless!