/fg/ - Falcom General #149

Previous thread: >Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is out on PC and PS4

>Zwei II is out on PC

>Trails of Cold Steel PC is out on Steam and GOG

>A version of the old Zero no Kiseki fan translation was leaked:

Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news

- Ys 8 patch fix, coming out on the 30th of January, for current platforms

- Ys 8 Switch version announced for a later date, in partnership with NIS who worked on the port. Interest in working with other Falcom games as well.

-Sen no kiseki 4 website revealed, fair warning, it contains spoilers:

-Zwei!! English release by XSEED. Titled as Zwei : The Arges Adventure

-Sen : The Last Saga to release sometime next year, most likely September

-PS4 remasters of Sen 1 and 2 to release in March and April 2018, respectively

-Cold Steel 2 confirmed for PC, release date pending

Pastebin (aka music): pastebin.com/G2mswYCt
Extra Stuff (Guides, links, CS undub): pastebin.com/n2G4xL5s

I heart Estelle

I want Estelle to be MC again

Fuck, marry, kiss navel.

How are the Black Records that Rean and the rest obtain arranged?
>Kondo: That’s a mystery, right? Based on their contents, it appears that they’re not from Rean’s period of time.

I wonder if the Black Records were written by Rean or someone else in the alternate timeline, the pre-KeA rewriting timeline.

Claire is pretty hot

Esty Dee Bright

Hot shit.

Marriage of course, she is my wife after all!

make her a single mother, sacrifice her kid in front of her in 8 years, charge her with crimes against humanity

Fuck claire.

I'd fuck claire

I want some Cassius showing up and kicking ass.

Man, Cassius and Osborne are so similar and yet so different to one another aren't they?



Hey look it's not-Ash, gee it sure is nice of Falcom to create an entire game with all of our favorite characters in it.

dumb csfag

Reminder this is the best female character Falcom has created

More like Gaius but replacing "muh wind" for "muh BLAZE"


I hope we see first see Estelle in Sen4 fishing.


Estelle vs Annabelle gonna be hype

Lloyd is also a master fisher you know, in fact he built his own special rod from pieces some fishes drop.


Yeah, you are.

Calvard when?

I just want all the MCs to get together and have a 50 round angler challenge

She's not invincible though...

Neither is she.

This is your main heroine for CS4. Say something nice to her.

No bully.

Stop being naughty and come back here right this instant young lady!


Prolly should have told her about that robot and how you were gonna bring darkness to the world then

Nisa Ys 8 did not have memes, censorship or Burger.

If Nisa can actually get these games out before I have Alzheimer's and with dual audio they can have my €70.


>and with dual audio
wow who'd've guessed it, a retarded NIShitter is also a retarded weeb. surprise surprise

you actually enjoy burger dub?

Where the hell is Dudley? Machias who "justice" schtick is clearly based off him and yet nothing.

I do like to play games voiced in my native language, yes, I'm not a dumbass weeb like you.

>coming to this site
>playing Ys
>using weeb as an insult
>implying everyone is an Anglo
1/10, baiting too blatantly.

first off, I've never played a Ys game in my life. I'm here for Trails only. Second, weeb should be used as an insult because it is an insulting thing to be. Third, just because you come to Veeky Forums doesn't mean you're a weeb. That's just something retarded weebs claim.


You have to back

What about people who's native language isn't english? Should they never play anything until it's dubbed in their language or are they westaboos if they play it in english? And why does only audio make you a weeb for that matter since even without that you are playing a japanese game made for japanese people? But most importantly do you guys genuinely enjoy being narrow-minded hypocrites?

2/10, still needs more work

If you can't enjoy a game without MUH GLORIOUS NIPPON SUPERIOR ASIAN DUB OMG then you are the narrow minded one, not me.

Are you guys seriously replying? This isn't the first time he's done this.

>never played a Ys game in my life
stopped reading right there

>don't reply to shitposters
>they start samefagging and baiting even harder to get (You)s
>reply to shitposters
>they're happy that they get (You)s so they keep on shitposting
There's no winning, lads.

What makes the (You) so appealing anyway?

The post that started this talked about dual audio so right now you are the one screeching to make the other side look worse than it is.

what happened to crossbell fag?

You mean the dude that was playing these days, or some other user who kept going on about Crossbell?

Literally attention. That's all I can think of. And what better way to get more (You)s than shitposting? If you take your time to properly converse with someone you usually get 0 replies or 1-2 at most (unless it's some kind of question, then a bunch of anons reply to you).

sense of pride and achievement of having other people care about your opinion.

Low effort, high reward. Why talk with people when you can just make a shitpost in a few seconds/minutes and get guaranteed replies? There's barely any OC on this site. Probably half of the current memes are just recycled wojaks.

shit I meant calvard. Doesn't feel right without it

>disagree with the weeb hivemind is shitposting
this is why we hate you

>they can't possibly disagree with us, t-t-they just want y-y-ous!!11

You must be blind >High reward

Is it? This isn't like some social media platform, or reddit where you get to look at your account and check how many (You)'s you got.

it actually is.

It is to them. I've asked the same question in some thread full of shitposters. Some of them said it gives them a rush from all the replies they get. It's like an addiction.

You're free to disagree, just as how we're free to disagree. Plus, you were complaining about dual audio, so it's not like you would be unable to play with a dub.

>still replying

>retarded weeb

Yep. Who do you think pays for these games user? Xbox owners? I would not have payed full price for Ys 8 if it did not have JPN. Money speaks louder than imageboard posts.

>Money speaks louder than imageboard posts.
uh, yeah, and that's why jap-audio-only games sell like shit. See: TX

I want to make babies with Mireille if you know what I mean.

because it's a shit game.

>Implying that having a dub would've made it sell better

I'm sorry, what did you say?

I was just voicing your inner desires, Randy-san.


t. lloyd

that's okay

*flap flap*

Anyone know how to get rid of the counter stats from the HD textute pack?

>haven't play CS2/3
>play Tokyo Xanadu
>get spoiled
t-thanks falcom

Should be Control + Shift + O.


>hasn't played CS2/3
>posts here

Thanks, that worked

>not waiting for Ao for the complete experience

Then he'd just get spoiled by Ao..Complete experience my ass.

Play both at the same time and switching every chapter.

and there's very little quality artwork of her

Your autism levels are climbing off the chart

man nightmare mode in Sky is fucking hilarious
>wear endgame best armor and boots
>still get hit for 9k damage by Anelace in chapter 3

I am so ready to get one shotted later on even with Orbal Gear Tita
Thank fuck Earth Wall and Kevin exist

I play every trails game with easiest difficulty since the gameplay sucked hard.

The 3rd feels nicer to play on higher difficulties compared to FC or SC, but that doesn't mean it's balanced.

Hi Vegh ;)

Hi Vegh, does your Agate have S-break ready yet?


Who the fuck is vegh?

Because there's much more option in 3rd
You have Fool's Emblem that can boost your speed to Nightmare boss level (25+ wew thanks Gilbert)
You have Richard. I need to try Richard and Schera's Heaven Kiss.
You have Orbal Gear Tita
Not sure how Renne will works though since she has such a low HP but bosses mostly kill you in a hit or two anyway it doesnt matter as long as you wall up

Shame Agility and Evasion doesn't work like in newer games. Having 600+ Agility mean jackshit apparently and enemy still hits you like its nothing. Zero onwards character with close to 100% evasion always never get hit

There's bunch of unevadable attacks in the 3rd

dude trails lmao

Literally the best jrpg franchise ;)

>protagonist has the evil darkness aura instead of the bright good guy aura
what did falcom mean by this

stop this, she is his big sister

I always wonder why isn't FC/SC a single game
If you played the main scenario alone in FC it takes a little more than 3 hours to beat the game

Trails would have been a bigger franchise now if it isn't so convoluted with 8 fucking games and counting. Makes it really hard for people to get into it