/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous:Da Vinci and the Seven Fake Heroic Spirit: Lite version
>Event starts 10th Jan and ends 20th Jan
13-14 Jan: Da Vinci
15-16 Jan: Jeanne Alter/Da Vinci
17-18 Jan: Jeanne Alter
19-20 Jan: Da Vinci
21-22 Jan: Jeanne Alter/Da Vinci
23-24 Jan: Jeanne Alter
Shinjuku costume will be made available

New Year Rateup

Kintoki animation update confirmed.

Setsubun event late January, no new servants, cannot use supports and cannot use servants repeatedly.

Survey, if you complete it you get 3 tickets: news.fate-go.jp/2018/questionnaire_3rd/

New Year Paid Gacha

January 2018 Monthly Mats
>Octuplet Twin Crystals
>Unlucky Bone
>Yggdrasil Seed

>Part 2 prologue


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Servant/CE list and datamine



Every thread until release

How can we fix Drake?

Leave Solomon to me

she's already perfect


There's nothing to fix she's the best door farming servant

pure medb (lily) for (You) when?

Is it so wrong to comfort your king's lady? The king is just so very busy that some small tasks like these fall to his humble knight.

she's great for farming in general, probably my most used support during events like this one, CCC and Valentine's


the fgo discord is such fucking garbage holy shit

cant spoil a story thats been out for TWELVE FUCKING YEARS

Give her Bond 15 because I can't use mine anymore due to severe bond autism


>can generate stars
>can crit
>can NP spam
>said NP hits pretty hard
She's good not broken tier but deserves more than a 5.5 in the meme list maybe a 7

Palaiologos? You could give him something like Marble Emperor that allows him to escape death once but needs to remain into a stone like state for three days, then returns with a serious boost in all parameters.

I agree she's pretty underrated by appmedia.

>using discord

>fgo discord
Fuck off reddit


Take /alter/ meta to the /alter/ thread please





>>can crit
What do you mean by that? She has no crit damage up skill, just good base star weight.


>rinfag defending sakurakek's story

They are sisters you fag.

is scathach pure bros?

She's not a crit based servant at all but she can still land a couple of crits for sure.

So any more dirt on this event? Will I be okay if I have 2 of every class Sr/Ssr or should I focus up on some 3 star stuff too

that+on demand stars+attack up makes her decent enough, especially if you give her a crit CE. Obviously she's not gonna be comparable to someone with a crit damage skill but she can do a bunch of other things too

please hide spoilers like this next time, some people here haven't read the VN yet.


Proto Mode red when?

>Enkidu's strength is roughly equal to that of King of Heroes Gilgamesh at his golden age.
In Enkidu's fight with Gilgamesh, spoken of in the Epic, Enkidu had demonstrated an ability equal to that and approved by the sole strongest hero within the human history.

It's over, Karnafags.

Well? What are you waiting for? Start the shitposting already

Give back his image.

Nah I'm good thanks

How come some anons can get Nox to run FGO but others can't? Is it a version issue?


How do you fix Schez gameplay wise?

let's be productive for about 300 posts pls

>i don't merlin
>i don't have jannu
I'm so fucked up for the next event holy shit

i will prostitute myself to get this man released if that’s what it’ll take

You need Waver-tier buffs to fix her.

Are you good at pleasing old men?


You just need to turn the root off

What kind of shitposting do you want famalam?
I've got wojacks, pepes, JETfag vs Gilfag bait, OH NO NO NO NOs, cuckposts, namefagging and reddit bait.

hi friends

Guys how the fuck am I gonna beat Altera + Dragon, I go below 80% bonus with non-event Servants and I'm not gonna make it


If an actual game developer had made this game, instead of a bunch typical greedy Jap morons, the following improvements could have been made in time for the Setsubun event:

1) all Berzerkers should have BBBAQ decks and Buster type damage dealing NP's because they're meant to just be FUCKING DAMAGE BEATSTICKS AND NOTHING ELSE.
2) all Assassins should have BAQQQ decks and Quick type NP's because all they're meant to do is FUCKING MAKE CRIT STARS AND NOTHING ELSE.
3) all Casters and Rulers should have Arts type support NP's because that's ABSOLUTELY ALL THEY'RE MOTHERFUCKING GOOD FOR.
4) the Overcharge system should be removed because it's fucking retarded to make all NP effects except damage count on going over 100% WHEN NOBODY WAITS FOR THE BAR TO FILL TO 200 MUCH LESS 300%.
5) any Servants who don't fit their classes should be re-classified (ex. Shittingale should be Ruler instead of A MOTHERFUCKING SUPPORT BERZERKER WHICH DOESN'T MAKE A MOTHERFUCKING LICK OF SENSE)
6) we should get two Assist slots below the Mystic Code skills, so we can slot Casters/Rulers/Mash skills and NP in any combination and not have to put them on the field, where their weak attacks mess up your damage dealers' brave chains.
7) one grail should take ascend any Servant's max level to level 100 immediately.
8) you should be able to directly buy the servant you want for 40 quartz (slightly more than a 10-roll) because that would ensure people would whale, even for a bit.
9) drop rates should be tripled so you can get all the materials you need to max out EVERY MOTHERFUCKING SERVANT YOU HAVE because FUCK WAIFUFAGS AND DELIGHTJEWS SHILLS EFFICIENCYFAG 4 LIFE

Who is gonna be first in FGO?
Proto Merlin
Lucius Hiberius
or Mo-san?

Oh that sounds interesting. Don't mind if I borrow this, user.

where were the brave chain comparisons listed
meaning the NP and stars gained from the average AQB, BQA etc from a servant

I thought cirno but I can't find it there

Will you roll for Shuten?

look harder

umm guysa, umm guys i'm drunk and i thank i burn my my kiara, why did i do that guys i didnt want to do that

I'll say Lucius since he already has a design.

You don't need a crit damage up skill to be good. There are plenty of good servants and ces that can do that for her. Jeanne Alter is good because she can collect stars and has high atk if she couldn't get stars on her cards she'd be garbage like Gorgon. Drake makes and collects stars, all you need to do is support her properly.

>have her at NP2
no, but now's as good a time as any for an NP or skill interlude

Best node for scrolls still rider?

Storyteller EX: Seal enemy NP gauge for 3 turns. Increase party Arts card performance for 1 turn.

Bedchambers of Survival A+: Guaranteed charm on all male enemies for 1 turn. Then next turn, increase party defense for 2 turns.

Counter-Hero A: Grants party guts status for 5 turns. Reduces Defense of one enemy with King trait for 1 turn.

Alf Layla wa-Layla "One Thousand and One Nights": Swaps own Attack and HP values (this effect applies first) Deals powerful damage to a single enemy. OC: Enemies with King trait will receive more damage.

How's that?

I might roll a couple of tickets and see if I can get an upgrade but other than that I'm not looking to invest much into it.


All of them. It's a party

Is it fair, bros?

Already got her while rolling for Ibaraki, so no


thanks, I'm not sure why it had to be so awkward to find

>player problems
the bane of all rpgs
If one of my players didn't visit his family in BC every summer, we would be further in this campaign.
For sure user. I'll post a summary of what's happened in the campaign when I have the chance.

Is Melt for me?

I need a fucking doujin of this RIGHT NOW

i’d gladly np5 her if that happened

I kinda wanna see arthur getting raped by proto moedred

Is Da Vinci a woman because of the Mona Lisa or is Da Vinci a woman because he felt like it and chose the Mona Lisa as a model?

And then took that model and made a smaller, more compact, travel version?

The latter.

It's Ko-Gil. He's ALWAYS fair. He doesn't take away purity, touching him makes people purer.


Who here thought her yellow hair was a hood on release?

she's for dead alternate timeline you

1-3 and 5 are
>Variety is bad!
6 is dumb, the whole point of a support is that though they can't deal damage they can help prevent damage/increase damage of your allies. But hey let's just inflate Enemy HP and make the amount of damage you need to do more and put support servants in a support slot.
7 I agree with slightly. Each grail should bring the servant up a static increase every time.
8 and 9 would never fucking happen, the top 1% is where games like these make like 90% of their profit.



Free grill in 7 hours right? At 1 pm in Japan


Don't reply to pasta

>He doesn't want a dom who will keep you on your toes

>getting flashbacks of BTFOing DraKEKs in the rider wars and proving she was worse than memedb and worst 5* rider at the time

tamamo gun


Lou already called dibs. You snooze, you lose.

>used to it
I thought Child Gilgamesh was the nice Gilgamesh



Would you let shota Gil seduce you?

I guess I'll throw in 15 tickets.

>still no roman-vinci CE drop
I hate it