Surprisingly alive. Didn't expect it to last this far to be honest.
Jace Jones
>have the walls of lordaeron >fight outside the wall is horde retarded?
Cooper Barnes
Gabriel Nelson
they live in mud huts despite being able to build tanks. you tell me.
Ryan Myers
Yes because we want to see nothing but archery and starvation for weeks as a trailer.
Dominic Taylor
>Alliance is fucking up our ramparts with their trebuchets > nah let's just stay inside and fire some arrow at them are you?
Ryan Watson
Logan Peterson
Were those Highbourne mages at ~2:30ish? Nice, Blizz
Cooper Green
>Stopped following the lore of Warcraft after TFT >Sylvanas and Undeads fighting with Orcs >Purple demons (Draenei?) fighting with the Alliance A lot has happened since Arthas became the Lich King I guess.
>acting like you don't know what has happened in WC lore
Jose Diaz
Warcraft cartoonish art looks so fucking retarded. I can't take seriously a cinematic that's supposed to be full of pathos when you have doofy looking idiots standing with their 20 lb hands bigger than their head.
Ethan Moore
It's for running on toasters. Blizzard games always skimp on visuals for the actual game
James Williams
Jesus Christ, that actually saddened me a bit. I liked Arthas in the campaign
Xavier Wilson
i don't play wow i just watched that trailer for the first time that banshee-sylvanas scene ending with her screaming "for the horde" is the greatest thing i've ever seen in my life what is this i'm feeling?
Kevin Young
Why don't the horde just mana bomb the alliance again?
Kayden Moore
>that banshee-sylvanas scene ending with her screaming "for the horde" is the greatest thing i've ever seen in my life >what is this i'm feeling? that's the feeling of soylent coursing through your blood
Nathaniel Diaz
>They still think it's okay to have someone shit on half the cast in one attack cycle because she has the lowest HP in the game next to Murky.
Overwatch is a fucking blight and I hate Li Ming for being patient zero of uncounterability until Tracer came to town and whored all over her face.
Colton Flores
Jaxon Miller
Desire for Warcraft 4
Ryan Clark
>actual sylvanas gameplay involves clicking buildings and minions to stun them >autistic Vs. AI players are violently opposed to them tweaking her in any way ebin
Austin Ward
Because Fuck the Horde.
Samuel Gutierrez
cause jaina will lose her shit and literally drown all of durotar
Sebastian Wright
Aye, the banshee that absolutely loathes the horde screaming for the horde is surely a masterpiece.
William Anderson
wait, isn't Lordaeron an Alliance city? that's what Uther says why do the Horde have it?
Hunter Harris
Why don't they mana bomb jaina
Joseph Evans
they tried, she lived
Noah James
she's got mind bullets to stop it or something
Carson Nguyen
Sylvanas' passive is balanced
Kayden Phillips
It's forsaken capital after Arthas left
Justin Bailey
sylvanas doesn't like the Horde? then why is she fighting with them? why is she fighting against the Alliance? why did they even make that scene then?
Jack Wood
>malfurion >easy i dont think he's easy after the change. you gotta play heavy on moonfire to be useful, cant just stand back and regrowth. i dont really like him anymore
Carson Mitchell
>why is she fighting against the Alliance? it's her city that is besieged in the cinematic
Zachary Peterson
>Sylvanas the stomp engine
Hunter Hernandez
does anyone find the mmr in ranked weird? placements started plat 5, then plat 3, plat 1 (loss), then plat 2/3... why such a difference from one game to the next? If its my personal adjustment, why so much?
Kevin Gray
never post here again you obnoxious little faggot
Gavin Davis
My only issue with Sylvanas is her passive makes people play like retards throwing easy games away.
Samuel Bell
yeah you swing up and down easier during placements and for your first few dozen games
Justin Thomas
*posts here again*
Hudson Hill
wew lad
Zachary Scott
Because blizzard initially wanted 4 races each for the two factions. The undead just happened to be thrown into the horde. That is literally it.
Kevin Anderson
dumb meme no u the only Warcraft desire i have is for the Warcraft 2 movie BLIZZARD FUCKING WHEN
Hunter Sullivan
that "changing of powers" happens in WC3, right?
Luis Smith
Thomas Williams
After arthas sacked it he had to go back to northrend, the new alliance retaken the city under the command of /ourguy/ garithos but banshee bitch and her forsaken and varimathras takes the city and then joins the horde in wow
Oliver White
all right, i think i've got a handle on things, thanks human, dwarf, draenai, night elf? orc, tauren, troll, undead?
William Rodriguez
Replace draenai with gnome and you got it right. Draenai came to the alliance as blood elves came to the horde, in the first expansion.
Gavin Fisher
*chokes the life out of you* what now little bitch?
John Cook
Yup. Arthas and Lich king are severely weakened and Sylvanas commands the local undead after killing off Garythos and the local dreadlords
KT is such a pussy. KTz is even gayer imagine that.
Hunter Rogers
Brody Brown
>be horde >die defending our wall >be resureccted as a ghost by sylvanas
literally game of throne, the alliance can't stop us
David Johnson
not him but i didnt play wow and its lore seems like a dumpster fire, and its been 12 years since i played frozen throne campaign so yeah idk warcraft lore at this point all i know is there isnt enough porn of illidan and malf dping tyrande
Matthew Brooks
>Friend is a pretty chill guy >Starts screaming like a banshee because he is stupid facing Nova.
Its pretty funny.
Grayson Ortiz
Go away and stay away KTz autist plz.
Jordan Bennett
Hi. My name's Jason and I'm a QMaholic. I want to quit but I can't. The queue times are just so damn long for draft and HL. Help me get clean from the disease of QM.
David Reyes
how come this game doesn't have any good waifus
Justin Jackson
idk what to say Jason. I play QM even though I lose more than HL.
Liam Campbell
Hi Jason. My name is Shaun, and like you, I also suffer from QMaholism. I hope that together we can break these chains that bind us.