That suit is too tight, she is going to get an infection on her medusiana
Jeremiah Price
I wanna fug snek
Isaac Adams
People were just using polyroar instead. Now that said card is no longer an option, people use the next best thing
How is this not obvious to you an extremely basic level? Autism, or just a third worlder lack of reading comprehension?
Leo Anderson
turns out cards that weren't as good as other options suddenly become good when you lose access to those other options.
Cameron Clark
What a fucking brainlet. The meta is slow, so obviously value cards will see more play, especially since better options rotated out. Even the fucking trash that is Ouro is seeing play again, simply because there's no proper aggro deck to punish all this greed. Polyroar saw play multiple times, and both cards basically served the same purpose, except you couldn't get away with do nothing plays back when the meta was too fast, so everything needed to have storm/rush/fanfare to be playable.
Nathaniel Richardson
It's Poly Roar all over again. Dragoncucks are dumb like that.
Logan Jones
i wanna show her my snake if you catch my drift
Nathaniel Gomez
rotation is so much fun...
Michael Turner
Threadly reminder that by the numbers unlimited is more balanced than rotation.
Grayson Taylor
What is this card?
Ian Lopez
Double cancer combo in one package.
Jason Brown
>DShift >50% winrate I wonder who could be behind this post.
Ryder Bennett
I want to impregnate her and not take responsibility.
William Wilson
>deflecting to dshit Still not a dshitter, and calling me one doesn't refute the objective evidence in the image that unlimited is more varied and balanced than rotation.
Hunter Morgan
I can’t win 1 fucking match in rotations with blood. This is just heartbreaking man.
Gavin Walker
>have banish in hand >let his Nacht die waiting for Jorm >he plays Jorm >banish him >he concedes immediately
Christopher Gutierrez
Just neutral blood with the auto include Sahacunt package.
Grayson Cooper
Doesn't make it more fun, all of the decks people hated are there now and only a few are in rotation
William Phillips
guess who will come to you and make you take the responsibility
Dominic Campbell
Shadow needs a banish card or something. Literally lost 3 games in a row because of Ouroboros.
Joseph Anderson
So he's never going to be responsible?
James Stewart
>keep getting fucked in aegis mirrors >add a second moonman >multiple matches with moonmen bricking my hand Aegis needs a REAL counter, not a fucking moonmeme
John Myers
>play rotation >ramp ramp heal heal heal storm storm you lose >ayy lmao 0 cost followers with 4 health kek nothing but baha can remove you lose >face damage every turn + rats you lose >play unlimited >blood go first u lose >forest evolve Aria and Feena you lose >opponent is dshift and you're not aggro you lose I just want out of this ride.
Evan Carter
fall from grace
Gavin Martinez
Just fall from grace bro. Seriously
Ethan Fisher
Fuck it. I'll use it. I'm already running Full Moon and that stupid 0/2 duck thing.
Hunter Russell
>5 pp turn an opponent into a "skeleton bane" amulet >skeleton bane amulet, as long as this card is in play all 1/1 followers are banished upon entering the area
Hunter Anderson
You can't transform aegis dummy
Ayden Edwards
>rotation is better because old hated decks are gone Yeah, and now people hate the tier 1 rotation decks just as much as they hated the decks that are gone. Every fucking thread is >turn 6 bahamut/dread combo >bullshit Oz combo >midshadow cheesing lethal with Eachtar/Aisha along with the occasional bitching at temple/aegis haven whenever /svg/ happens to remember how good it's doing. Look through these last several threads, does it really look like people are somehow having more fun to you? No, they're not, because people are always going to hate whatever's on top if they don't like playing it themselves, and the only way to ever fix that is to put more varied playstyles on top so more people can be happy, which rotation sure as fuck didn't do.
James Richardson
>losing to 4 hp do nothing follower as shadow Just git gut, you you're supposed to have more than 6 damage on board every fucking turn, spread over multiple bodies, + fuckton of cheap removal.
Jacob Wilson
Daria, midshadow, dirt rune and ramp dragon all rule rotation my dude. You saying people like those decks?
Ryder Carter
>tfw banishing magic mordecai wtf i love portal now
Ryan Robinson
I don't play broken decks. I'm having more fun with my reanimate khawy deck.
Jaxon Sanders
About as much as people like Blood and roach sure.
Aaron Jackson
So much fun. yes i lost to nemesis, don't bully
Jace Watson
>doesn't heal >can't be cast for 1 mana It's shit.
Jaxson Cruz
>it's a dshitter tries to shill his format episode
Michael Price
You either go through rune hell or dragon hell in rotation these days. It's fucking disgusting.
Isaac Thomas
What is that card called?
Eli Jones
>can't be cast for 1pp You recover 2pp if in vengeance, so net cost is 1.
Brody Taylor
I wish we had fun stuff like hearthstone
Luke Fisher
Ryan Lee
muh net cost is a bullshit meme You can't play Belphegor into Brand on 5, for an example. This also makes the card virtually impossible to use for healing until turn 7, and even then you'd need a fucking evo point saved.
Connor Gray
Just play treasure map)))) thank you.
Julian Morales
Dylan Richardson
I am so fucking tired of rush in rotations.
Gavin Moore
>be me >unlimited blood mirror >for some reason assume it's aggro blood too >he drops spiderweb imp which i remove with snarling chains and a bat >ok, aggro blood uses spiderweb too sometimes >it uses revelation on turn 4 fug, what a broken card also yet another fucking bmer when he has a big deck advantage, i did the right decision when i turned off emotions and refuse to greet people
Jackson Cox
>ascenso de rango ai yai yai
Jack Davis
Happy Pig is a true MVP. I would be dead as shit if it wasn't for his evolve.
Liam White
Connor Jackson
When did he say you could?
Daniel Perez
No, you would be at 1 hp.
Ryder Cox
pretty sure the pig is a girl
Brody Russell
>play eidolon in unranked >dshifter shifts into turn 9, 23 damage giant chimera >have a board of 0/6 eidolons to protect my ass >a barong survives for exact lethal Can I even expect a bigger pleasure from this game after this?
Master haven player here. Stop being a retard and put in 1-2x Naoise. Wins the Aegis matchup, and helps against forest, dragon and any classes running bahamut/large neutrals.
Austin Parker
Sebastian Robinson
>returned after a break >a chest event have just ended >no other event for likely months >they made it so to reach master from aa0 takes twice as long (master is only master if it's master in the both both modes)
why even play
Hunter Adams
>not playing only a single format and defending it to death by shitposting on /svg/
Ian Wilson
because rotation is fun
Brayden King
Gabriel Richardson
There are winstreak bonus if your rank is higher on a format. Getting Master in Unlimited once you are already Master in Rotation should be significantly easier.
Christopher Green
that's what i am doing though, it's just that i will have to play the other after i reach master in unlimited, the shit is annoying af meantime those who played pre split got a free ride
>winstreak bonus doesn't increase after each game T-thanks I g-guess
Brandon Thompson
i know that but it's pretty much mean you still have to play ok, say 1.7 times more than you had to pre-split
Brody Butler
Congratulations, Van. Fuiste vos el que shilleó la página el otro día acá, no?
Connor Taylor
>he wasn't already at Master
Thomas Hughes
>9pp Pass Uh, Luna, are you sure you don't want to play more things for me to kill while advancing further onto board myself?
Total mompost but screw midshadow. Feels good actually keeping them off the board.
Nicholas Clark
Que va, yo no fuí
Adam Phillips
do you think these sluts would be less smug if i stuck my dick in their mouths
Luke Bennett
The smugness only increases the more you reveal your dick.
Grayson Barnes
>they see your dick
Juan Reyes
Is there anything cuter in this world then Arisa?
Evan Hughes
Jason Torres
erica doesn't look smug there also why do you look at sex as an act of violence, it's kind of troubling imo surely they would be happy to take your dick in their mouths assuming they like you and are sex positive, it shouldn't be seen as a violent or a shameful action
Michael Perez
Go away, Roach.
Luis Flores
>medusa, bampy, bellringer, nep, etc.
Hudson Foster
Nep is not cute, she's sexy, faggot.
Xavier Roberts
>bampy no
Xavier Lopez
Adam Bell
Luke Perez
Yeah, Vampy's not cute, but she is sexy. I want a smug Vampy doujin drawn by 774.
Austin Hernandez
>Is there anything cuter in this world then Arisa? Anything