/vn/ - Nice Rear Edition

Visual Novel General #1808

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Read the wiki below
4. Google it

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This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
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>reminder that SukiSuki is never coming out in English

That rear isn't playing fair

I want a Chuuni Loli!

Read Libra then.

Trying to get back into Galaxy Angel after a long time, but it slows down to a crawl on Windows 7, be it on full screen or windowed. Does anyone have any idea what's wrong with it?

I want her to rape me

Reminder to love your parents

mayo is just oil and egg dude, you can easily make an omelet or pancake mixing it with real eggs. it won't be traditional sunny side up, and it'd be greasy as fuck, but it'd be tasty.

Slows down during transitions and nothing else, that's what I meant.

Are there any ass-themed nukige?



Rest assured.

Name ONE thing better than Chuuni Lolis.

See, I think it could be fixed with Cheat Engine as well, like Utawarerumono, but maybe not. Sounds easier to try CE first, though.

Chuuni lolibabas


You're an animal, you know that?

Oyakodon with Arthur!

Like this little miláčku?

I had already followed that before, but I overlooked the "USE_MEDIA_TIMER". It's a lot better right now, thanks. It's still not at 100%, but I'll end up just setting up an XP VM if it bothers me too much.

>Cheat Engine
I will look into it.

Wrong case, buddy.




>implying you speak Czech
Okay miláček.

Reminder that mayo is liquid cancer

>implying I'm not Czech
Get fucked Pepo.

>Leyline 2 and 3 only


japanese folks sure do like mayo
i think it's alright in a thin layer on a sandwich but goddamn

After a quick google. Apparently if you click off the window and on to something else (like the desktop or taskbar) so it isn't the current active window during the transition it should go full speed. You just sadly have to do it every time.

I also found out about that. It's really weird how the CPU usage drops from 100% if you do that.

Japanese mayo is different too. How so, I don't know but it is apparently nothing like standard mayo.

>find a vn that has an oneesan teacher heroine
>"Not a virgin"
fucking japs i swear


more eggs, less egg whites, rice vinegar and msg

>he's Czech
Help me draft my marriage proposal for Fuhito then, kamarád.


Czech sounds kinda like my language, but it looks retarded to write. Seems to have similar cases too.

fucking when?

Why did people translate this and unleash unholy amounts of autism unto these generals? It was shit anyways.

It's a Slavic language, of course it sounds like any other slavic language. Just like how English and Dutch sound incredibly similar (they're both West Germanic languages)

pretty sure most of it in recent times is ironic shitposting hunting (You)s.


Chuuni Drinking Vampire Lolis.

How are them Sunrider games?


Get this EVN shit out of here.
Mila Fuhito, mas oni jako studanky - jen do nich nachcat.
West slavic doesn't have cyrillic.

This is not an official art

First 2 are ok, Last one was a big letdown

Only good loli is a dead loli. Same goes for lolicons.


yeah, czech sounds nothing like russian, same as how slovak sounds nothing like croatian, same as how polish sounds nothing like slovenian. i bet you'd be saying the same stupid shit if you were comparing romance languages, but even your pathetic, pea-sized brain has had it beaten in already that they are very different languages, so you start being a retard towards other languages instead.


And that's why it looks like shit. Look at what you wrote, nigga it looks like garbage with shitty Latin letters.

>Slavs in MY /vn/

>He wants to kill little girs.
user, what's wrong with you?


persona 4 is my favorite vn now

You know all women were once lolis, right?
I didn't use letter accents, because I don't use Czech keyboard. Otherwise it would look much better.

I bet you're slav yourself

Why do Japs have special names for these Three Romance characters? Why not just say Xin Zhao or whatever the fuck.

That sounds fucking kinky.


Because these chink names are hard to remember and hard to spoke.

Cousin. It’s time to go bowling.

I hate the accent shit. Look at how better and memesterish this looks: Яжтe ми кypa, чepнилки. It means something special.

Russian is an East Slavic language whereas Czech is a West Slavic language. What are you attempting to convey?

Grisaia no Rakuen
Wait what, if Kazuki a computer program,
how did she physically alter the scene of the crash. Amene's route requires a flesh and body Kazuki, right?

It's their reading of the kanji characters.

I tried playing persona 3 and it just felt like a half assed rpg duct taped to a half assed VN. Good music though.

how long is the common route in Tsuijdou?

czechs is shit
half the country is gypsies

keep reading

For the same reason Chinese languages/dialects pronounce them differently, you absolute retard.

A Suka Blyat to you too, friend.

Whenever I see this foot, I open the reply window and post

feet VNs when

I don't speak filthy gook, so I wouldn't know or care about that "language".


especially when the feet have nicely manicured and painted nails

why do artists forsake drawing nice feet.

Have you ever tried to draw a foot? It's hard!

Begone, footfags. Femdom-loving cucks.

Hands and feet are hard. If you really pay attention artists tend to go out of their way to just completely avoid drawing and modeling them via gloves, holding something blocking the view etc.


>those thighs
God almighty...

I find it racist and offensive that there's not enough diversity in these games! There must be at least 1 afro-american and 1 transgender heroine PER game! Bigots will be ignored.

I would give anything, literally anything, to have this as my gf

There's a difference between 1.) people whose primary interest is being humiliated or dominated by a woman and like feet because they think it accomplishes that, and 2.) people who like feet as feet. The second group doesn't necessarily like femdom at all.

especially getting all the details in to make it look real, but soft and feminine as well. always so disappointing seeing half-assed feet, flat with no shading, like they don't even matter

oooo koorva

Кypвa is better. But Maйкa ти is the best.

Use this.


maybe for amateurs. A lot of chuuni shit focuses specifically on hands

This is /slav/ general now.

Liking feet>thinking about getting footjobs, which is femdom at that point

How are you coping with knowing that Asuza is never ever?

I have a foot fetish and don't associate feet or footjobs with humiliation or domination. Femdom turns me off.

Don't actually do this it makes your father bully you

I hated P3 and liked P4 and P5. People who love P3 tend to be hipsters that hate P4 and P5 and play the Shin Megami Tensei on their superior 800x240 + 320x240 3DS screens.