/wowg/ - World of Warcraft general

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>still playing wow in 2018

Post your face when you realise that there's a 9 month content drought incoming

We are all that stands between the Legion and annihilation.

I am okay with it because I leave for long periods. I haven't played since argus got added and I get to curb my altaholism for a while with the new leveling.





What are you guys gonna level to try out the new scaling stuff?

I'm trying to decide between a nelf hunter, because I usually don't do most of their areas, or a gnome/dorf mage because I haven't touched dun morogh/loch modan in what feels like a decade.

ya ok kid you killed kiljaeden but what about sargeras

ya ok kid you killed sargeras but what about the old gods

ya ok kid you killed the old gods but what about the VOID LORDS

This but replace panda with gnome


uhm a lightforged draenei prot paladin obviously when the patch drops tomorrow

played this game since TBC and have never gotten beta access

this is the year la

I don't mind much. Doing everything in the beta just makes the boredom faster.

New thread, old lorefag question

So if Sylvanas doesnt need to eat, do you think she does anyways?

People only cared about betas in the past because people used them to see the fasted/most efficient ways to level fastest to get realm first

now that they are gone (and that's a very good thing) you shouldn't give a fucking shit

Undead like Nathanos and Sylvanas have working blood and body systems. Undead like the regular forsaken don't.

iirc she was eating in the warcrimes book but i'm not 100% sure. that fucking gif source lmao

Nightborne mage like every other casual

Why do people think the new races are tomorrow?

Because they are brain-dead mouthbreathing retards who never read patch notes

EVERY single time there is an upcoming patch the forums are flooded with threads from retards with the iq of 60 who are unable to look at the front page of the official website

I never got the guild name until I rewatched the cinematic


Benched on mythic aggramar cause ele shamans are shit and guild has a 30 man roster.

Fuck this game.

do you erp? :3

dorf warrior

- Moon Guard (US - Alliance)


is 930 ilvl not enough for a +14? just ruined a DHT run as blood dk
dont know what I did wrong (won't say I'm a good tank but I'm definitely not a mouthbreathing retard).
group had 2 melee dps and a druid healer
of course they didnt tell me what I was doing wrong, just calling me shit


>go do my 0 score turn in for fox mount
>accidentally click the crystal to teleport out instead of finishing my run to open the chest

400 ancient mana down the drain

god i want to pleasure her horsecock and swallow ever last drop of mommies cum

Space Goats ruined WoW.


>Doing brawlers guild
>DH Bloodelf dies to the fucking RANK 1 FIRST BOSS Oso, as he prepares to fire, he just stands in the line of fire, not moving or doing anything
>Gets 1 shot

You can't fucking make this shit up

>same image used third time in a row
>no one is reporting it or even questioning it
This general really is one big dumpster fire now. May as well let draeneifag win if people are this stupid.

I saw someone die to the manatee earlier today. And saw someone trying to flight nibbleh 5 times in a row without moving.

pajeet is raging look at this

>guy in trade goes "I need a plate wearer below 880 ilvl to meet me in grommash hold"
>ask why
>"that's part of the mystery"
>go there on my alt warrior 878 ilvl
>he inspects me
>hands me 5k gold

>use goblin glider

alright u got the void lords
but how will you defeat
>Pirate Swashbuckler

Hey everyone,

I'll be finally getting a decent computer this year and I really really wanna play WoW. Always wanted to when I was a kid but never had a PC.

I know a lot of people bitch about WoW, but I've noticed that many of those are veterans. Do the problems still apply to newbies? I assume it'd still be a good experience for a new player.


Don't you have a camel mount to chase, pissturd

I guess he was bored.


what? think you've got a braindamage from caring this much


What are they talking about?

lmaoing @ your sad little life, pissrag
go back to eating shit out of the toilet, you 300 pound antisocial lard



You'll experience less social aspects and easy loots.

literal retard

I'm a recent new player, and while it's been fun I was disappointed at how quickly you rip through zones with the current leveling balance. Now that I'm 100+ the leveling feels more like it should be

you just know

Sad state of affairs when all that pissturd can come up with is "retard"
But that's okay, maybe your mother will drive you to McDonald's and get you the happy kid's meal. And then you can post your kid's toy on /wowg/ and shout "THERE IT IS THERE IT FUCKING IS OH MY GOD".

This PoV.

i have literally no idea what you are on about except that you are a complete tard

Who was in the wrong here?

Whatever makes you sleep at night in your racecar bed, pissturd.


Can human women suck tauren cock from a standing position?

they can kiss the tip

>the sad story of pissturd/draeneifag

Oh look you are still obsessed


Why move elves?

you are so retarded and confused lmao

>h-haha, you're obsessed, n-now stop posting

this is just him posting about himself again

because not everyone is autistic about elves

you are beyond retarded
but go on

That's actually kind've a bummer. I'm looking for a social experience and a world to lose myself in. I don't really care about "muh epic loots" or being completely optimal for the end game etc etc etc.

Also slightly disappointing. Maybe WoW classic is more what I'm looking for whenever that comes around.


Lorewise Tauren are a lot bigger than they are currently in-game

Whatever you say, pissrag.

>looking for a social experience
Friendship and bonding is weak shit.

I fucking did this. Thank god it was empty at the time.

>lmao what fucking shotgun?

go on show your obsession collection



>your character will be scaled to player level 80
Lol... Shouldnt the enemies scale to 110?

i'm just lmaoing now i have no idea what the fuck you are even doing now


Just as worse as Draenei.

Serious question: What is the purpose of Guilds right now?

Because the way that I see it they are only used for mythic raiding and that's it

HC can be cleared in pugs so what's the purpose of guilds at the moment? Because right now I see no reason to even be in one unless you do mythic raiding


Guild Achievement and Bank.


damn i didnt know pesado was such a loser I used to respect him

Is Survival hunter fun or good?

The occasional conversation while you're out and about. I try and find guilds with members who are extremely knowledgeable of the game, that way I can get little tidbits of info that I otherwise wouldn't have known

just enough time to level 1-110 with the new and "improved" leveling system


I think it's fun but it seems meh in strength vs ease.

>raid time mon tue wed
>bunch of ally are always camping hope's landing for people going to raid
>guildy get ganked
>go to general chat on the vindicaar and say "EVERYONE PORT TO HOPE'S LANDING, WIPE THE ALLY"
>like 10 people port in
>wipe the ally

so satisfying

Plenty of time to get all of the mage tower appearances

im playing overwatch rn but im glad you are obssesed with me
hope you are a girl irl it doesnt matter how you look we would help each other out and become like brad pitt and angelina jolie

If you like playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.

I think most people are completely oblivious to what awaits this game now until BFA launch

It's going to be the end of Cata/MoP/WoD all over again

when does gear start looking good?

currently level 30 and everything is blurry and shitty looking