Fate/Grand Order General - /fgog/

Previous: Da Vinci and the Seven Fake Heroic Spirit: Lite version
>Event starts 10th Jan and ends 20th Jan
13-14 Jan: Da Vinci
15-16 Jan: Jeanne Alter/Da Vinci
17-18 Jan: Jeanne Alter
19-20 Jan: Da Vinci
21-22 Jan: Jeanne Alter/Da Vinci
23-24 Jan: Jeanne Alter
Shinjuku costume will be made available

New Year Rateup

Kintoki animation update confirmed.

Setsubun event late January, no new servants, cannot use supports and cannot use servants repeatedly.

Survey, if you complete it you get 3 tickets: news.fate-go.jp/2018/questionnaire_3rd/

New Year Paid Gacha

January 2018 Monthly Mats
>Octuplet Twin Crystals
>Unlucky Bone
>Yggdrasil Seed

>Part 2 prologue


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Servant/CE list and datamine

Other urls found in this thread:


Medb thread.

Sita when

Lavi when

Seifuku thread.

Lavi when

Reminder that he kills without mercy for (you).

Best boy.

>boasts about CP
>sticks to 2D
I don't know whether to be glad or disappointed that you aren't upping your game.

Fuck off already faggot

Bully the Sushi!

This dude when

post horta smoking pls

The cutest

Why does Fate have so many excellent boys?

I can already tell this is going to be one of those threads.

It's tragic when the gays are the best thing we have going for us right now.

Its time?

I hate it when doujins have these disgusting veiny penises


It's time


Smoking is bad for you

I love my cute mud Terminator

Until he randomly goes allahu akbar on you in the middle of the night for the polar bears

He is if you want him to be.

>start a gay thread for DUDE shitposting
>it turns out to be a great thread for 80% of it

Every thread until release

I-I wanted to summon the Helenafags. How this happened?

Jannu is not smoking.

what the fuck are those eyes

Just accept it. This is better anyway.

>If you want him to be

What if they released him in the upcoming event?

Thread theme :



That's a goddamn imposter.

That's the mud that's confirmed male though.

you sure?

Yes, it's time.

maybe it was his posture

So we're not getting a gacha with the next event, but does that stop them from doing a related gacha before the next event?

Have a Helena for your troubles

I love Helena, but yes. I'm sure.


I always see people talking about how Kingu got destroyed by Quetz but I don't remember that all.

The summaries don't say either way who was winning that fight. Quetz just threw the axe and didn't have any more reason to fight. Kingu ran off after Gorgon and then fights us.

>This isn't the final ascension art

We're getting a gacha you mongoloid.
It just isn't going to have anyone new.

We were called to save the thread first.

>Enkidu fucked a prostitute for 6 days while standing up

Alter Ego Kingu when? Breast Tiamat when?

I missed out on Enkidu and all the polar bear business. I'm lost. Please fill me in, user-kun.

However it went Quetzalcoatl still had enough time to pick up and throw a gigantic axe in the middle of their fight.

>Buster NP alter ego with QQQAB deck
Rip his memelist score

He asked CasGil to go outside Chaldea to take a break and search for polar bears together
Except Chaldea is located in the South Pole

Macaws are mean as hell.


Do you have the rest of these image by any chance? Particularly the Babbage one?

>breast Tiamat
But she's already the bustiest and the only one who got through mats with her ass intact.

>So we're not getting a gacha with the next event

The news says "there are no new Servants" released in this event. Where exactly did this "there is no gacha" thing start and how do you people manage to keep repeating it? Half a second of critical thinking on the fact that there's a fucking CE illustration should let you arrive at "the servants in the banner graphic will get a rateup."

Even if you can't read the fucking news this should be bloody obvious.

He just really wants to see polar bears

>they didn't bother to use Google and check if Polar bears lived in the South pole.
All of the Sumerians are brainlets and I love it.

Sita next for Valentine's Day
Aggy for Saber Wars II
Muramasa for White Day
Jason never because fuck him and fuck greek servants

Or Enkidu was pretending to be retarded to get Gil to play with him.

CasGil knows. It was him who stopped Enkidu to go for an impossible retarded quest

Tbf, this means about as much as why any servant has enough time to use an NP against another servant. Or any attack really.

Quetz took the axe and Kingu dodged it. Then mocked her like a moron, not realizing she wasn't aiming at him in the first place.


Which one is the truth?

>Sita next for Valentine's Day
>Releasing a servant not for (you) in waifu event.
I wouldn't be surprised desu.


Would it really take them that long to get to the North Pole?

Why is Achilles enamored with Atalanta

It's more like Enkidu was pretending. He is a huge PETAfag. There is no way he wouldn't know
Also, he has presence detection, he should be able to tell if there are polar bears around him or not

Wrong thread fucker

fuck off


He literally made her his fanfic waifu after hearing stories from his father.

Isn't Achilles an Argoslut?

Either way, he's weak to women in general. Duel Field doesn't even affect them because of Pent.



I noticed Hokusai wears some really big shoes. Could she be a womanlet?


>He is a huge PETAfag
Noe that you bring that up, it reminds of a unrelated question. If Enkidu prefers nature over humanity what brought him to kill his friend Huwawa? Was it because Gilgamesh demanded he help him? Poor mud even gives you her flower after maxing out his bond.

She was one of his big idols when growing up because of the stories his dad told about her.

I want to bully this sushi

>Was it because Gilgamesh demanded he help him?
Pretty much

>korean server will finish solomon by the end of this year
Either they're fucking out of their mind or koreans are absolutely rich robots with a lot of time on their hands

Why was Enkidu tied up in Medb's castle?

>what are korean mmos
Gooks LIVE for the grind.

I know this isn't /alter/ but they lucked out by not getting releases this quickly

What a nerd

Cus he's cray mane

They maxed Herc bond after like 1 or 2 months, I expect nothing less

>Meanwhile NA get their content late
Can't make this shit up

rama is so smol

Both really, Koreans are hardcore farmers.


They're 2 weeks ahead

It literally went like this
>Medb saw Enkidu
>Put him in jail
Yeah, even Enkidu didn't understand what the fuck happened

Because she was being 100% reasonable and restraining a murderous lunatic.